Author Topic: Baggage Loaders drive right by the plane - do not load luggage?  (Read 1237 times)


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Baggage Loaders drive right by the plane - do not load luggage?
« on: October 15, 2022, 07:59:52 pm »
Hi Umberto-
See subject line - this happens during 'boarding' at payware as well as KSFO (San Francisco International) with GSX Pro.  In addition, only 1/2 of the passengers board, then action simply stops, no more passengers and luggage handling also stops.  At that point, I have to reset position, and then go for pushback.

Next suggestion:  Can we please have a way to check for updates and "know" what the latest/greatest/most-current version of GSX is and also what version we have installed on our system?  At present it is a huge guessing game, a lot of time trying any of 3 different installer/updaters.  Politely, this is counter-intuitive and a frequent loop of uninstall/reinstall trying to make GSX work as expected.  Recognizing also that Asobo is creating a moving floor by issuing SU's which 'break' things that used to work fine, I appreciate your tasks are not simple by any stretch.

Hoping to hear a way we can 1-know when a new update for GSX is available and 2-know that we have successfully updated our version of GSX to the 'newest' version available and 3-know the very best and most reliable method to update properly.  I read your comment that one method was not pulling replacement code off your servers, of course that is a problem I want to avoid every time!

Appreciate your kind guidance and assistance, Umberto.  Thank you.


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Re: Baggage Loaders drive right by the plane - do not load luggage?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2022, 03:15:36 pm »
See subject line - this happens during 'boarding' at payware as well as KSFO (San Francisco International) with GSX Pro.

Please provide precise, exact reproduction steps, like the airplane used, the gate used, and the precise, exact, sequence of operations in GSX.

In addition, only 1/2 of the passengers board, then action simply stops, no more passengers and luggage handling also stops.  At that point, I have to reset position, and then go for pushback.

Please indicate what other add-ons you are using. There seems to be cases in which Simconnect simply stops responding to us, and this will stop the whole process.

Can we please have a way to check for updates and "know" what the latest/greatest/most-current version of GSX is and also what version we have installed on our system?  At present it is a huge guessing game, a lot of time trying any of 3 different installer/updaters.  Politely, this is counter-intuitive and a frequent loop of uninstall/reinstall trying to make GSX work as expected.

First, there aren't "3 different installer/updaters". There's only ONE installer/updater, it's exactly the same program ( same .exe ) which changes its user interface depending how is called from the Desktop shortcuts.

- Calling it from the Live Update icon will update *every* FSDT product without any manual intervention, and will not do anything else other than that.

- Calling it from the Installer icon will let you decide what to check for Updates and do other things, like reading the manual or managing the activation.

But it's the SAME program and, starting it from the "Live Update" icon if functionally equivalent as pressing the "Update ALL" button when it's started from the "Installer" icon. It's the same .exe and the code that runs is exactly the same, just with a minimal interface for the updater.

Then, there's ONE Offline installer, and the Offline installer should only be used if you suspect you might have issues downloading the updates, which was a problem in the initial days after the first release, but shouldn't be a problem anymore right now.

And how do you KNOW you might need the Offline installer ?

As clearly explained in the Offline installer Sticky thread, you know you might require the Offline installer if you see the SAME files downloaded over and over, but they are NOT the ones that are SUPPOSED to be always download, which are the Airport Services, the Jetway replacements and the GSX custom profiles for FSDT airports. If you launch the Live Update and you see files OTHER than these two always being redownloaded, even if you just updated, THAT's the only case in which you will need to use the Offline installer.

And as explained, so many times already, showing a version number might let you assume you have the "latest version" but, it's just impossible to be sure you REALLY have the "latest version", unless each file is checked, one by one, to be the latest one and, in case it isn't, try to download it again. Which, incidentally, it's exactly how the updater works, so you don't have to even wonder what the latest version is but, instead, just see if the updater is downloading something.

If it's not downloading anything ( other than the files that are SUPPOSED to be downloaded all the time ), they you DO have the latest version, no questions about it and, not only that, you are *sure* each and every file DOES belong to the latest version, a certainty you would have if we displayed a version number based on some specific key files, which is what most installers do, meaning you can't be sure of having the latest version of everything, because not "everything" is checked or redownloaded if missing/wrong.