Author Topic: Justsim airports AFCAD  (Read 1441 times)


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Justsim airports AFCAD
« on: October 13, 2022, 12:49:45 pm »
I have two justsim airports EBBR and LFSB bought from marketplace for steam version of MSFS. Both of them are in steam folder. However, GSX does not recognise these AFCADs and use default AFCAD for parking as well as for gates. I had read previous posts regarding third party airports bought of marketplace and possible solution. I requested simple bgl file to justsim but haven't received any response form them.  Is there any alternative option, I can try to get these airports recognised by GSX?

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Re: Justsim airports AFCAD
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2022, 01:19:25 pm »
It's entirely normal GSX couldn't read encrypted airport files bought on the Marketplace so, at this time, the only solution is ask the original developer to provide you with a drm-free version of just the airport file.

However, we'll shortly release a first version of the new major update to GSX that will use the new Navdata API introduced in the SDK with SU10, which will remove the need to read the airport file, so GSX will get the airport data directly from Simconnect, making it compatible with airports bought on the Marketplace without any changes.

The update is under testing, so it won't be long before it will be released.


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Re: Justsim airports AFCAD
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2022, 01:40:15 am »
Hi Thanks  for SU10 API update. It solved issue with justsim EBBR after I added line of airport_visibility_ebmb = 0
however, even after SU10 API update on, it does not recognise justsim LFSB afcad. Sceneray gate numbers and GSX gate number are totally different.

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Re: Justsim airports AFCAD
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2022, 08:35:42 am »
however, even after SU10 API update on, it does not recognise justsim LFSB afcad. Sceneray gate numbers and GSX gate number are totally different.

When the SU10 Navdata is Enabled, GSX doesn't know anything about the actual scenery .BGL file, where it's located, etc. It simply asks Simconnect to provide the airport data it has for a given ICAO code, and that's it.

So, the first thing to check is to verify GSX at least has recognized you ARE at LFSB and not, for example, an auxiliary airport with a fake ICAO code, similar as the EBMB case for EBBR. You can check this by enabling logging in GSX and looking at the Couatl.log when you are parked there.

If the ICAO is not LFSB, just add another visibility command for that other ICAO, same as in EBBR.

If the ICAO IS LFSB, and the parking spots are wrong, it means they are already wrong at the simulator level, that is another scenery is in conflict, of the add-on scenery failed to replace the default scenery for some reason, but GSX can't do anything about that.

Note that, while when the Navdata API is Disabled, GSX was already automatically excluding ITS OWN Jetway replacement files to be searched, when the Navdata API is Enabled ( so GSX is not searching airports files anymore ), it's more important than ever to DISABLE 3rd party airports from GSX jetway replacements, otherwise the will cause a parking names/numbers/position conflict in the sim, which will then propagate back to GSX.