I don't know what you are trying to say with "back to normal, please", as if this was a new issue or a new bug.
GSX always had pilots and crew boarding separately, and that's because initially it only allowed the AIRPLANE code in 3rd party airplanes to control this, since several 3rd party airplanes have separate entries for the pilots and crew, both controlling how many of them and if they should board/deboard or not.
Lots of users asked for the ability to DECIDE themselves if they want to Deboard the Crew, so we added it as a separate menu, allowing users for the maximum flexibility, that is choosing between "Nobody", "Crew", "Pilots", "Both".
Likewise, passengers do not automatically board after the crew. Here, too, you should be able to call up the passengers separately via the menu.
Since we already confirmed multiple times the Crew/Pilot selection question will be added to Boarding as well, by selecting "Boarding" and then "Nobody" to the Crew/Pilot selection question, you WILL effectively calling up Passengers "separately".