Hi Umberto,
Thank you for your quick response.
Did you start the flight "cold & dark"? When I start it that way the message "
You need to set parking brakes to request ground services" pops-up.
Here is what I did in detail:
1. There was no folder for Heawind at C:\Users\anton\AppData\Roaming\virtuali\Airplanes
2. My rig includes Thrustmaster Thrustmaster TCA Captain Pack Airbus Edition with the parking brake set.
3. Started a flight at LIRF gate 609 with Headwind A330-900 G-VTOM "Cold and Dark" and the above message pops-up.
4. Started a flight at LIRF runway 16R, which is engines on, no message, GSX Menu, open Configure Airplane, change nothing and exit the editor
5. A folder for Headwind A330 was created at C:\Users\anton\AppData\Roaming\virtuali\Airplanes with a file gsx.cfg in it.
6. The file gsx.cfg starts with:
icaotype =
parkingbrakestest =
nosegear = 16.23
7. Done step 3. again and the above message is still there so no GSX menu.

Thank you.