Author Topic: About the overall GSX parking position  (Read 5937 times)


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About the overall GSX parking position
« on: October 09, 2022, 01:05:25 pm »
Compared to the default parking position of MSFS, the position of GSX, which does not have individual settings, is generally closer to the rear.
Is there any way to offset the overall GSX parking position forward without individual settings?


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2022, 01:10:21 pm »
A GSX Parking position that hasn't been customized is just the same as the MSFS parking position, just that GSX will always place the center of the aircraft in the center of the parking.

We highly encourage to use the much better GSX Customized STOP position instead, which will much better across a various range of airplanes, since it give preference to the Preferred Exit, so place it in a predictable position, which is way more precise, especially if there's a Jetway, because it ease up the jetway solving with different airplane types.


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2022, 02:07:55 pm »
I ask because they are not exactly the same.
When I specify the gate at all airports and press the Fly button, the parking position is correct, but when I reset the position in GSX, it drops backwards.
So what you are saying is incorrect.

The picture of verification is my first airport without add-ons.
We also used the default aircraft.
In FS I am in the correct position.
Repositioned at GSX it is positioned much further back.
Without the settings you have to run over the marshaller to get it to stop in the correct position.

You say they are the same, but why do they move backwards when I reset the position?
Is it just my environment?
If so, is there any way to deal with it?
Without using customized stops.


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2022, 04:28:32 pm »
I uninstalled GSX, erased APPDATA, reinstalled it and verified further.

I noticed that with larger aircraft, when repositioned, it is not very far back.

So am I correct in saying that the parking is only aligned with the perfect center of the aircraft, and that the larger parking will be aft due to the short distance from the center to the front wheels on an aircraft like the A320?

Is it correct to say that FS takes into account the front wheel position in the extraction, but that GSX will make all medium and small aircraft in large parking closer to the rear unless the stopping position is customized?

In your earlier answer you said they are exactly the same.............


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2022, 07:48:41 pm »
I can confirm that the stopping position with default GSX behavior (with no customization) is different than the spawning position by MSFS.

Because of this I generally need to disregard the GSX marshaller when parking since it just makes you stop too far back every single time (Fenix A320).
I wish GSX would adjust the default position based on the aircraft - so if it is aware of the size of the parking spot (from BGL) and the size of the aircraft (or maybe a manual offset in the aircraft config), it should be possible to come up with a much better default stopping position without customization.


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2022, 10:41:34 am »
I ask because they are not exactly the same. When I specify the gate at all airports and press the Fly button, the parking position is correct, but when I reset the position in GSX, it drops backwards. So what you are saying is incorrect.

What I said IS correct, because I never said the *Airplane* will END UP in the same position AS IF you were using the default MSFS positioning when using GSX instead of the default MSFS positioning.

I said the GSX Parking Position IS the same as the MSFS one ( it obviously is, since it's taken from the .BGL data ), and GSX will park with the airplane center in the center of the parking, which is NOT the same thing, because the MSFS default logic is to place the airplane front Gear at the end of the parking yellow stop line, which is wrong as well, since different airplane types are not supposed to have their gear always in the same place.

GSX uses the SAME DATA, but with a different logic, so the end result won't be the same, even if the data is.

The problem with MSFS positioning is that it results with smaller airplanes ending up way too far forward than they should be, making the jetway less likely to work, when in real life when there are multiple Stop positions based on airplane types, smaller planes like A320/737s have their Stop position closer to the parking center, especially because the widebodies usually park way closer to the terminal, so they can use the 2nd door for the Jetway.

This is closer to how GSX parks the airplane when there's no Customization, because the smaller planes will automatically park closer to the parking center, just because they are smaller. OF COURSE is not "ideal", because the larger the parking radius is, the more the center is away from a "good" Jetway position but it's a least better than default and, since GSX DOES offer a much better alternative, that is using a customized STOP Position, it's not really an issue.

Yes, the .BGL file format has the ability to specify multiple stop positions but, they are not used very much and, even if we tried to use it, it will be very short-lived, since it's only available by reading the .BGL file directly, it's not provided through the new SU10 Navdata API, so it's best we won't even try to rely on it, since we'll stop reading .BGL files directly very soon.

The problem might be if a 3rd party scenery tweaked the parking position trying in some way to "fix" the default MSFS positioning, which will never really work for all airplane types, especially on parking spots that might be used by both small and large airplanes at the same time.

So, again, you should try to understand we are offering a way more precise and realistic alternative than the default logic, that is the custom STOP position based on the airplane EXIT instead of being based on the airplane GEAR. With the hundreds of existing GSX custom profiles that has been made in such a short time, this is not really an issue, provided the profile creators understand the need to always set the Stop position.


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2022, 06:14:37 pm »
So, again, you should try to understand we are offering a way more precise and realistic alternative than the default logic, that is the custom STOP position based on the airplane EXIT instead of being based on the airplane GEAR. With the hundreds of existing GSX custom profiles that has been made in such a short time, this is not really an issue, provided the profile creators understand the need to always set the Stop position.
You should try to understand though that Scenery creators will always place the positions in a way that MSFS logic-based spawns will place the aircraft in a position that allows jetways to work.

Please read my comment above, there certainly would be a way to account for different aircraft in GSX since currently the positioning of MSFS is usually better than what GSX does despite claiming to be "more precise and realistic" - it's not, at least with the Fenix.

What we see in the sim basically contradicts you since I usually have no issues with spawning location when loading via MSFS world map, while I basically always have an issue with the location I get directed to by the marshaller.
You can lengthily explain to me how much better your logic is, if the result is worse *for me*, it doesn't help me.


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2022, 06:22:54 pm »
You should try to understand though that Scenery creators will always place the positions in a way that MSFS logic-based spawns will place the aircraft in a position that allows jetways to work.

Are you trying to say I don't know what scenery developers usually do ? That's PRECISELY what I meant with:

The problem might be if a 3rd party scenery tweaked the parking position trying in some way to "fix" the default MSFS positioning, which will never really work for all airplane types, especially on parking spots that might be used by both small and large airplanes at the same time.

It's not as if we never made a scenery, and placing the parking center IS a mess, because if you optimize for AI, it won't work well for the user airplane ( or it will work with very few models ), but if you fix the jetway for the user airplane, AI usually park wrong, if not inside the terminal.

Please read my comment above, there certainly would be a way to account for different aircraft in GSX since currently the positioning of MSFS is usually better than what GSX does despite claiming to be "more precise and realistic" - it's not, at least with the Fenix.

Of course, you only have the Fenix or the PMDG now: we'll see all those parking spots placed to accommodate those planes how will break up, as soon the first wide-bodies, that might be configured to use the 2nd door for the Jetway, will came out.

The obvious and easier solution (rather change all these positions in .BGL files you have no control over) use a GSX Customized STOP position, which fixes the problem entirely, since it's based on the Preferred Exit, which IS a superior and more realistic solution than BOTH MSFS AND GSX *default* positioning, across a much wider range of airplanes.

Do it yourself, or download an existing profile, it's not as if they are difficult to find.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2022, 06:27:29 pm by virtuali »


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2022, 07:36:09 pm »
While I appreciate the answers.
This is happening for real.

The other AI planes are properly connected to the jetways. (And small A320's too)

But the jetway can't reach this position, can it?

What is more accurate?

Landing at the airport. If you are parked in a place like this, you feel bad, don't you?

What do other GSX users who see this forum think?
Don't you think that the position to park without GSX customized parking is too backward in an airport that you are visiting for the first time?


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2022, 11:24:48 am »
Don't you think that the position to park without GSX customized parking is too backward in an airport that you are visiting for the first time?

As I've said, that's usually happens with the larger bigger parking spot when used with the smaller airplanes, because there, the difference between using the center is bigger.

On smaller parking spots, which are usually more appropriate for A320-class planes, the GSX method, even when there's no customization, IS better and more realistic than the default, because it results in smaller planes being placed a bit backward compared to larger planes, as they should.

But that's besides the point.  The point is BOTH methods are not very precise or realistic, and one should use a customized STOP position in GSX, plain and simple.

There are hundreds of ready-made airport profiles and, even if profile creators are not all setting the Stop positions NOW,  when larger 3rd party airplanes like 777 or 747 will start to come out, the concept of having a different Preferred Exit that might not always be the 1st door and how massively affect the stop position will be more recognized so, nobody would ever want to use an airport without a proper GSX profile, at least if it's an airport with gates that can handle both small and large planes.


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2022, 06:01:57 pm »
Do it yourself, or download an existing profile, it's not as if they are difficult to find.
We're talking about stock behavior, not profiles. If this is broken at many parkings for the most currently used airliners, don't you think suggesting this is a bit unrealistic?

My suggestion could provide a fix for STOCK airports with STOCK GSX to at least don't have that bad placement we currently have:
I wish GSX would adjust the default position based on the aircraft - so if it is aware of the size of the parking spot (from BGL) and the size of the aircraft (or maybe a manual offset in the aircraft config), it should be possible to come up with a much better default stopping position without customization.
This should totally be doable and would make it possible to fix all stock parking spots without the need to always modify the stop position.


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Re: About the overall GSX parking position
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2022, 06:08:04 pm »
We already made a change for the next update, which will move the default parking position ahead by 1/3 of the parking radius.