Author Topic: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding  (Read 6634 times)


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Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« on: October 09, 2022, 12:04:36 am »
Hi, with the latest version I'm experiencing unwanted boarding and deboarding.
Sitting at the gate preparing my flight, it suddenly starts boarding.
Arriving at my destination, shutting off engines, it suddenly start deboarding (without even opening the doors, which it does when I call for deboarding myself).

What's causing this?
I have the assisted services unchecked.



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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2022, 01:01:07 pm »
Doesn't happen here and can't replicate it. 

Have you changed the GSX default hotkey perhaps ? The only possible reason I think of ( assuming you *do* have automatic servicing disabled ), is you set the GSX hotkey to a key that is assigned to something else, so GSX opens the menu and the next key you press is a number, triggering the option.

And, of course, it would be useful knowing which airplane you use, and if it happens with only that one, or all planes.


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2022, 03:27:56 pm »
This made me think.
Can it be that sometimes the GSX window, although not visible, isn‘t actually closed? This could explain why maybe my view change keys (e.g. Shift-2) triggert a GSX service.
Because I noticed rhat sometimes I get the little size-change-cursorarrows on the spot where the GSX window was even though it is closed/not visible.


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2022, 11:51:53 pm »
So I checked again, and it's not my view keys.
I've had this only in one specific Fenix airframe so far. When I load the flight at stand, call for the stairs, wait a couple of minutes (preparing stuff) and hit my GSX hotkey again to bring up the GSX window, it then starts the deboarding process and I have an infinite loading animation in the GSX window. Only way to get out of it is restarting couatl.

No idea what's going on there.


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2022, 11:04:44 am »
It's the same here.
Also you don't even need to use the hotkey, it's sufficient to bring up the GSX menu via the menu bar and it will happen as described by Stu.


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2022, 02:12:33 pm »
I'm also having this problem (or a very similar one, at least). I've verified hotkeys, and they are not changed. Often (But not all the time) when I hit ctrl-shift-f12 to open the GSX menu, it suddenly says "deboarding requested" and the menu icon spins. The only way to get out of this is to restart couatl. Any advice appreciated :)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2022, 04:46:23 pm by failcold »


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2022, 02:20:00 pm »
Hi there, hi Umberto,

normaly GSX is working fine for me. But recently I had the same behaviour of automatic DEboarding at DEPARTURE airport. It's reproducable on my side. So I tried different approaches to find out what the cause is.

I came to the conclusion that it is about the order you do things.

I'll explain exactly what I have done so you may be able to reproduce it:

Airport: LGTS (Thessaloniki by MXI Designs); used the (only) available GSX profile for that airport at
All this doesn't matter, since I can reproduce it on any airport, but I mention it just for the sake of completeness.

Aircraft: PMDG 737-800

Stand: 05; this is a stairs only position where passengers walk away - no busses

I think this is important, as it is more likely to happen with stairs than with a gateway.

- Spawned at the position, fired up my plane (external power etc.) and programmed my stuff.
- opened GSX menu and operated the stairs

This may be important too. I got the impression, that GSX doesn't 'like' the stairs or the gate called first / before the refueling. But in my logic, the first thing you need is some stairs to get inside the plane. Maybe you can lighten things up here, Umberto?

- after that, requested refueling and short after that the catering (so this happened together)

This is also an open question for me. Is it ok for GSX to have catering and fueling happening at the same time? It seems, that especially with the PMDG 737 there could be some issues doing it that way. Cause GSX is fiddling with the right hand side FMC and sometimes, I get the impression that two 'fiddles' get in each other's way. First sign to me, that something starts to go wrong is, when catering doesn't close the doors after leaving.

- after refueling and catering was done (vehicles gone), I hit my hotkey to open GSX menu again
- then suddenly, the DEboarding procedure began (I just hit the hotkey to open the menu, nothing else)
- the GSX menu opened and did get stuck in the infinite loading screen
- baggage unloading and passengers leaving my plane
- even after that was finished the GSX menu never loaded fully again

Tried some things:

- restarted Couatl engine
- did NOT request refueling and catering again (since I did that already)
- operated stairs again
- after stairs were connected, everything's good so far
- hitting my hotkey again to bring up the GSX menu (to start boarding)
- same again: DEboarding procedure starts with GSX menu staying in 'loading' screen

Also tried ending Couatl completely and starting it again. Trying the above procedure with the same results. Immediate DEboarding when hitting the hotkey.

Hope you can reproduce this behaviour.

PS: also for completeness. In general: If refueling is the first thing I do (before stairs or gate, before catering). Everything works fine.

Best wishes
« Last Edit: October 12, 2022, 02:27:45 pm by RogePete »


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2022, 07:52:02 pm »
I have this issue even without any previous services called. Open the GSX menu, deboarding is suddenly requested, icon is spinning endlessly.


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2022, 09:28:52 am »
I Have exactly the same issue, had to restart Cuatl , no Double hotkeys, if i operated stairs, the debording starts if i try to open GSX Menu, it happens only with Stairs only gates.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2022, 09:34:14 am by virtuali »


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2022, 10:32:39 am »
I'm having the same problem, open gsx menu and deboarding starts. It happens time to time.


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2022, 12:11:19 pm »
Made some further tests.
Mainly with a stairs only parking position GSX doesn't like the stairs to be called first.
Even when doing everything else in a decent order (refueling, wait until it's done, catering, wait until it's done), the deboarding begins as soon as I hit the hotkey to open the GSX panel (after the catering is gone) - at departure airport.


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2022, 01:05:05 pm »
I'll explain exactly what I have done so you may be able to reproduce it:

Airport: LGTS (Thessaloniki by MXI Designs); used the (only) available GSX profile for that airport at
All this doesn't matter, since I can reproduce it on any airport, but I mention it just for the sake of completeness.

Aircraft: PMDG 737-800

Stand: 05; this is a stairs only position where passengers walk away - no busses

I think this is important, as it is more likely to happen with stairs than with a gateway.

- Spawned at the position, fired up my plane (external power etc.) and programmed my stuff.
- opened GSX menu and operated the stairs

This may be important too. I got the impression, that GSX doesn't 'like' the stairs or the gate called first / before the refueling. But in my logic, the first thing you need is some stairs to get inside the plane. Maybe you can lighten things up here, Umberto?

- after that, requested refueling and short after that the catering (so this happened together)

I tried to follow your report as close as possible, but still can't reproduce it:


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2022, 03:47:53 pm »

I tried to follow your report as close as possible, but still can't reproduce it:

Thank you very much for you effort, Umberto. Strange. The only thing I did different than you was, I opened the passenger doors (manually), after the stairs were connected. But I don't think that this would make a difference. Hm...

In another post,  your wrote something about older GSX profiles (made before a specific GSX update - I think it has to do with the 737-800, can't remember exactly) which could cause issues when used now. Maybe this is the problem? But I assume you used the profile I mentioned. So I'm out of ideas right now...


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2022, 03:58:56 pm »
Hi Umberto
i tried to check when this issue appear, i tested also rapid change in a/c weight and CG the change the a/c height a little bit
didn't find any connection.
what i did find is something else is if i :
1. operate GSX ands immediate turning on  the GSX menu i get the access
2. if i operate GSX stairs , turning off gsx menu and do something else ( or do nothing) for a while and  then try to access the menu- then de boarding start and menu goes to the infinite loading, it also happening, what access via hot keys only , no double assign


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Re: Unwanted auto-boarding/deboarding
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2022, 03:27:24 pm »

same problem here.
When I am starting a flight C&D at the Gate with the Fenix A320, GSX instant starts deboarding.
I've to restart Coutal to stop it.