Author Topic: Cannot create firewall rule as it keeps installing to a different folder.  (Read 3935 times)


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Re: Cannot create firewall rule as it keeps installing to a different folder.
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2022, 06:28:26 pm »
That itself is SO far from reality that I see no common ground for further discussion.

Now, somebody that doesn't have anything to do with us, on a group I never posted on before, replied exactly as I initially had, saying the issue is the firewall that has been configured to be too restrictive for this usage case, should be dismissed ? Why you don't go there, posting HE'S wrong ?

And besides, you said Windows Defender with "restrictive rules" does that too. Could you please explain exactly what you changed, so I can at least try to reproduce it ?

The way you talk about your customers on the other board is kind of discouraging btw.

The only thing discouraging here, is trying to pass as fact the very usage of the %TEMP% folder is not "standard behavior", when in fact it's not just how of one of the most commonly used installers out there works but, in the 25 years it has been out, NOBODY even thought about the need to change it!

So much that, it can't even be changed, which means the supposedly "not standard behavior" is shared by each and every program out there made with INNO Setup. I'm not 100% sure about this, since it has been years since I used other installers, but I don't think it's uncommon for other installer products too.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2022, 06:33:44 pm by virtuali »


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I'm assuming that there is no solution here and if I read the thread here you are not willing to take care of it either because I have exactly the same problem as the thread creator. It's very annoying and the only program I have this problem with. The only solution is to disable the firewall every time I want to start the installer or live update.


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I read the thread here you are not willing to take care of it either because I have exactly the same problem as the thread creator.

Doesn't seem you read it entirely, because if you had, you would have know it's NOT something that has anything to do with our coding, it's the standard, universally accepted method of uncompressing an installer into a different temporary folder with a random name, using by most installation routines. It's INSIDE the installer itself, there's nothing we coded to achieve that!

Not only that, your comment about our supposed "unwillingness" of changing this, clashes with the fact I even posted my question to the Inno Setup support group, asking if it was possible to change this behavior. Of course, this has been objected as something rather bizarre, since each and every installer does that, and nobody ever questioned this so, even if we might be "willing" to do that, it's just not possible with the (completely standard and used by thousands) installer routine we use, that is Inno Setup.

It's very annoying and the only program I have this problem with.

Since it's fairly common practice for all installer, it must be something specific with your firewall, otherwise we would have the forum flooded with similar requests, instead of exactly 1 thread with exactly 3 people included you that posted it.

The only solution is to disable the firewall every time I want to start the installer or live update

I think the main problem here is using the *folder* as a discriminating factor to create a rule. Are you SURE your firewall is not allowing you to create a rule based on the filename instead, no matter where it's located ? If you could just make a rule for couatl_updater.tmp that would be trigger no matter that file really is, the ever changing folder won't be an issue anymore.