Author Topic: Help please: Where precisely do we copy unencrypted BGL files into GSX Pro?  (Read 1419 times)


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 ??? Hi Umberto, I got a pair of uncrypted BGL files from LatinVFR, but I need you to tell me where exactly in the file heirarchy do I copy them so GSX Pro can use them?

I presume it's in Users\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX... but where from there?  Sorry but it is not intuitive, there is no directory called 'unencrypted BGL files' or even GSX Profiles that I can see?  Thank you!

Here is the AFCAD BGL file I'm trying to paste into GSX Pro:
Note the filename that is attached to the post below is ft_klas_afcad.bgl
« Last Edit: October 10, 2022, 05:50:14 pm by rsm2000e »


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GSX Manual, Page 70, the chapter named "3rd party airports in the MS Marketplace":

Separate .BGL files for GSX use

To overcome this problem, GSX has the ability to load a separate .BGL that is completely separated from the simulator. This .BGL should be placed in the same folder used to store GSX custom .INI profiles:



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Yes, thanks, I found it in the manual just after I reached out to you :(  sorry!

By the way, my KLAS airport is NOT from LatinVFR, it is from FlyTampa.  I think I read that you are hoping the next release or update of GSX Pro will be independent of 'encrypted' BGL files and able to handle 3rd party airports better, am I right?  That is quite exciting news!  thanks Umberto!


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I think I read that you are hoping the next release or update of GSX Pro will be independent of 'encrypted' BGL files and able to handle 3rd party airports better, am I right? 

Yes, exactly, we already testing a version that works with it, we need to finalize handling of Jetways data ( which is not available in the Navdata API, so we need to use some workarounds to find them ), but it works, and works much better than current GSX, since we won't have to use an Airport Cache anymore, so everything will work more reliably, startup will be faster, and all issues related to the need to read the airport .BGLs will be gone.