Author Topic: GSX PRO usable for General Aviation?  (Read 1190 times)


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GSX PRO usable for General Aviation?
« on: November 23, 2022, 04:53:16 pm »
Hi, I am interested in GSX PRO, but flying General Aviation planes only.
So I was wondering, if it is worth buying GSX PRO? In particular, I have 3 questions:

1) Loading/unloading passengers is not such a big thing with for example a Kodiak 100, but what about Marshaller car, refuelling, or even deicing? It says it works with any plane, but what about for example the Kodiak 100? Marshaller will be most interesting for me, as it will then be easier to find the right parking position.

2) Are the features of GSX PRO aimed at the own plane only? Or will I then also see the features for other planes? Like VATSIM-planes, or planes added with FSLTL Traffic Injector? It´s nice to see the injected planes, but nothing is happening...

3) Does GSX PRO work on any airport? I see there are airport files available on Flightsim for selected airports, so I am wondering, if GSXPRO only works on the airports, provided by GSXPRO, or by 3rd parties.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2022, 04:59:38 pm by theweasel68 »

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Re: GSX PRO usable for General Aviation?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2022, 08:15:51 pm »
GSX Pro only works for your own plane, not for AI traffic or any other plane. Additionally, GSX Pro will work for any airport provided the airport has at least two parking spots that are connected via some sort of path. One spot for your aircraft and the other spot for the vehicles to drive from.
Captain Kevin


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Re: GSX PRO usable for General Aviation?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2022, 09:36:35 am »
I purchased GSX Pro and fly mostly with the Kodiak but I am afraid I have issues (although it may be me)

I predominantly wanted an easy pushback option especially when using VATSIM but it seems this isn’t it, at least for the Kodiak.

I often don’t even get the option for pushback (I think because I am parked somewhere GSX doesn’t like) so I have to warp somewhere else to even get the option (Not greater when trying to use Vatsim)

When using Vatsim I also like to be setup before requesting push, but despite setting GSX start engine before push, it still wont push with the engine started.

The last point is more minor, but when it does push I get all the animations of bypass pin being installed and people walking through the flight desk etc. I guess GSX doesn’t recognise the Kodiak and doesn’t know what to do with it….

Shame really, as I was looking for a replacement for toolbar pushback and hoped this was it….


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Re: GSX PRO usable for General Aviation?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2022, 11:00:19 am »
Thanks for your replies. As I am flying the Kodiak 100 only, and my next plane will be the Pilatus PC-12 of Simworks, I think I give GSX some more time and see, if it will offer something for GA in 2023.