Author Topic: Simbrief B738 doesn't match msfs b737 aircraft & chocks on stays on VDGS  (Read 1139 times)


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SO, diving deeper and deeper. I made a flightplan for my 738 pmdg in msfsm via simbrief.
But when loading the 738 in msfs GSX error me that it doesn't match the aircraft type of the flightplan.. which shouldn't be the case.
Why does GSX think I'm in a 737?

And 2: When chocks are on, parking brake is set.. the dock still says chocks on. Why?



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Re: Simbrief B738 doesn't match msfs b737 aircraft & chocks on stays on VDGS
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2022, 04:25:31 pm »
Why does GSX think I'm in a 737?

This has been discussed and answered so many times, that I've lost count.

GSX is not "thinking" anything: it's reading from the aircraft.cfg the icao type, which PMDG has set correctly for the -600 ( B736 ), and for the -700 ( B737 ), but not for the -800 ( still B737 ). PMDG has confirmed they'll fix it, but of course you can easily fix it yourself by editing the icao_type_designator in the aircraft.cfg of the -800.


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Re: Simbrief B738 doesn't match msfs b737 aircraft & chocks on stays on VDGS
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2022, 04:33:55 pm »
I seem to be an idiot but googled it a lot bu couldn't find it. Thanks for the amazing fast reply. I edited the CFG ^^
I guess same goes for the chock thingy? ort is that more normal problem? :)
« Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 04:42:20 pm by Victoroos »