Author Topic: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800  (Read 14604 times)


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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2022, 12:15:08 pm »
We already know it's working the way it's shown in the video. Where the amount of fuel is increased using the LEVEL field in the PMDG FMC. The question has all this time been how it doesn't work when using the TOTAL KGS field. Which doesn't go hand in hand with the logic you describe. How GSX will only look for an increase in fuel quantity. Since putting in fuel using the TOTAL KGS field will increase the fuel level in the aircraft. Which according to you is the only thing GSX is looking for.

So with this said, can you please just give it another go and instead use the TOTAL KGS field and see if it will work for you?

Also, do you appreciate the issue we have tried pointing out to you? How it's quite cumbersome using the LEVEL field where you're supposed to enter a percentage of fuel. Rather than an exact number of KGS from the SimBrief OFP.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2022, 12:59:24 pm »
Since putting in fuel using the TOTAL KGS field will increase the fuel level in the aircraft. Which according to you is the only thing GSX is looking for.

Please re-read my explanation more carefully: GSX is not looking at the PMDG FMC, because anything there is not accessible to GSX. GSX is only looking at the standard total fuel quantity variable, if that doesn't change from *that*, there's not much GSX can do about it.

So with this said, can you please just give it another go and instead use the TOTAL KGS field and see if it will work for you?

It won't be very useful to do this check, other than acknowledging the fact that, for some reason, using the LEVEL field resulted in the standard fuel quantity variables to set, while using the TOTAL KGS would not. But I'll check that anyway.

Since, as I've said, we don't have any knowledge about the fuel level other than the one exposed on the standard fuel variables, if they don't change in that case, the only suggestion would be using the one that does.

Also, do you appreciate the issue we have tried pointing out to you? How it's quite cumbersome using the LEVEL field where you're supposed to enter a percentage of fuel. Rather than an exact number of KGS from the SimBrief OFP.

And how, exactly, this has anything to do with GSX ? If you find a part of the PMDG FMC interface to be cumbersome, there's not much GSX can do to change that.

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2022, 02:30:30 pm »
Have you tried this yourself with the PMDG?

I tried it in the way I shown in the video, that works, and so it will work any other method, as long the airplane fuel quantity really changes, GSX doesn't even know HOW or WHY it changed.

None of the possible reasons you mention are true. I'm positive I increased the fuel level after I was asked to do so by GSX and I'm equally positive the fuel level did increase. Since I was able to get to my destination and saw the correct amount of fuel in the aircraft.

As I've said, GSX will read the standard variables for the total fuel quantity on board, no matter the method used to change those so, if you are sure you did everything correctly on your side, the only possible explanation left is, using different FMC menu options will result ( or not ) in those variables changing, but since those are the only ones GSX can see, there's nothing we can do to affect  this behavior, other than suggesting to use a FMC workflow that has been tested to work, which was the whole point of the video.

The point of the whole video is that GSX doesn't care what you wrote, but the point is that the video serves to add fuel to the current state of the amount of fuel to a certain percentage in the item LEVEL, not the total amount like TOTAL KGS.  There was only an effort in the fact that if I have KGS units set in FMC, so that the refueling truck also offers me how much KGS is refueled and not in LBS. So, unfortunately due to a mutual misunderstanding of what was asked here, the problem is not resolved and I remain with refueling  without a GSX vehicle and I will refuel directly and simply in FMC /initial value for example 4056KGS, rewritten to 7960KGS in TOTAL KGS and it is simply refueled/. If I were to use a refueling truck, the data will be overwritten and it will immediately leave again, so it is useless to actually call it:  -))

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2022, 02:42:24 pm »
The question sounded clear: For a certain flight that Simbrief I need a total fuel amount of 7580, ok... after I start the MSFS and stand with the plane on the field, the FMC shows me the TOTAL fuel status of 3540 in KGS units. Ok, let's refuel the rest..  .we call the refueling truck, it arrives and an offer pops up, what percentage do I want to refuel and in LBS?  What do I know?  I need to refuel so that the total capacity according to the data from the Simbrief is 7580KGS... fine, I'll look in the FMC and now throw some percentages into the LEVEL field?  Should I recalculate this as a percentage of the total capacity to get to 7580KGS?  No, this is a really bad way. So I just refuel directly and instead of changing the item LEVEL, I change the item TOTAL straight away and I have 7580KGS and it's done... fuel truck thank you, but you can also leave with your LBS unit and percentages.


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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2022, 02:58:20 pm »
Should I recalculate this as a percentage of the total capacity to get to 7580KGS?  No, this is a really bad way. So I just refuel directly and instead of changing the item LEVEL, I change the item TOTAL straight away and I have 7580KGS and it's done... fuel truck thank you, but you can also leave with your LBS unit and percentages.

And again, you still are missing the whole point:

GSX doesn't know, and cannot possibly know, if you used the option LEVEL or TOTAL KGS option in the FMC! The one and only thing GSX can possibly see is an actual fuel increase the standard variables that holds the total fuel quantity, it cannot even possibly know WHY and HOW that level changed and it cannot obviously know WHY it hasn't, if it hasn't.

The one and only thing GSX can possibly know about any airplane is the standard variable that holds the total fuel quantity, that's it.

Or, let's try to explain it in a different way: shouldn't you expect the standard total fuel quantity variable to end up getting the same value ( regardless which option has been chosen), assuming you chose a level that would match the quantity ?
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 03:06:34 pm by virtuali »


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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2022, 03:02:45 pm »
Have you tried increasing the fuel quantity using the TOTAL KGS field yet?
Richard Åsberg


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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2022, 03:04:28 pm »
Have you tried increasing the fuel quantity using the TOTAL KGS field yet?

And what that would accomplish in relation to GSX, other than saying "this airplane doesn't change the total fuel quantity variables with that option, but it does with the other one" ? It's not as if we could change that. But yes, I'll try that.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 03:06:21 pm by virtuali »


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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2022, 03:09:21 pm »
Have you tried increasing the fuel quantity using the TOTAL KGS field yet?

And what that would accomplish in relation to GSX, other than saying "this airplane doesn't change the total fuel quantity variables with that option, but it does with the other one" ? It's not as if we could change that. But yes, I'll try that.

How would it be possible to get to your destination when adding the fuel required via the TOTAL KGS field if in fact using that method wouldn't put fuel into the tanks?
Richard Åsberg


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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2022, 03:42:28 pm »
How would it be possible to get to your destination when adding the fuel required via the TOTAL KGS field if in fact using that method wouldn't put fuel into the tanks?

A possible explanation might just be some kind of delay from the moment you change that option to when the variable really changes. Try to wait a bit *after* GSX told you to use the PMDG FMC to set the quantity.

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2022, 04:10:59 pm »
How would it be possible to get to your destination when adding the fuel required via the TOTAL KGS field if in fact using that method wouldn't put fuel into the tanks?

A possible explanation might just be some kind of delay from the moment you change that option to when the variable really changes. Try to wait a bit *after* GSX told you to use the PMDG FMC to set the quantity.

Would it be possible, given that everyone uses a different LBS or KGS unit, to put GSX as a choice in the menu?  After that, if the car came to refuel, in the case of another Custom item, it would be refueled in KGS and not in percentage LBS to LEVEL but to the volume in TOTAL KGS.
That's the whole point of refueling with GSX. It would be newly set who uses which unit in the FMC and accordingly the refueling car would give an offer to refuel, no variables but the total amount of fuel that is necessary to carry out the flight calculated from the data  Simbrief where AGAIN it is possible to choose if it will be LBS or KG.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 04:15:14 pm by Leopardo Di Cardio »


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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2022, 04:38:40 pm »
Would it be possible, given that everyone uses a different LBS or KGS unit, to put GSX as a choice in the menu? 

The GSX refuel menu with pre-set Percent quantities, which is the only place were you could see any kind of indication about fuel quantities being either Kgs or Lbs ALREADY indicates a different unit of measure depending on the simulator International settings, and when SimBrief is available, the unit of measure in the SimBrief plan.

But of course, that menu is not even shown on an airplane that REFUEL ITSELF, like the PMDG 737, which is the subject of this thread.

As I've said, so many times, GSX monitors an *increase* in the fuel quantity. Which unit of measure the airplane use to show fuel to the user, doesn't matter.

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2022, 06:07:11 pm »
Maybe we have different views on it, but if in FMC I have set the display of fuel in KGS and after calling a tanker, the table in LBS units is loaded, I don't know, but without another choice of setting it just seems strange to me. But what can be done, you are the creators of this project and as you decide, so it will be. The only option left for me is to refuel from the rest of the fuel by changing the numbers in TOTAL KGS. What can be done, since I won't be using the truck to fill up the fuel. It is sad.

In other aircraft such as Asobo A320, Fenix ​​A320 or LVFR 319&321, I also do not use the method of calling a refueling truck, because I did not find the possibility of refueling in some types, because some possibilities simply do not work, the aircraft has limited possibilities, especially the incomplete Asobo A320.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 10:25:13 pm by virtuali »

Michael Moe

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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2022, 06:18:41 pm »
I must admit it is sad that PMDG and FSDT cant seem to work in tandem but sometimes these things just happens.
For at start this is just a visual software from GSX which is quite "friendly" to PMDG planes.

I have the FSLA3X series in P3D and i think all might just want to have the same level of GSX/airplane quality.

Michael Moe


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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2022, 06:31:49 pm »
And how, exactly, this has anything to do with GSX ? If you find a part of the PMDG FMC interface to be cumbersome, there's not much GSX can do to change that.

What is cumbersome has nothing to do with the PMDG, what is cumbersome is how we're forced to use the LEVEL field in the PMDG FMC for your software to work as intended. Instead of just putting in the amount of fuel we get from SimBrief into the TOTAL KGS field in the FMC.

The way it is now and for your software to work when it comes to the refueling animation, we need to take the amount of fuel in KGS from SimBrief and divide this number by 20891. In order to get the percentage to put into the LEVEL field in the FMC. Would have been so nice being able to simply put in the amount of fuel in KGS directly into the TOTAL KGS field.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 07:12:39 pm by WebMaximus »
Richard Åsberg

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: How to properly refuel the PMDG 737-800
« Reply #29 on: September 30, 2022, 06:48:09 pm »
And how, exactly, this has anything to do with GSX ? If you find a part of the PMDG FMC interface to be cumbersome, there's not much GSX can do to change that.

What is cumbersome has nothing to do with the PMDG, what is cumbersome is how we're forced to use the LEVEL field in the PMDG FMC for your software to work as intended. Instead of just putting in the amount of fuel we get from SimBrief into the TOTAL KGS field in the FMC.

The way it is now and for your software to work when it comes to the refueling animation, we need to take the amount of fuel in KGS from SimBrief and divide this number with 20891. In order to get the percentage to put into the LEVEL field in the FMC. Would have been so nice being able to simply put in the amount of fuel in KGS directly into the TOTAL KGS field.

Exactly, that's exactly what we're all about together, but we're probably not quite understood, unfortunately.