Author Topic: Last updates  (Read 950 times)

Fabio Fiori

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Last updates
« on: September 26, 2022, 05:43:24 am »
I use P3D v4.5 Professional Plus version and almost all of their FSDT products, which by the way are fantastic! The immersion in flight simulation becomes really amazing. Congratulations.
Until August 25th my FSDT products worked perfectly, both the scenarios like GSX1 and 2, but on August 27th I did an update through the FSDT Live Update and since then nothing has worked well. Last Saturday 09/24 I made another update and the situation got a little worse, because before there was no error message in Couatl, but now even that appears.
The scenarios take a long time to load and when I fly from an FSDT airport or any other airport to an FSDT scenario the scenario loads, but the boarding bridges do not appear! I've already tried using the Couatl airport cache option, but nothing happens and after about 30 seconds a crash occurs, closing my P3D v4.5!
A message appears (as in the photo) and I can't see the error code, as the simulator closes right away!
I've already tried to carry out operations with my AVG Security antivirus turned off and or on and nothing different happens.
In the Houston scenario, some static aircraft from the scenario appear floating, very strange!
Could FSDT Team please help me?
Thanks a lot