Author Topic: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.  (Read 86158 times)


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #90 on: February 22, 2023, 04:33:29 am »
Please consider my request to add a "disable all stairs"  GLOBAL option for entire world airports - why?  For those simmers who fly tubeliner jets and park only at airports with jetways! 

In most of the world, except for the US, the rear staircase is used for the cabin cleaning crew. Passengers won't use it if there's a jetway.

What about Australia? At many airports there, for more efficient turnarounds, the front door is used with a jetway while the rear door is used with stairs. Passengers walk towards a set of steps built into the terminal which connects to the bridge the jetway is attached to. (See attached images.)


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #91 on: February 22, 2023, 10:44:54 am »
How is the Plan of the possibility to manually add stands/ gate Like the deice stands but as normal gate

If you mean using GSX to fix mistake in sceneries, then no, it's not really feasible because, while Deicing pads could be added without necessary having to be connected to the rest of the taxiway layout, adding real parking spots would require to have them connected to the rest of the taxiway layout, otherwise almost nothing in GSX would work correctly: Pushback couldn't possibly work in automatic Left/Right mode, and all GSX vehicles that comes from some place, wouldn't be able to reach the airplane, that's why GSX doesn't allow to use an "Isolated" parking: if we allowed to create a parking without being able to add its connections to the rest of the taxiway network, we would end up with an Isolated parking.

Allowing for full taxiway layout editing, basically duplicating what the MSFS own DevMode editor, is really outside the scope of GSX and, in fact, if you really had to "fix" an existing scenery, even doing it from GSX wouldn't be much different, as workload is concerned, as doing it with the MSFS own DevMode.


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #92 on: February 25, 2023, 12:35:32 pm »
Is it possible to add an option to separate interior (cockpit) and exterior (ambience) sounds by sound device? I have 2 sound cards and I can separate interior and exterior sounds using Voicemeteer. It's pretty cool, because for ATC (I use PF3 by oncourse), I can listen through my headphones, and for all other exterior sounds I use my main speakers. It increases the immersionby far.


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #93 on: February 25, 2023, 04:12:10 pm »
Is it possible to add an option to separate interior (cockpit) and exterior (ambience) sounds by sound device?

Yes, it's a planned feature, which we'll look into, after the most pressing issues will be done, which right now is adding support for the new SU12 SDK, which will fix most of the current issues with jetways.


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #94 on: February 25, 2023, 09:03:07 pm »
Glad to hear that, keep up the excellent work

Sincerely, Carlos


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #95 on: March 02, 2023, 03:50:40 am »
Ciao Umberto,

I have an idea that is buzzing in my head since GSX introduced the walk-in gates, with passengers following a precise path. Why can't we do the same for all the vehicles that operate around the aircraft? It would be great to set the start point for the bus, for exemple, and create a custom path that exactly matchs with the lanes of airport's services vehicles routes. At the moment, I guess, everything is done by reading the AFCAD file of the airport, but it has a lot of limitations, such as vehicles driving on taxiways, or impacting with other GSX vehicles (I can't count how many times I saw baggage vehicles collide each other). It would be a feast for the eyes to see them following a pre-seclected path on the tarmac.

We could basically use the same method that has been implemented for passengers: 10 dots or more to place around the aircraft, and a start point somewhere near the terminal, far enough from the plane, where the vehicles are supposed to start.

Do you think it's reasonable/technically possible in a future update?

Thank you


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #96 on: March 02, 2023, 10:10:55 am »
Do you think it's reasonable/technically possible in a future update?

It surely possible and we thought about it but, I think it will be a lot of effort ( to create profiles ), but while it might improve something issues, mainly caused by badly designed AFCAD files, you will still have issues with vehicles clashing into each other, because the path itself is not always the problem, sometimes the problem is the timing, which is affected by both the order the services are called and the distance from the airplane and the airplane type as well, like where are the exits, etc.

As an example: let's say you create carefully placed a non-intersecting path for a baggage loader. How well it work and won't interfere with other carefully placed paths, when the airplane has the cargo door in a completely different position, or even the opposite side ? That's just an example, but there are many like this.

I think I already explained so many times to users thinking GSX vehicles are "dumb": surely they are and, even if we decided to kill the simulator performances by constantly monitoring the position of every vehicle in relationship of all the others, it's not the problem would be any easier to fix, just consider how many years (and an almost "infinite" budget ) the auto industry is taking to crack the problem of self-driving cars, especially in traffic. This is not a very different problem.


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #97 on: March 08, 2023, 09:39:52 am »
I know it's coming, but do you have any idea when the low wing refuel vehicles will be released?

It really detracts from the immersion without the animation, especially if you mostly fly PMDG.  I know everything takes time, but I would hope this is given some priority.


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #98 on: March 10, 2023, 08:46:02 am »
I know it's coming, but do you have any idea when the low wing refuel vehicles will be released?

When it's done.

It really detracts from the immersion without the animation, especially if you mostly fly PMDG

That's how GSX always worked for 10 years in FSX and P3D, and many used PMDG. Of course, if you want a crewed vehicle NOW, it IS possible to get it on a 737, with a bit of "cheating": that is editing the refueling point under the wing and moving it a bit towards the outside of the wing, so that it would be higher than 3.40 from ground, which will result in getting the crewed hydrant or tanker.

I know everything takes time, but I would hope this is given some priority.

The absolute top priority we are working right now, is to support SU12 Beta, with the new Jetway data added to the Navdata API, which will improve so many things about jetways and passengers.

We are working on the new Fuel vehicles at the same time (because SU12 is mostly programming work, while Fuel is mostly modeling work, so it's not done by the same people), but it's likely we'll release the SU12 update first, hopefully as soon SU12 wil came out officially, and then the Fuel update.

Of course, this won't stop the flow of small updates/fixes for other things that has been released almost every week since release date.


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #99 on: April 11, 2023, 02:18:36 am »
A couple of wish list items I'd love to see:

1. Giving users opportunity to change the "show me gate" signage timer... I think currently it's 5 to 10 seconds. Could we have an option so that it appears until we get to the gate? Or at least make the timer a bit longer so the blue arrow shows our gate longer?
2. Additional PAX sounds to keep it varied and changed up
3. Emergency vehicles - i.e. have an emergency landing, would be cool to have them show up


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #100 on: April 11, 2023, 07:59:57 pm »
A couple of wish list items I'd love to see:

1. Giving users opportunity to change the "show me gate" signage timer... I think currently it's 5 to 10 seconds. Could we have an option so that it appears until we get to the gate? Or at least make the timer a bit longer so the blue arrow shows our gate longer?
2. Additional PAX sounds to keep it varied and changed up
3. Emergency vehicles - i.e. have an emergency landing, would be cool to have them show up

#1!! Please number 1!


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #101 on: April 15, 2023, 04:43:05 pm »
Any chance the services order in Auto can be configurable? In every airport operation I’ve seen, the refueling and catering happens first. Often times the catering and refueling crews are waiting to meet the airplane as it pulls up to the gate. The baggage loaders are often working up to the very last second. Having the refueling and catering crews not appear until the baggage loading is done just seems backwards.


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #102 on: April 15, 2023, 06:23:47 pm »
Having the refueling and catering crews not appear until the baggage loading is done just seems backwards.

That's not how it's happening, it's an exception for airplanes loading cargo from the left.


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #103 on: April 15, 2023, 11:00:50 pm »
I always start asking for the refueling service, followed by catering and boarding. Which then happens in that order and seems realistic to me.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.
« Reply #104 on: April 15, 2023, 11:02:26 pm »
Ah, sorry. Missed you were discussing automatic mode. Which is something I don't use.
Richard Åsberg