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GSX Pro Short-term Roadmap: what to expect in the next updates.

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--- Quote from: Mar1881 on December 01, 2023, 11:33:25 am ---Could you please give us an update on this? Is it even being worked on?
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The feature is still in the queue, but it will be part of a more general "pinned menu" concept which has been requested as well, they are connected, but there's no saying when they'll make it in GSX, because we have been adding other new features on a regular basis in the meantime.

Hello Umberto,
When you will add passenger to the cabin, will it be possible to have animation to sync up with tfdi pacx, or will the crew estimate the flight time, and serve food, safety anoucement and ect ?

Would be nice to see a roadmap summary covering january to june or up to version 3.0 Pro -- this is a massively long thread so if the information is in there its hard to find. GSX Pro adds so much to the game! thanks

Good morning,

Maybe these questions have already been asked and I apologize if I haven't seen it:

Is an ASU planned?

Is the DC Designs Concorde also suitable for boarding bridges? Because with the current configuration, they do not adapt correctly to the plane. (view the photo)

Regarding pushbacks, I also confirm that tractors often take 90° angles and push the plane across (as if it were sliding on the ground). I'll try to take a screenshot at this time, it hasn't already been done by someone else.


--- Quote from: CONC_X on January 18, 2024, 12:59:48 am ---Is an ASU planned?
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Most airplanes that needs one, comes already with one.

--- Quote ---Is the DC Designs Concorde also suitable for boarding bridges? Because with the current configuration, they do not adapt correctly to the plane. (view the photo)
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You haven't posted any picture.

--- Quote ---Regarding pushbacks, I also confirm that tractors often take 90° angles and push the plane across (as if it were sliding on the ground). I'll try to take a screenshot at this time, it hasn't already been done by someone else.
--- End quote ---

They normally don't. If they do it for you, always do a proper report, clearly indicating what is happening, where, if you use a GSX profile, everything.


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