Author Topic: Please consider option to remove animated passengers  (Read 5127 times)


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Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« on: September 19, 2022, 12:48:05 pm »
Fed up with seeing passengers floating or walking beneath jetways.

A toggle option would be appreciated for when not parked at a stand.


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2022, 01:15:15 pm »
Fed up with seeing passengers floating or walking beneath jetways.

Are you asking this because you still think it's a "GSX problem" ? First:

- Are you referring to 3rd party airports ? if yes, have you Disabled those in the GSX Config panel ? If you haven't, jetway/parking data won't match the scenery used, because the GSX replacement files are ONLY meant to be used at *default* airports, if you have an add-on airport with jetways, you MUST disable the GSX ones.

- Are those Marketplace airport or MS/Asobo Premium airports ? This can't be used by GSX, until we'll integrate the new Navdata API that lets add-ons get airport data without having to open a file which might be encrypted. NO 3rd party utility can read these airport, GSX is not exception.

Assuming all the first preconditions are satisfied, meaning GSX could recognize the right jetway, the passengers "floating in the air" is NOT a GSX problem but, instead, is the result of the Jetway *itself* not docked at the right door, or not docked entirely.

As explained so many times, the SDK doesn't provide a way to know WHERE a jetway has docked, sometimes it docks to the wrong door, sometimes it docks partially but the problem is, none of this can be detected in any way, so GSX can only "assume" you parked the airplane in a position resulting in the jetway docking properly on the Main passengers exit, and hope for the best.

Passengers will walk over a path they were supposed to, HAD the jetway docked correctly, because there's no way to know it hasn't.
A toggle option would be appreciated for when not parked at a stand.

You can disable the jetway in the GSX customization page, so passengers will use a Bus. But, of course, once you are in the customization page, the better option would be, instead, fixing the STOP position to find a place where the jetway would reliably dock to the Main passenger door, which is why there's a Test function ( NumPad-5 while editing a Parking position ), to check if the jetway will work better from a different position and save it in the airport profile.


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2022, 09:05:55 pm »
Thanks for the reply, yes these are all 3rd party airports that have been disabled.  They are not marketplace or Asobo premium airports.

I know this isn't a GSX issue but as the jetway bugs probably won't be fixed anytime soon, couldn't you have the option to disable passengers as it's immersion breaking to see them not use the jetway correctly?

Calling a bus when parked at a jetway isn't really solution in terms of helping immersion.


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2022, 09:44:11 pm »
I agree with this request for a workaround. We have no idea when or even if Asobo will make the necessary changes, so I'd rather see no pax boardin on jetways than them floating through the air and clipping through buildings.


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2022, 10:01:36 am »
Wouldn't be best if you just used the tool you have in GSX to set the Stop position in a way the Jetway will dock correctly, so you would have BOTH the jetway docked in the right place AND passengers walking though it ?


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2022, 11:30:46 am »

Passengers will walk over a path they were supposed to, HAD the jetway docked correctly, because there's no way to know it hasn't.

I disabled the 3rd party jetways, I set the stop position correctly, the jetway has docked correctly. But still the passenger "leave" the jetway at it's end and walk thru the air into the building. So, who is responsible for "a path they were supposed"? Does GSX suppose the path? If so, how can I configure this path?
My GSX test scenario (unless otherwise stated):
Sandbox environment
GSX v 2.9.1 (as of 20 Jan 2023)
Fenix A320, PMDG 737-800, ATR-72
EDDL (JustSim), EDDK (Aerosoft), both not Marketplace
GSX jetways disabled
no AI traffic
no antivirus or firewall software running
all apps started in admin mode


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2022, 02:09:45 pm »
I disabled the 3rd party jetways, I set the stop position correctly, the jetway has docked correctly. But still the passenger "leave" the jetway at it's end and walk thru the air into the building. So, who is responsible for "a path they were supposed"? Does GSX suppose the path? If so, how can I configure this path?

It's not obviously possible to help you with such a sparse description of the problem, like which scenery it is, if it's bought on the Marketplace or not, and which .BGL GSX has read for that airport ( if the scenery is from the Marketplace, GSX surely has read the wrong file, since it cannot read the right one, because it's encrypted ), and of course the precise gate/parking where this happens.

If passengers continue after the jetway, it means GSX found a "Jetway link" ( a bridge ), so passengers will continue in it but, again, it's impossible to say without knowing exactly which scenery is, so we could check if this scenery really has jetway links, or perhaps GSX is reading data from the default airport instead.

Understanding a problem, always start with a problem report as precise as possible.


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2022, 02:50:40 pm »
It is GCLA. sim-wings scenery, 3rd party jetways in GSX disabled.

Screenshots added to visualise what I try to say.

1st photo: where the pax "leave" the jetway (appr.)
2nd photo: where the pax "enter" the building (appr.)

My GSX test scenario (unless otherwise stated):
Sandbox environment
GSX v 2.9.1 (as of 20 Jan 2023)
Fenix A320, PMDG 737-800, ATR-72
EDDL (JustSim), EDDK (Aerosoft), both not Marketplace
GSX jetways disabled
no AI traffic
no antivirus or firewall software running
all apps started in admin mode


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2022, 03:36:53 pm »
It is GCLA. sim-wings scenery, 3rd party jetways in GSX disabled.

Please provide with the missing information I asked:

- Is the scenery bought on the Marketplace ?

- Which airport file has been read by GSX ?


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2022, 03:39:11 pm »
I bought the scenery at How can I find out which file was read?
My GSX test scenario (unless otherwise stated):
Sandbox environment
GSX v 2.9.1 (as of 20 Jan 2023)
Fenix A320, PMDG 737-800, ATR-72
EDDL (JustSim), EDDK (Aerosoft), both not Marketplace
GSX jetways disabled
no AI traffic
no antivirus or firewall software running
all apps started in admin mode


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2022, 03:42:33 pm »
I bought the scenery at How can I find out which file was read?

Alright, it shouldn't be encrypted then. The name of the loaded airport file is in the GSX scenery customization page.


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2022, 04:16:31 pm »
I attached the respective file: GCLA-Airport.bgl
My GSX test scenario (unless otherwise stated):
Sandbox environment
GSX v 2.9.1 (as of 20 Jan 2023)
Fenix A320, PMDG 737-800, ATR-72
EDDL (JustSim), EDDK (Aerosoft), both not Marketplace
GSX jetways disabled
no AI traffic
no antivirus or firewall software running
all apps started in admin mode


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2022, 05:17:38 pm »
I checked the scenery and, there are few issues with it:

- The jetway doesn't seem to work well if the airplane ( A320, for example ) is parked with the gear on the A320 position on ground, the hood animates, but the jetway doesn't dock, and this will mislead GSX assuming it HAS docked, but it really hasn't.

- A good position for the jetway to solve is a few meters before the AT72 position. From here, the jetway can dock properly on an A320.

- Once the jetway connects properly, GSX passenger works, but because the the jetway walking floor at its root is fairly high from ground, their feet will be too low at the end of the path.

The root floor height is a parameter that doesn't exist anywhere in the SDK, we added to all GSX jetways, and we maintain a small internal database of some 3rd party jetways, associating their names with the correct height. If the jetway is not known, a default of 4.60 meters from ground is used but, in this case, since the root floor for this jetway is 5.26 meters high, the passenger will be too low at the end of the path. I've added this particular jetway to the GSX internal database, so with the next update, provided the jetway has docked correctly, they'll walk correctly through it.

The issue with different jetways having different root floor heights will be addressed in an update of the scenery customization editor, so users will be able to specify the jetway root floor height on particular scenery without having to rely on that jetway being "known" by GSX.


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2022, 05:27:50 pm »
That sounds great, at least for the future, and for my Canary Islands GSX project.

I didn't check it yet, but I guess it's the same with the jetway at gate 9 (should be the same basic files with just a different position relative to the airport base coordinates).
My GSX test scenario (unless otherwise stated):
Sandbox environment
GSX v 2.9.1 (as of 20 Jan 2023)
Fenix A320, PMDG 737-800, ATR-72
EDDL (JustSim), EDDK (Aerosoft), both not Marketplace
GSX jetways disabled
no AI traffic
no antivirus or firewall software running
all apps started in admin mode


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Re: Please consider option to remove animated passengers
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2022, 05:42:43 pm »
I didn't check it yet, but I guess it's the same with the jetway at gate 9 (should be the same basic files with just a different position relative to the airport base coordinates).

Most likely, the scenery has just two jetways, both using the same model.