[Working Profile] Asobo Citation CJ4 / Working Title CJ4This is the first profile for the Citation CJ4.
It works with both the stock Asobo plane and with the Working Title mod.
- This airplane comes without animated doors. Thereby only the passenger bus is coming and baggage/catering will be dropped off near the plane.
- No more getting stuck during baggage (un)load, since there is no cargo door that can be opened. This profile fixes that issue.
- Asobo has created two meshed fuel hoses that will be used when requesting refueling from ATC. I recommend doing that instead, it looks cool.
- I can't seem to find a way to keep the dude from entering the nose of the airplane when working on the front gear during pushback. It's the only issue.
InstallationUnpack the contained folder to
%APPDATA%\Virtuali\AirplanesIf the
Airplanes folder doesn't exist then just create it.