Author Topic: Deboarding doesn't start  (Read 2963 times)


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Deboarding doesn't start
« on: September 17, 2022, 06:47:50 pm »
When arriving at the gate, I select "Request Deboarding" from the menu.
The voice says "Deboarding requested" and the menu item also changes to that.
From here on nothing happens. Neither does the jetway connect nor the loaders. Also the automated request for catering and refueling (which used to happen automatically) is not done, it's like GSX is waiting for something.
Once I select "reposition aircraft" and warp me to the current gate, I can request deboarding and all works fine.

This happened to be at several airports now, on all last 3 flights and I have no idea why this changed. It used to work with no issues.

What are the conditions for deboarding to start? Both engines off and parking brake set? Are there more conditions?
I'm using the fenix. At the time the issue happens I can connect the jetway via the Fenix EFB with no issues.

Last time this happened at EDLP (Freeware from Aerosoft installed from their website) without profile for that airport.

Attached is the logfile, there is an error at the very end that might or might not guide to the issue (since the logfiles do not log timestamps, it's impossible to tell when the error happened, - before, when or after the issue appeared):
Code: [Select]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\GSX\", line 243, in prepareGate
  File ".\GSX\", line 1461, in prepareGate
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 4241, in setGate
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 136, in setGate
  File ".\common\", line 67, in switchToState
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 166, in enter
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 108, in reset
AttributeError: 'CargoLoader' object has no attribute 'playerGuides'
{'Airport': 'EDLP', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 11', 'Requested parking services to': 'Gate 5', 'User Pos': (51.59100039618707, 8.630741293525247, 1946.76 m, 1693.21 m, 5.967657292246608, -0.01994234323501587, 0.001745329238474369, -0.22583521113761754, 3.18211187210083, 0.0)}

Btw: PLEASE add timestamps to your logfile... Honestly, every single piece of software logs with timestamps...
« Last Edit: September 17, 2022, 07:25:18 pm by Cipher »


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2022, 11:45:20 am »
Your log seems to indicate you selected a gate while still in flight. Is this only happening when you do that ?


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2022, 01:30:06 pm »
Your log seems to indicate you selected a gate while still in flight. Is this only happening when you do that ?
So the error was not the one that caused issues on arrival I guess?
When I tried to change the selected gate, Coutal crashed, but without timestamps it was hard to see if the logfile shows that occurrence or something that caused the deboarding not to work.

After Couatl restarted, I re-selected the needed gate and then the deboarding issue happened, so most likely the issue with deboarding did not result from the error in the logfile. But I don't see anything in the Couatl.err that might indicate why deboarding did not start.


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2022, 09:59:52 am »
The meaning of your log, indicates a problem when removing an object which was never created, or it might have been already removed, we could remove the error but, I wanted to know why something that shouldn't happen, happened.


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2022, 10:33:33 am »
The meaning of your log, indicates a problem when removing an object which was never created, or it might have been already removed, we could remove the error but, I wanted to know why something that shouldn't happen, happened.
As I said, yes, I switched the gate before landing. That should be supported without Couatl crashing of course since the menu offers doing exactly that.
So yes, please fix the error from happening or inhibit changing the parking position if it is known to cause a complete crash of Couatl.
But that wasn't the original issue of my thread, it just so happened to be in the error log but the other times deboarding did not start I did not change gates, so it's not related.

On my last flight, the deboarding worked fine, I'll monitor further if it happens again. Currently my guess is that GSX didn't recognize that I arrived at the position but I think the menu only changes once arrived.

Anyway, do you have any details on what is required (conditions) to start deboarding? Engines shutdown of course, but what else is required so GSX starts deboarding of pax+cargo?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2022, 10:35:06 am by Cipher »


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2022, 10:41:02 am »
As I said, yes, I switched the gate before landing. That should be supported without Couatl crashing of course since the menu offers doing exactly that. So yes, please fix the error from happening or inhibit changing the parking position if it is known to cause a complete crash of Couatl.

It's not really a "crash", it's Couatl trapping an error in the script and cleanly reporting it. Crash is a crash, that is program crashing with some error in the Windows Event Viewer and likely nothing logged in the error. That is a "complete crash", this is just a clean error report.

The error in the GSX script will be obviously looked at.

Anyway, do you have any details on what is required (conditions) to start deboarding? Engines shutdown of course, but what else is required so GSX starts deboarding of pax+cargo?

Parking brakes, of course.

But it seems from your question you would expect GSX should start Deboarding automatically. It's not supposed to do that, automatic services ( if enabled ), only CONTINUE after you start manually the first.


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2022, 11:09:57 am »
Well Couatl exited gracefully, if that wording is what you prefer. For me as a user there is no difference.
But I won't argue about what a crash is, it doesn't matter if the result is that Couatl shows an error window and restarts, making me re-do the selections while I'm on final approach.

Meanwhile you might want to read up the definition of a crash:

Please read my initial post. I arrive at the gate, pull the parking brake, shut down the engines (at which point Fenix EFB prompts me to deboard which I confirm), request deboarding, usually it starts after a few seconds by attaching jetway and the cargo unloading starts. Plus GSX requests catering and refueling automatically.
In those instances that my thread is about, the menu changed to "deboarding requested" but nothing else happened - neither jetway was attached nor cargo unloaded, also catering and refueling wasn't requested automatically.

In the Fenix EFB I disabled Jetway and Door automation so it doesn't interfere.
Once GSX hangs in that state, I could attach jetway using the Fenix EFB, no issues there, but GSX doesn't start deboarding still.

Also I know there are more conditions, like it technically may prompt you to open the door (but then the menu item changes to that text).
What about the parking position - how tolerant is GSX in terms of parking? I quite often have the issue that the marshaller or the VDGS indicate that I'm "too far" just because I rolled a centimeter too far (it seems to be very intolerant to this). Can that cause GSX to offer deboarding but not start it if I request it?

Since I'm usually flying to different airports, it's hard to tell if that may be the result of a missing or bad profile or AFCAD data, but I'd like to figure out what to look for.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2022, 11:20:39 am by virtuali »


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2022, 11:20:46 am »
Well Couatl exited gracefully, if that wording is what you prefer. For me as a user there is no difference. But I won't argue about what a crash is, it doesn't matter if the result is that Couatl shows an error window and restarts, making me re-do the selections while I'm on final approach.  Meanwhile you might want to read up the definition of a crash:

Having use the word "complete crash", seems to indicate not wanting to see the obvious difference between an error report that allowed to continue your flight after a Restart, or an hard crash that might have even affected the connection with the sim. I'm sure you know the difference, you are just trying to make some kind of point, which is completely useless to this thread.

Please read my initial post. I arrive at the gate, pull the parking brake, shut down the engines (at which point Fenix EFB prompts me to deboard which I confirm), request deboarding, usually it starts after a few seconds by attaching jetway and the cargo unloading starts. Plus GSX requests catering and refueling automatically. In those instances that my thread is about, the menu changed to "deboarding requested" but nothing else happened - neither jetway was attached nor cargo unloaded, also catering and refueling wasn't requested automatically.

Making it clear again that GSX would only start automatically the services *after* the one you called manually, and only if the automatic servicing option in Enabled, what you are reporting shouldn't happen so, please, provide with reproduction steps.

One useful test is to disable automatic servicing, it would be useful to know if that is the thing that causes it.


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2022, 11:26:29 am »
Making it clear again that GSX would only start automatically the services *after* the one you called manually, and only if the automatic servicing option in Enabled
I'm aware of that, as written multiple times in this thread. And yes, it's enabled.

, what you are reporting shouldn't happen so, please, provide with reproduction steps.
That's why I asked on details on what factors are taken into account to actually start deboarding, in the hope you could provide more details than the manual does.

One useful test is to disable automatic servicing, it would be useful to know if that is the thing that causes it.
Will try.

As asked in the initial post, PLEASE add timestamps to your logfile(s)... for the sake of debugging since you put this effort to the user. PLEASE.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2022, 11:29:51 am by Cipher »


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2022, 11:29:45 am »
That's why I asked on details on what factors are taken into account to actually start deboarding, in the hope you could provide more details than the manual does.

And that's why I only replied "Parking brakes", since in addition to Engines off, there are no other things that will prevent servicing to be started. But in that case, you wouldn't even be able to CALL the GSX service menu to being with, if you the engines are running and the parking brakes are not set, there will be a clear warning about those, if you are located inside a parking spot.

So no, there are no details or restrictions that would prevent Deboarding to start, if there were, the Deboarding option would be labeled as not available.


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2022, 11:33:40 am »
And that's why I only replied "Parking brakes", since in addition to Engines off, there are no other things that will prevent servicing to be started.

So no, there are no details or restrictions that would prevent Deboarding to start, if there were, the Deboarding option would be labeled as not available.
That's incorrect, as your manual states the doors need to be opened manually if there is no support for automatic door opening (in that case you can request deboarding first but GSX will afterwards wait for you to open the doors by showing this on the menu item).
So I wondered if there are more conditions where GSX offers deboarding and then waits for something to happen before it can start.

So there are more conditions but it seems like the parking spot is not the issue then if GSX offered me deboarding. Since repositioning the aircraft at the gate (it moved me just a few inches from where I was) fixed the issue and allowed me to request deboarding with successful start of it, I thought it might be the position.


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Re: Deboarding doesn't start
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2022, 12:06:02 pm »
That's incorrect, as your manual states the doors need to be opened manually if there is no support for automatic door opening (in that case you can request deboarding first but GSX will afterwards wait for you to open the doors by showing this on the menu item).

That was so obvious, with clear messages ( text and audio ) that there wasn't any need to specify them further, and precisely because IT IS in the manual, it was clearly implied. It seems you were asking if there was something extra not in the manual. There isn't, not to Deboarding anyway.

There might be extra restriction on DEPARTURE, like disconnecting extra plane-specific vehicles or connections, but since they can change depending on the airplane and are customized for each airplane, they are not indicated in the manual, however they also have beep/text messages to prompt you to fix that restrictions before departure can start.