Author Topic: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility  (Read 6499 times)


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FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility
« on: September 16, 2022, 07:22:26 am »
Does anyone know the best procedure that can be applied at this time to simulate the refueling service with the FBW A32NX.

The truck arrives and sometimes places the hose under the wing and in less than 1 second it leaves.
On other occasions, he arrives and leaves immediately.


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Re: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2022, 09:29:52 am »
The only requirement to prevent the fuel truck to go away immediately is to be sure the fuel quantity you ask with GSX is larger than the quantity you had when you called the truck.


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Re: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2022, 02:25:01 pm »
The only requirement to prevent the fuel truck to go away immediately is to be sure the fuel quantity you ask with GSX is larger than the quantity you had when you called the truck.

Actually I wouldn't know how to do that, as I don't explicitly ask GSX for any fuel quantity. Instead, since the FBW A320NX has a custom fuelling system, it imports the target fuel quantity from Simbrief (as does GSX). What I observe often (not always, mind you) is that when the plane finishes refuelling, GSX seems to somehow not notice that the fuelling process has ended, and keeps repeating the status message on screen and in the log file even though the amount of fuel in the message doesn't increase anymore. In the end, the only way to get out of this loop is to restart Couatl, but of course that resets everything.

Another thing I have noticed is that the amount of fuel reported by GSX is always far less than the amount of fuel acutally taken up by the aircraft - even when the animation ends correctly.


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Re: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2022, 03:06:51 pm »
Actually I wouldn't know how to do that, as I don't explicitly ask GSX for any fuel quantity.

The FBW A320, in the internal configuration that comes with GSX has been flagged to use the standard refueling so, you are supposed to have GSX displaying the fuel menu, which has quantities and the SimBrief button.

If you haven't see this menu, it's can be caused by either:

- The GSX toolbar icon Inactive. In the time from calling Refueling until the truck arrives, the GSX toolbar icon shouldn't be closed, otherwise GSX is unable to pop-up the following Fuel quantity menu.


- The airplane configuration changed to Disable the "Show fuel/cargo dialog during refueling", which is what controls how GSX refuels the airplane. The default GSX configuration for the FBW A320 is to have the option Enabled so, if you changed it, it will work as an airplane with a custom refueling system.

I think this is not completely clear: having a "custom refueling system", doesn't necessarily mean the airplane has a separate interface to load Fuel, that alone is not an indication of a custom refueling system, what really means is the airplane has an internal refueling simulation that PREVENTS or make unsafe having GSX refueling it. The Fenix A320, for example, simply cannot be refueled by GSX, because it has its own internal fuel simulation, if an airplane just have a different interface, but still uses the standard fuel and is not actively rewriting the fuel variables, it can be refueled by GSX safely, and it cannot be considered a plane with a "custom" refueling system.

However, that doesn't mean you can't reconfigure it AS IF it used a custom fuel system and use it as such.

To make it even more clear:

- An airplane that uses the standard fuel system, which could be refueled by GSX, CAN be configured as having a custom Fuel system, and this will work just fine, provide the user will follow the instructions for an airplane with a custom fuel system, the only difference, there will be no GSX fuel quantities menu and GSX won't really refuel the airplane, but will only react to the refueling performed by the airplane.

- An airplane with a really custom fuel system CANNOT be refueled by GSX, so it should NOT be configured to use the standard fuel system, because it won't work.

So, it's ok if you changed the FBW configuration to flag it as having a custom fuel system, but then you'll have to follow the same procedure like with the Fenix or the PMDG, that is:

- Start with some initial quantity

- Call the GSX fuel truck and don't touch the fuel until the truck is in position

- AFTER you see the message asking to refuel the airplane with its own system, use whatever means the airplane has to refuel itself ( EFB, FMC, separate loader  apps, etc. ) and be sure you ask for a quantity greater than the one you had initially.

- If the "Always refuel progressively" option is Enabled, GSX will simulate a progressive refueling simulation even if the plane loaded instantly, with a speed controlled by the GSX own fuel pump simulation.

- If the "Always refuel progressively" option is Disabled, GSX will show a very fast counter

- If the airplane refueling itself progressively, the refueling speed will happen with the rate the airplane is increasing fuel on itself

- If the quantity added is not greater than the one you had when  you called the GSX truck, the truck will go away immediately, with *NO* fuel counter, not even a fast one.

Another thing I have noticed is that the amount of fuel reported by GSX is always far less than the amount of fuel acutally taken up by the aircraft - even when the animation ends correctly.

Be careful to the units of measure, the GSX fuel counter is always in US Gallons, regardless of the unit used in the sim or the airplane.


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Re: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2022, 07:13:30 pm »
OK, these are the tests I've done:

My settings
- Flybywire A320 NEO
- Show fuel/cargo dialog during refueling (Enable)
- Always refuel progressively (Enable)
- Detect custom aircraft system refueling (Enable)
- Configuration in SimBrief (N251SB-A320-251N)

Test 1
- Before calling fuel service, I check MSFS FUEL setting and fuel load is 4%
- In the FBW FlyPad in the FUEL option it reflects 4% fuel.
- CLICK ON the green button of SimBrief OK
- I call the Refueling service
- The truck is positioned under the wing and the menu opens requesting an amount of fuel:

  • o If for example I choose 50% and I don't touch anything on the FBW FlyPad, the GSX truck starts the refueling simulation with the amount I chose in the menu. But neither the FlyPad system, nor in the FUEL menu of the MSFS, fill progress is seen. This is the option that most resembles a simulation, because what I do is that when the fuel truck finishes its simulation, even though the fuel tank says that it is not full, I give the FlyPad refuel immediately.

    o If during the described simulation process, I play the fuel filler in the FBW FlyPad, either instantaneous load or real simulation, immediately the truck stops and drives away.

test 2
- Perform the same procedure as test 1 but this time with the Detect custom aircraft system refueling (Disable) option. The results were the same.


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Re: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2022, 10:52:10 am »
- Detect custom aircraft system refueling (Enable)

This is wrong, and should never be used by airplanes using the standard refueling system. As explained in other threads, it has a very limited use, which I don't think it applies to any 3rd party airplane currently on the market for MSFS, but it's there in case of need and, of course, it's DISABLED by default.

The one and only time if this option might be useful, is if the airplane has a "turn-around" simulation in which refueling can start automatically by the airplane itself after some period of time, the PMDG 777 in P3D has this option. Because the airplane might start refueling itself at any time, this option helped GSX to not miss the refueling event and have its truck sent.

It should never be used with airplanes using the standard fuel system in any case.


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Re: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2023, 03:12:29 am »
Hi there,

I have some strange behaviour on the refueling myself.

My settings
- Flybywire A320 NEO
- Show fuel/cargo dialog during refueling (is not availabe any more!)
- Always refuel progressively (Enable)
- Detect custom aircraft system refueling (Enable and Disabled, doesnt change anything)
- Configuration in SimBrief (FBW A32NX)

Test 1
- Before calling fuel service, I set FBW FlyPad in the FUEL option to 16% (3000kg). This will setup the fuel in the MSFS2020 Fuel Tab.

- CLICK ON the SimBrief Button of GSX so it will highlight in green. Data is loaded correctly. It will need 27% (5156kg). So it should load 2156kg which is 11% more. I loaded the simbreief data into the fuel tab of the FBW planes EFP to cross check and set it back to 16%.

- I call the Refueling service

- The truck is positioned under the wing and the menu opens requesting an amount request.

-I chose to load via GSX Simbrief Button which was highlighted, it shows amount to fuel up to 5156kg /27% which is correct. (see fuel amount pic).

-The animation starts and the guys are bulding up the pumps and connecting the tubes to the plane. But it loads 0 Gallons and stops fueling, animation of end of fueling kicks in, the guys drive aways and a bill of 0$ is shown. No fuel up did occur. (see 0$ pic)

Option 2 ("Detect custom aircraft system refueling" = enabled)
I tried refueling in the EFB (the pad) of the FBW Plane, by pressing "Custom refueling using default Fuel menu". I cannot use the MSFS2020 Menu, since its fixed on the planes EFB Fuel system. I changed the fuelamout there and pressed "play/go" in realtime (not fast not instant) but that does not show any animation. The trucks does simply drives away

Option 3 ("Detect custom aircraft system refueling" = disabled)
I tried refueling in the EFB (the pad) of the FBW Plane, by pressing "Custom refueling using default Fuel menu". I cannot use the MSFS2020 Menu, since its fixed on the planes EFB Fuel system. I changed the fuelamout there and pressed "play/go" in realtime (not fast not instant) but that does not show any animation. The trucks stays there even after fueling up is finished. Only if I reduce the amount in EFB it drives away.

Can you tell in details me what setup I have to put into GSX (and maybe FBW A32NX Plane), so the fueling with animation based on Simbrief data will work? It does not matter if the option "Detect custom aircraft system refueling" is enabled or disabled. Both do not work. Its really annoying. Thanks alot.


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Re: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2023, 11:03:13 am »
- Show fuel/cargo dialog during refueling (is not availabe any more!)

Is still available as it always was, in the airplane profile.

- Detect custom aircraft system refueling (Enable and Disabled, doesnt change anything)

You wouldn't see any difference until you change the fuel quantity manually and increase it: resulting in the GSX fuel truck to arrive automatically. This should always be Disabled in MSFS, if you keep it enabled, it will surely cause any sort of issues.

I cannot use the MSFS2020 Menu, since its fixed on the planes EFB Fuel system

When using the airplane like this, you must DISABLE the "Show fuel/cargo dialog during refueling" option in the airplane configuration.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2023, 11:06:52 am by virtuali »


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Re: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling issue
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2023, 03:20:50 am »
Hello, I'm just wondering what is happening with the integration of FBW with GSX, I had no problem at all months ago, but these the time the request refueling action...the truck in position (the operator does not put the hose into position unless I select some % or, wich I do everytime is to select the amount according to soon as I select that option, the hose is connected and inmediately disconnected...always import data from Simbrief and in the fuel options nothing happens...also I did try clicking on the PLAY button at the EFB after I select the amount of fuel from GSX and the buttom becomes green...still nothing, no change in the fuel on board...

I already read previous topics regarding this, I dont know what would be happening...


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Re: FBW / GSX Pro Refueling Compatibility
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2023, 01:52:34 pm »
We cannot possibly offer support about an airplane custom integration, since we don't really know how it's done and how to use it correctly. The FBW has very specific instructions to be followed, and its usage is outside the scope of this forum.

If you think the problem is in GSX itself, try first doing a refueling using an airplane without any kind of integration in its code first. If that works, the problem isn't likely GSX, but either the integration itself, or not having followed whatever specific instructions and settings the airplane requires.