I'm ready to cut my losses with the P.O.S program but before I do, was going to see if anyone had a tip.
Before launching yourself in those kind of unwarranted and factually wrong comments, it would have been better if you tried to do some research first ( even reading the manual would have helped ) because, if you had, you would have known that GSX
doesn't control jetways, AT ALL, the only thing it does, is to replace their models with better looking and more varied ones, but they are STILL default jetways controlled by the default jetway animation system in the simulator.
When you operate a Jetway from GSX, the only thing it does is to send the standard command to move a jetway, which won't be any different than if you used the default ATC Ground services menu to call it or mapped a key/button to the Toggle Jetway function, but other than that, the jetway movement and choice of which airplane door to use is controlled completely by the simulator, if that airplane, parked in that same position resulted in the jetway not moving, it would have been exactly the same even if you never installed GSX.
Now, in some cases, you might have the default Asobo model working, and the GSX model not working, but that's not obviously a GSX "bug", it's just a result that, in order to have jetways "working" better, Asobo made the jetway in a way that has less realistic constraint than the real one, for example allowing the front part to tilt or bank, which will never happen in reality, and of course would look more wrong with passengers inside, so GSX jetways might be more restrictive because they have more realistic mechanical constraints, which means you'll need to pay more attention WHERE you park the airplane.
Of course, with GSX customization, you can specify the Stop position, which would result in the airplane main exit always ending up in a predictable position regardless of the airplane, which will help with jetway resolution. This is of course is fully explained in the manual, Page 40, the chapter named "Understanding the Stop position"