Author Topic: Jetways not moving at all  (Read 11320 times)


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Jetways not moving at all
« on: September 15, 2022, 09:49:40 pm »
Before I uninstall this broken program for good, I wanted to try the forums to see if anyone can help me with getting this to work correctly. I am not able to get the jetways to connect to my planes at all via GSX Pro. This is for the PMDG 737, FBW a32x and CRJ. Everything else seems to be working correctly (baggage, AFT stairs, boarding, other carts, etc.. except the jetways. I can't tell you how many times I've updated this program. When I choose operate Jetways, it lets me choose an airline and then all the little carts appear and get in position, but the jetway does nothing. I'm ready to cut my losses with the P.O.S program but before I do, was going to see if anyone had a tip.


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2022, 02:36:40 am »
You're aircraft may not be in the correct position for the jetway to connect so it doesn't move. Which airport and gate? I'll test it on my end as well. I have no issues with any of those aircraft using jetways but have needed to correct some parking spots. This isn't a GSX issue as GSX gets the information automatically from MSFS so in some instances you just need to adjust them, or download a profile from for the airport if someone has already created one.


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2022, 04:52:04 am »
That has happened to me in the past.  Try the button that says reset parking position.  That should do the trick.

Also remember that some default jetways in MSFS are broken and don't work at all.  So you really can't blame it all on GSX. 


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2022, 09:44:09 am »
I'm ready to cut my losses with the P.O.S program but before I do, was going to see if anyone had a tip.

Before launching yourself in those kind of unwarranted and factually wrong comments, it would have been better if you tried to do some research first ( even reading the manual would have helped ) because, if you had, you would have known that GSX doesn't control jetways, AT ALL, the only thing it does, is to replace their models with better looking and more varied ones, but they are STILL default jetways controlled by the default jetway animation system in the simulator.

When you operate a Jetway from GSX, the only thing it does is to send the standard command to move a jetway, which won't be any different than if you used the default ATC Ground services menu to call it or mapped a key/button to the Toggle Jetway function, but other than that, the jetway movement and choice of which airplane door to use is controlled completely by the simulator, if that airplane, parked in that same position resulted in the jetway not moving, it would have been exactly the same even if you never installed GSX.

Now, in some cases, you might have the default Asobo model working, and the GSX model not working, but that's not obviously a GSX "bug", it's just a result that, in order to have jetways "working" better, Asobo made the jetway in a way that has less realistic constraint than the real one, for example allowing the front part to tilt or bank, which will never happen in reality, and of course would look more wrong with passengers inside, so GSX jetways might be more restrictive because they have more realistic mechanical constraints, which means you'll need to pay more attention WHERE you park the airplane.

Of course, with GSX customization, you can specify the Stop position, which would result in the airplane main exit always ending up in a predictable position regardless of the airplane, which will help with jetway resolution. This is of course is fully explained in the manual, Page 40, the chapter named "Understanding the Stop position"


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2022, 03:26:17 am »
I see here it is disabling jetways for these airports.. I didn't choose to do this.. could this be why?


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2022, 07:21:44 am »
I uninstalled GSX Pro and loaded into the sim at gate F12 at KSFO. I used the PMDG 737 FMS to call for the jetway and it connected. I then re-installed GSX Pro and loaded into gate F12 at KSFO and chose the Operate Jetway option in the in-game GSX toolbar. As you can see in my screenshot, it does nothing. This program is broken.


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2022, 09:04:52 am »
I uninstalled GSX Pro and loaded into the sim at gate F12 at KSFO. I used the PMDG 737 FMS to call for the jetway and it connected. I then re-installed GSX Pro and loaded into gate F12 at KSFO and chose the Operate Jetway option in the in-game GSX toolbar. As you can see in my screenshot, it does nothing. This program is broken.

Nothing is obviously "broken" here, your problem is just you must understand how GSX works.  Reading the manual at Page 7 would have helped here, particularly these two sentences:

please note that airports from Asobo and Microsoft won’t be automatically disabled, because considering they all use the default Jetway model, we assumed you’d want to have those Jetways replaced by GSX, so Asobo/Microsoft airports are not automatically added for Jetway replacement, but they can be selected manually.

Airports belonging to the Premium packages are Encrypted, which means GSX can’t read those, and since the Jetway replacement .BGL supplied with GSX is based on the Jetway positions from the default airport (the standard non-encrypted version), it’s possible, depending on the airport, that positioning of GSX replacement jetways might not look as good as it could be, if we could read the Premium encrypted version of the airport. This might be another reason why you might want to exclude an airport from Jetway replacement, even if it’s not 3rd party.

KSFO is a Premium airport, so it's encrypted, which means it must be treated like any other 3rd party airport bought on the Marketplace. There are several reasons why these are not automatically disabled with the "Exclude 3rd party" button, and it's because SOME of them have parking data that matches precisely the default non-premium airport, so they just work, others have minor differences, KSFO is an example where lots of parking spots matches, but not all of them.

I don't know if you picked up Gate F12 at KSFO trying to prove some point, or you were just unlucky, because lots of other gates have jetways working.

However, if you just treat Premium KSFO like any other 3rd party airport and Disable it from the GSX Config panel, Jetways at THIS airport will revert back to the Asobo model, which in several places (like F12) have different placement compared to the non-premium version, which is the only airport GSX can get its data from.


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2022, 05:24:39 am »
I appreciate your responses considering you're one of the only ones trying to help me out and I understand you're defending the program.. and I get it. I want it to work too, I payed money for this damn thing. But the fact is the program is broken and I'm not here to argue about that. I'm here to see if anyone has a solution that I can try before I just remove it. I'm not going to take multiple examples at multiple airports but I just tried KLAX, gate 70A. I had GSX Pro uninstalled and connected the Jetway successfully with the PMDG FMS. Confirming the jetway works, I then re-installed GSX Pro. I did the same exact process of connecting the Jetway with the PMDG FMS and it did nothing. I then tried to use the GSX Pro toolbar to 'Operate Jetways' and it does nothing except tell me that Jetway Operation Completed. As fancy as these GSX Pro jetways are, them not working sure is disappointing. I'm here seeking help, not an argument.


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2022, 09:09:46 am »
Confirming the jetway works, I then re-installed GSX Pro. I did the same exact process of connecting the Jetway with the PMDG FMS and it did nothing. I then tried to use the GSX Pro toolbar to 'Operate Jetways' and it does nothing except tell me that Jetway Operation Completed. As fancy as these GSX Pro jetways are, them not working sure is disappointing. I'm here seeking help, not an argument.
The "fancy" GSX jetways were meant to replace default(!) airports, it is explicitly stated that on handcrafted and 3rd party scenery these should be excluded in the config.
So just disable the GSX jetways on all airports that are not Asobo default and you're good.

Umberto already wrote that (and the reason behind it) but you don't seem to try it still since installing GSX isn't sufficient, you need to adjust the jetway exclusions.
Try your setup, but add the exclusion after installing GSX for all non-default airports and see if Jetways work again.

Even the parking position of GSX profiles doesn't matter when spawning at an airport. It only matters when arriving at an airport and you follow the marshaller/VDGS, it might happen that the stopping position is in a place where the Jetway can't reach - sometimes it's a wrong position in the GSX profile for that gate, sometimes it's the fault of 3rd party scenery (e.g. LGAV from FlyTampa currently has 2 gates where jetways won't connect if you park correctly based on ground markings, A11 and A07).
« Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 09:12:49 am by Cipher »


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2022, 09:22:43 am »
Screenshot taken at KSFO F12 using the FBW A320. Had the same thing happening, but apparently it works when I park further back, so it seems to be a problem with the scenery itself.
Gate F14 right next to it works OK from the indicated parking position.

This is without excluding the jetways for this airport.

Hope this helps
« Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 09:36:13 am by Johan217 »


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2022, 04:21:31 pm »
But the fact is the program is broken and I'm not here to argue about that.

What you are passing as a "fact", it's just the result of your failure to understand how the program works and how is supposed to be used on encrypted airports.

The only fact here, is that you use GSX correctly as documented, treating Premium airports like any other Marketplace airport that you are SUPPOSED TO EXCLUDE, you'll get the default Asobo models on that airport, and they will work at all positions, and the rest of GSX will continue to work with those jetways.


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2022, 04:26:06 pm »
Screenshot taken at KSFO F12 using the FBW A320. Had the same thing happening, but apparently it works when I park further back, so it seems to be a problem with the scenery itself.

This is without excluding the jetways for this airport.

That's precisely why the installer won't automatically disable all Microsoft/Asobo handcrafted airports from jetway replacement: because lots of gate there still work with GSX jetways, even if their position might (or might not) be different from the default, so we left the choice to the user to disable them.


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2022, 01:37:37 am »
my failure lol I had nothing to do with the design of this failure.. if I did the jetways would work properly before I charged people money.


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Re: Jetways not moving at all
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2022, 02:47:16 am »
my failure lol I had nothing to do with the design of this failure.. if I did the jetways would work properly before I charged people money.

GSX Jetways obviously work properly, if you used them as they are supposed to be used: as replacements for the default sceneries, I think the issue with encrypted airports is explained quite clearly on the product web page.

And of course, now that SU10 is finally out, we can work on integrating the new Navdata API that will allow to get data from encrypted airports as well.