Author Topic: Id rather exclude third party jetways and not the GSX ones. Is this possible?  (Read 3102 times)


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what files do i need to delete in 3rd party sceneries to just use GSX jetways and delete my third party ones? Ive done the jetway exclude to avoid the double jetways but it happens far to often that the jetways just dont move after arriving or loading up at an airport. It seems to be the only way to guarantee I will have jetways that always move is to not exclude anything and have double jetways. I just want to use the GSX ones. I could have sworn that was possible back with P3D and GSX and I preferred that option


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I think in P3D developers usually used SODE which enabled you to simply turn the jetways off (could be wrong though).
As far as I know, there is no way to exclude/delete the jetways from 3rd party scenery (yet), there's no specific file for this. Maybe in the future developers will ad the option to use GSX jetways.

Ss unfortunately, ss for now, we'll have to live with the (usually) more ugly jetways of 3rd party scenery in order for GSX to work on those.

Also explained here:,26495.msg175054.html#msg175054


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I think in P3D developers usually used SODE which enabled you to simply turn the jetways off (could be wrong though).
As far as I know, there is no way to exclude/delete the jetways from 3rd party scenery (yet), there's no specific file for this. Maybe in the future developers will ad the option to use GSX jetways.

Ss unfortunately, ss for now, we'll have to live with the (usually) more ugly jetways of 3rd party scenery in order for GSX to work on those.

Also explained here:,26495.msg175054.html#msg175054

ah yes thats right. Oh well


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Jetways won't work unless they are associated with a parking, that's why you are required to exclude 3rd party jetways, because the replacement .BGLs that come with GSX are only meant to be used with default airports, since they contain only jetways, associated with the same parking they had in the default airport.

They only way to add GSX jetways on a 3rd party airport (unless you made the scenery yourself, so you have the project source), is to create a new Airport project with the MSFS DevMode, which should contain:

- An exclusion rectangle covering the whole airport, with a command to exclude only jetways.

- A set of parking spots ( at least those with a jetway ), matching exactly the name/number/suffix of the original scenery

- GSX Jetways, which can be chosen freely in the entire catalog of models added by GSX, associated to those parking spots.

Of course, if you are the developer of the original scenery, you can just replace the jetways used in the scenery with GSX ones, and recompile the scenery, so it's likely that after freeware GSX profiles, we should see freeware airports using GSX jetways individually placed.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2022, 10:03:08 am by virtuali »


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But come to think of it, it's really a shame that we can't "use" those wonderful and detailed GSX jetway models on 3rd party airports and have to use their (mostly) crappy models.
I'm using 3rd party airports only, I never never fly into stock airports... so I guess I won't be able to ever enjoy those nice GSX models unfortunately, unless they all update/modify their scenery at some point (which they probably won't)...


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But come to think of it, it's really a shame that we can't "use" those wonderful and detailed GSX jetway models on 3rd party airports and have to use their (mostly) crappy models.

Well, it's not really you can't, but it's a bit complex and would require knowing how to use the DevMode scenery editor.

so I guess I won't be able to ever enjoy those nice GSX models unfortunately, unless they all update/modify their scenery at some point (which they probably won't)...

Well, we assumed custom jetways in 3rd party airports should be well made, and should be usually appropriate for that airport, with custom models and the local advertising, if the mostly generic and automated ones from GSX are better, they should try to step-up their game or, AT LEAST, provide with an alternative airport .BGL file for GSX users, using GSX Jetways.

I fully expect freeware developers will start including GSX jetways themselves, so they could offer such alternative .BGLs together with the GSX airport profile, it's something very easy to do if somebody has already a Project in DevMode setup.