Author Topic: Crashes to desktop **solved**  (Read 46611 times)


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2010, 11:13:55 pm »
Your files are all fine, both cvx are supposed to be there, because they do different things, and not just exclusion.

A repeatable 2 minutes crash, should have been noticed by everybody (and surely by us) so, I really doubt it's the scenery. However, you might try to have a look at the Windows Event Viewer (It's under Control Panel->System->Admins Tools), if there's some indication about *which* FSX module has crashed, this might help understanding the problem.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2010, 11:49:32 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2010, 11:31:43 pm »
Thank you much Umberto.  There was nothing in the event logs over the sequences of crashes.  I did however, re-download and execute the standalone version of the FSDT control manager thingy (I forget the name at the moment).  Several short tests with the Baron idling at gate 29 again seemed uneventful.  So, I am now 4 hours into my original PMDG 748i flight from KLAX to PHNL with an hour left to go (currently 116nm from ToD).  This is the flight that originally crashed as neared the bottom of descent yeseterday into the PHNL area.

Will advise one way or the other, shortly.   :-\


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2010, 12:09:25 am »
Damn, another 4-1/2 hr flight resulting in a CTD at about 20nm from PHNL.   >:(

What ever it is, it is sudden and without warning - boom!  Gone!  Staring at the desktop 1 second later...


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2010, 04:31:40 am »
Damn, another 4-1/2 hr flight resulting in a CTD at about 20nm from PHNL.   >:(

What ever it is, it is sudden and without warning - boom!  Gone!  Staring at the desktop 1 second later...
thats whay happens to me in the LVD 763. I think this is becoming a larger problem


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2010, 09:09:00 am »
I would like to remind that, PHNL scenery range it's 8 nm. Before that area, we simply don't do anything.

The only thing related to PHNL in some way, that loads before that range, are the AFCAD with the approach procedures so, an error in the approaches, might cause a crash.

Note that, with PHNL 1.0.2 and up, the supplied AFCAD does not contain ANY approaches: they are coming from the MS default AFCAD.

And, sorry to repeat it but, when you are trying to FIND if the crash is related to the scenery, you need to use a default airplane.

If the crash happens only after a long flight, it means the possible memory leak is happening WAY before approaching the airport area, the fact that the actual *crash* happens there, might be simply because, if the airplane caused a memory exhaustion during the flight, what caused the crash was just the act of loading a new scenery, and that might have been any scenery but, of course, a with a large airport scenery, it's more probable, without the scenery having anything to do, other than just be large enough. But the problem was the memory was already dangerously low. If the problem was the scenery, it should crash regardless of how much memory is available.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 09:17:30 am by virtuali »


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2010, 12:25:11 am »
ok i just wanted to add my two cents here in that i think it could be alittle more than just a memory leak and that there may be a fault w/ the scenery itself because in my testing when i try to load directly at PHNL sometimes it crashes and yet i can do the same thing at KJFK and KLAS, even fly into those airports without any CTD's.
I'll be upgrading to W7 in about a week and i'll be trying out this again to see if this improves anyhting.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 11:38:24 am by virtuali »


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2010, 01:20:35 am »
I just flew from LAX to Honolulu and I made it. Try putting the detail radius to small


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2010, 05:03:18 am »
I just completed KDEN to PHNL in the 748i using both MSE-Colorado & FSDT PHNL with no problems. I also have all of FSDT's stuff as well as numerous 3rd party airports. To me this sounds like an OOM error which occurs in both FSX & Fs9 when using 3rd party add-ons for a prolonged amount of time on a 32 bit OS. The problem is well documented for both sims in the Avsim & FlightSim forums.
The short of it is windows virtual memory overloads and FS CTD's with no error message. The solution is either
1. ad the 3GB switch and make Fs9 or FSX large memory aware.
2. get a 64 bit OS.

I used to get CTD's like this all the time especially with PMDG's 744 and add-on airports. Frustrating as all &$#* especially on short finals Grrrrrrrr. Since moving to Vista64 and now Win7 64 the problem is all but a memory (ha!). I also used the 3GB switch for a short time and it really helped  ;)



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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2010, 11:46:58 am »
there may be a fault w/ the scenery itself because in my testing when i try to load directly at PHNL sometimes it crashes

I'm sorry but, unless the crash is repeatable on every system, you just can't say "it's the scenery". If it was, it would happen on every system, and we would had the forum flooded with messages (not just 1-2 random reports), and of course we would have fixed already, since any crash that is repeatable, is also fixable.

So, it's obvious that, in your specific case, it's something else that is crashing. When you load PHNL, it's not just our airport that is loaded, but of course it's the base scenery, meshes, landclasses, textures, default navaids, the airplane you are using, the weather, the AI airplanes with their textures, another scenery for that area you might have, etc.

If any of the above elements has a problem, you can get crashes on load, without being related at all to the PHNL airport scenery, and of course, fact you don't see this at other FSDT airports, doesn't mean anything, because they are positioned in an entirely different area.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #24 on: March 08, 2010, 08:38:37 pm »
there may be a fault w/ the scenery itself because in my testing when i try to load directly at PHNL sometimes it crashes

I'm sorry but, unless the crash is repeatable on every system, you just can't say "it's the scenery". If it was, it would happen on every system, and we would had the forum flooded with messages (not just 1-2 random reports), and of course we would have fixed already, since any crash that is repeatable, is also fixable.

So, it's obvious that, in your specific case, it's something else that is crashing. When you load PHNL, it's not just our airport that is loaded, but of course it's the base scenery, meshes, landclasses, textures, default navaids, the airplane you are using, the weather, the AI airplanes with their textures, another scenery for that area you might have, etc.

If any of the above elements has a problem, you can get crashes on load, without being related at all to the PHNL airport scenery, and of course, fact you don't see this at other FSDT airports, doesn't mean anything, because they are positioned in an entirely different area.

ok fair enough like i said i'll try it again under a new OS and see what happens then. i'll report back


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2010, 12:32:41 am »
and we all know that FSX uses alot of resources tto make its water
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 10:14:16 am by virtuali »


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2010, 05:59:37 pm »
ok i'm just following up this issue that i've been experiencing at PHNL, so since last i posted i've upgraded to W7Ultimate, and everything has been running smoothly, even with PHNL until i re-installed UTII, for some odd reason when i load the scenery it CTD's and i get "a fatal error has occured" added to which after FSX shuts down i get a pop that says "this feature requies that smart assembly is available on this computer" also it states that "couatl" isn't functioning or something like that and i should reboot the PC.
I'm hoping that what i have underscored would give the devs some insight to what is going on here.



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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2010, 03:18:02 pm »
after FSX shuts down i get a pop that says "this feature requies that smart assembly is available on this computer"

This the final and definitive proof the issue doesn't have anything to do with any of our products, because this is a message related to a problem with the .NET framework installation so, the application that has crashed it's a .NET app.

Since neither FSX itself, nor any of our products, (not even the installers), requires, use or are affected by .NET, it means what is crashing it's another 3rd party addon that use .NET. And there are many of them around.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2010, 04:17:58 pm »
after FSX shuts down i get a pop that says "this feature requies that smart assembly is available on this computer"

This the final and definitive proof the issue doesn't have anything to do with any of our products, because this is a message related to a problem with the .NET framework installation so, the application that has crashed it's a .NET app.

Since neither FSX itself, nor any of our products, (not even the installers), requires, use or are affected by .NET, it means what is crashing it's another 3rd party addon that use .NET. And there are many of them around.

Then i take it the problem has to be UT2 because to test i only have these things installed although i just don't understand why it only happens w/ the PHNL scenery, if I uninstall the scenery everything runs fine.
well i'll link this post across at UT2 and see if anyone has a solution.

OK can you tell me what these two files are :AP_PHNL and AP_PHNL_CVX because i was told to make sure that there weren't any double afcads.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 08:07:03 pm by 9Y-POS »


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2010, 09:31:50 am »
Then i take it the problem has to be UT2 because to test i only have these things installed although i just don't understand why it only happens w/ the PHNL scenery, if I uninstall the scenery everything runs fine.

As I've said, there's nothing in any of our products that is remotely linked to .NET so, if .NET is crashing, you can be sure it's not the scenery.

Fact that happens only if PHNL is installed, might due to a problem with an AI model that doesn't appear with the default airport, because of the AFCAD differences.

You might check this, by doing the opposite test: instead of uninstalling PHNL, try to uninstall UT2 and leave PHNL on.

OK can you tell me what these two files are :AP_PHNL and AP_PHNL_CVX because i was told to make sure that there weren't any double afcads.

You can be sure that everything that inside our folder, is supposed to be there. Those files are correct, one is the main AFCAD cad, the other contains some vector data for the highway traffic and the terrain exclusion zones.

If you want to search for duplicate AFCADs, you need to look in other folders. Use the free FSX airport scanner to do this.