Author Topic: Crashes to desktop **solved**  (Read 46602 times)


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Crashes to desktop **solved**
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:40:42 am »
Everytime when I fly a long flight and get close to HNL it crashes to my desktop. This is very frustrating when I have to finish my flight from Kahului
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 03:48:27 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2010, 02:00:14 am »
Does it happen on a short flight to HNL? Does it happen on a long flight to any where else? Thing is you might be out of avalible memory.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2010, 02:58:09 am »
It only happens on long flight to HNL, when departing its fine and on short flights its ok


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2010, 04:42:14 am »
Same thing, it seems to happen on long flights, but when I do a short flight it works. Its like theres a time limit on the purchased one.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2010, 07:53:00 am »
Its like theres a time limit on the purchased one.

There's obviously NOT such thing as a "time limit on the purchased one". Why, if something is wrong, someone always things it's related to trial and/or activation ?

The issue doesn't have anything to do with PHNL, other that the fact it's a fairly large scenery.

One possible cause is the airplane you are using might take too much memory ( there are "unoptimized monsters" out there, that take 1GB of RAM *just* for the airplane ) or might even leaking memory so, as soon as you enter in the PHNL area, were a large amount of data is being requested, if you were already on the borderline of exhausting memory, loading a large scenery will crash the sim.

You should try monitoring RAM usage with FSX running, and check if there's some kind of slow decrease over time, which might lead to a memory leak, and if there's a spike in usage, and by how much, when PHNL enters in range, which is exactly 10 nm from the center of the airport.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2010, 08:49:41 am »
Its not the airplane, it happens with multiple different aircraft that I have had it happen with, the qw757 and the posky 767 and I believe the cls a330. The amt of ram shouldnt matter if the ctd comes some 80 miles out of hnl.

It has to be something scenery releated, I never had this issue before with the default scenery, as far as traffic goes, I have troubleshooted all of my hawaii releated flightplans, and come up with nothing, I use woai, and the rest of the fps that I have are all manually installed, I use the TSS audio environment for the ai aircraft.

I know there is no such thing as a timer for the purchased version I was just saying that as an observation because it happens to me when my flights are 6+hrs long.

I dont know what to say, I mean just because you cant recreate the problem on your end does not explain the problems that me and the 3 or 4 other people are having with this scenery.

Im thinking it has to be something dealing with how the scenery is coded and how that coding is translated by fsx when loading details from the afcad or scenery itself.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2010, 09:06:53 am »
Its not the airplane, it happens with multiple different aircraft that I have had it happen with, the qw757 and the posky 767 and I believe the cls a330.

That doesn't automatically means it's the scenery.

The amt of ram shouldnt matter if the ctd comes some 80 miles out of hnl.

PHNL scenery range it's 10 nm, if the crash happens outside that range, it's not PHNL.

It has to be something scenery releated

No, it isn't, otherwise it would happen on every system that has PHNL installed.

I never had this issue before with the default scenery, as far as traffic goes, I have troubleshooted all of my hawaii releated flightplans, and come up with nothing, I use woai, and the rest of the fps that I have are all manually installed, I use the TSS audio environment for the ai aircraft.

That doesn't tell anything. The fact that doesn't happen with the default PHNL, doesn't automatically means there's something wrong with PHNL. As I've said already, if you are just on the *borderline* of exhausting RAM, whenever you load a large scenery, it might crash the sim, without the scenery having anything wrong.

I know there is no such thing as a timer for the purchased version I was just saying that as an observation because it happens to me when my flights are 6+hrs long.

Which clearly proves it can't be the scenery because, your memory exaustion didn't happen at PHNL (unless you were standing at PHNL for 6 hours), it happened along the way, when there wasn't any PHNL involved.

I dont know what to say, I mean just because you cant recreate the problem on your end does not explain the problems that me and the 3 or 4 other people are having with this scenery.

You said yourself that you have an easily replicable crash, when selecting the 4R approach that, as far as I understood, happened immediately, not after a long flight. This doesn't happen here.

And there aren't "3 or 4" people. It's just you and another user, that reports the runway not being visible in the GPS. Which is why I posted a screenshot, which clearly shows this doesn't happen.

So, the issue is not finding what's wrong with PHNL, but what *else* you and the other user have installed, that creates both the crashes and the problem with the GPS, which are probably related.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2010, 01:57:13 am »
when I fly there I use the LVD 763 and it is about 10-25 nm out. What should I do?


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2010, 09:16:10 am »
when I fly there I use the LVD 763 and it is about 10-25 nm out. What should I do?

Try with a default airplane first. The scenery range it's exactly 10 nm so, ANY crash that happens before, doesn't have anything to do with the scenery, because it hasn't been loaded yet.

In this other thread:

An user found the crash was caused by another AFCAD.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2010, 09:15:11 am »
How much more RAM should i free up? I use lvd 763 for my VA when I fly here. Yes it happens 10 nm out. Any other thoughs, i dont want to waste a day flying and then ALMOST making it to HNL.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2010, 01:24:13 pm »
I'll ask again: does it happen with another airplane, possibly a default one ?


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2010, 07:07:06 pm »
I'll ask again: does it happen with another airplane, possibly a default one ?
No. However I can't fly default aircraft for my VA. Should I just try to clear as many programs as possible off my computer?


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2010, 09:39:18 pm »
A way to reduce the RAM allocation, is to close all the running processes that are not required when flying, like antivirus, firewall, disk defraggers. Anything which is not related to FSX.

In FSX, you can lower the RAM usage by lowering the "Level of Detail" slider to Medium or Small.

And, of course, the best solution would be just adding more RAM, and using a 64 bit OS. Under a 32 bit OS, especially with a video card with lots of memory, you are going to have RAM problems.


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2010, 11:25:19 pm »
A way to reduce the RAM allocation, is to close all the running processes that are not required when flying, like antivirus, firewall, disk defraggers. Anything which is not related to FSX.

In FSX, you can lower the RAM usage by lowering the "Level of Detail" slider to Medium or Small.

And, of course, the best solution would be just adding more RAM, and using a 64 bit OS. Under a 32 bit OS, especially with a video card with lots of memory, you are going to have RAM problems.
Ok thanks this helps alot


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Re: Crashes to desktop
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2010, 05:29:36 pm »
Since I did a complete reinstall of PHNL with the full v1.3 installer, I am experiencing a CDT after a minute or two of idle activity.  This is with both the PMDG 748i and the default FSX Baron, just sitting at gate 29.  When I performed the complete reinstall, I had removed all traces of the original version after using the add-remove process.  I have searched my entire FSX directory structure for any filenames that contain the letters PHNL.  Although I don't see any duplicate AFCADs I do see (what I think are) two exclusion files within the ..\FSDT\PHNL\Scenery folder.  Could this be causing my CTD?  This is using FSXsp2 on WinXP_x64.  Files and dates are as follows:


AP_PHNL.BGL (dated 2/19/2010)
AP_PHNL_CVX.BGL (dated 2/19/2010)
cvx_PHNL.BGL (dated 9/5/2010)

Is the second cvx (exclusion) file supposed be there (active)?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2010, 05:35:34 pm by jordanal »