Author Topic: FollowMe "flee" behavior  (Read 895 times)


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FollowMe "flee" behavior
« on: September 19, 2022, 02:27:41 pm »
When using the FollowMe, I quite often had the issue that it would suddenly just turn around and drive away for no apparent reason.
In the manual I now found this:
It WILL slow
down while turning, so be prepared to slow down as well, in order not to crash
into it. If you get really too close, the Follow Me will just “flee” away, terminating
the service. This kind of behavior can also be optionally Enabled/Disabled in the
GSX Settings page.
Where can I find this option in the GSX Settings? It seems to be missing for me.

I'm not aware being "too" close but of course one gets closer on the corners. Since I don't understand the reasoning behind this "flee" behavior, I'd like to turn it off. The FollowMe shall not just drive off if I make a small mistake and get a bit closer than GSX thinks is appropriate.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the thread... Searched for the wrong keywords first.,27074.msg177279.html

Maybe having an FAQ with such hints would be useful so one can read about common mistakes or interesting questions without reading the whole forum.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2022, 02:31:28 pm by Cipher »