Author Topic: GSX PER FS2020  (Read 1831 times)


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« on: September 11, 2022, 05:41:03 pm »
Buongiorno, avrei due domande da fare: se acquisto GSX tutti i files in quale cartella vanno a finire. Spero che non sia COMMUNITY, perché lo spazio è abbastanza poco.
Seconda domanda: se voglio i passeggeri a Pantelleria LICG airport, c'è bisogno di un ulteriore personalizzazione? O mi basta il programma GSX? Mi riferisco ai PROFILI
Grazie a chi mi risponde.

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: GSX PER FS2020
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2022, 09:03:42 am »
Buongiorno, avrei due domande da fare: se acquisto GSX tutti i files in quale cartella vanno a finire. Spero che non sia COMMUNITY, perché lo spazio è abbastanza poco.
Seconda domanda: se voglio i passeggeri a Pantelleria LICG airport, c'è bisogno di un ulteriore personalizzazione? O mi basta il programma GSX? Mi riferisco ai PROFILI
Grazie a chi mi risponde.

Not only GSX, but everything you buy to work properly ends up in the Community folder, because that's how the simulator is based on all third-party programs, if you want to define the airport you're talking about, it's possible not to use any profile, but it won't because you need to define an airport for your GSX to work properly on racks or gates It's nothing difficult, that's why there are many profiles created for almost all airports that precisely define everything, the program will do the hard work for you. I remember the amazing setup in FSX so everything fits exactly on the plane like stairs, gates etc, it took time and patience.
I can tell it's already somewhere else in MSFS, because even though I didn't have another GSX definition file for the airport, it still worked...the stairs went through exactly, the gates too, so if you install the GSX after purchase, you don't need to set it up so much , if you don't want me a different gateway than the one in the scenario, use Config in the GSX program.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 12:19:55 pm by syphax »


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Re: GSX PER FS2020
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2022, 11:56:48 am »
First, this forum is English only, so you are kindly requested to use English, as a curtesy of other users that might not speak your language.

ALL files for ALL FSDT products, since several years, never installed anything in the simulator own folders, be it FSX, P3D or MSFS. All our files are all installed in the "Addon Manager" folder you select the first time you install an FSDT product, with all the subsequent ones ending in the same folder as well, regardless of the simulator, the only different is that MSFS products are installed into \Addon Manager\MSFS

The installer will only create Symbolic links to the Community folder, which is what allows the sim to "see" the product as installed, and Symbolic links don't take any space so, for example, if you have your Community folder installed on a drive that doesn't have much space left, you can install all your FSDT products in another drive.

About having to use a profile, is not strictly required, but it surely improves how GSX works on an airport.

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: GSX PER FS2020
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2022, 12:24:29 pm »
First, this forum is English only, so you are kindly requested to use English, as a curtesy of other users that might not speak your language.

ALL files for ALL FSDT products, since several years, never installed anything in the simulator own folders, be it FSX, P3D or MSFS. All our files are all installed in the "Addon Manager" folder you select the first time you install an FSDT product, with all the subsequent ones ending in the same folder as well, regardless of the simulator, the only different is that MSFS products are installed into \Addon Manager\MSFS

The installer will only create Symbolic links to the Community folder, which is what allows the sim to "see" the product as installed, and Symbolic links don't take any space so, for example, if you have your Community folder installed on a drive that doesn't have much space left, you can install all your FSDT products in another drive.

About having to use a profile, is not strictly required, but it surely improves how GSX works on an airport.

I agree, I just wanted to make it easier for him so that it was in his language because he was asking about one specific problem... but I understand, unnecessarily other users then have to copy and translate the text and it's tedious.
Just like anyone else, I have to translate English texts into my language, so on the other hand, if I have a question, they translate it into English.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 12:26:37 pm by syphax »


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Re: GSX PER FS2020
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2022, 02:22:52 pm »
Sorry Umberto, I misunderstood: reading the posts in Italian, I thought it was possible to write in Italian.
Having said that, if I want passengers in the Pantelleria airport, for example, the GSX program (which I had on previous simulators) is not enough, but do I necessarily have to provide me with a Pantelleria profile?
Is that so, or did I get it wrong?


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Re: GSX PER FS2020
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2022, 02:32:23 pm »
No, of course you don't need a GSX profile "just" to see passengers, it will work automatically.


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Re: GSX PER FS2020
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2022, 03:36:35 pm »