Products Support > Houston KIAH Support FSX/P3D

Floating UAL aircraft in KIAH after latest updates

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Greg Goodavish:
or get them to show up on the ground, instead of the air?

I had the same issue and I was able to fix it pressing CTRL + F12



--- Quote from: Greg Goodavish on September 13, 2022, 07:33:10 am --- Are you sure those aren't FSDT supplied models for looks? 
--- End quote ---

Yes, you are right, KIAH is one of the few sceneries that have some static planes. You can turn them off with the YouControl menu.

Greg Goodavish:
OK, using the Cntrl F12 menu, and turning off the static planes fixed the issue of the planes in the air.  Too bad there isn't a way to correct that, and keep the static planes at the maintenance hangars, as that gives the scenery a sense of realism.   Oh well, still better than planes floating in the air.

I am sorry but let me ask this question openly, Virtuali:
Do ypu plan to fix that issue at all?



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