Author Topic: Duplicate parkings with SU10 Navdata API at custom airports  (Read 1478 times)


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Duplicate parkings with SU10 Navdata API at custom airports
« on: December 17, 2022, 08:36:40 pm »
It seems that at some custom airports, the old MSFS parkings are still showing alongside the customized positions on the plight planner map when using SU10 Navdata API. It's easily fixed by excluding GSX jetway replacement for such airports, but I just wanted to know if this is a known side effect, or perhaps something that can be solved by the scenery builder?


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Re: Duplicate parkings with SU10 Navdata API at custom airports
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2022, 02:24:37 pm »
It's easily fixed by excluding GSX jetway replacement for such airports, but I just wanted to know if this is a known side effect, or perhaps something that can be solved by the scenery builder?

If you noticed this is fixed that way, meaning the duplicate parking spots were caused by the GSX Jetway replacement files themselves, the possible reasons why this happens are:

- The 3rd party airport package doesn't conform to the official package naming convention of developer-airport-ICAO-airportname, this is common for freeware, since Marketplace add-ons not conforming to this standard won't be accepted on the MS Marketplace. A package named in a non-standard way cannot be detected by GSX "Exclude 3rd party button", so it must be Disabled by-ICAO manually in the GSX Config panel.

- You might have installed or relinked the 3rd party airport after you last ran the GSX Update. The "Exclude 3rd party button" is a button you call manually, but it is also a procedure that runs automatically when you first install GSX Pro, when you Relink or Unlink GSX Pro with the FSDT Installer, or when you perform an Update for GSX Pro. But if you added a new 3rd party airport in the meantime, it won't be excluded from GSX Jetway replacement, until the next time you run the FSDT Updater, or enter the installer and click again the "Exclude 3rd party button". This, of course, assuming the airport CAN be automatically detected as explained in the previous point. If it's not, it must be Disabled manually by ICAO.


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Re: Duplicate parkings with SU10 Navdata API at custom airports
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2022, 10:56:48 pm »
- The 3rd party airport package doesn't conform to the official package naming convention of developer-airport-ICAO-airportname, this is common for freeware [...]
Indeed that appears to have been the case, thanks. Hoping that one day we will be able to use the GSX jetways because they really do look a lot nicer!


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Re: Duplicate parkings with SU10 Navdata API at custom airports
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2022, 01:49:05 pm »
Hoping that one day we will be able to use the GSX jetways because they really do look a lot nicer!

GSX replacement jetway files, as supplied by GSX, will only cover default airports.

However, freeware creators can easily make a scenery using GSX Jetways, since they will be available to place in the default DevMode editor, like any other object so, it's should be very easy for somebody with the scenery source codes, to make a version using GSX jetways, to be used by anybody that has GSX installed.


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Re: Duplicate parkings with SU10 Navdata API at custom airports
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2022, 08:12:51 pm »
That is seriously cool! Now I just need to learn to use the scenery editor  8)