Author Topic: This parking is too small for your aircraft / The button on toolbar doesnot work  (Read 4321 times)


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Hi, I have two problems, the button on toolbar doesnt work when i push it. I also re install a lot time but nevers works. at some airports the message says
This parking is too small for your aircraft . I attached the log when button doesnt work and when it says This parking is too small for your aircraft .

« Last Edit: September 09, 2022, 04:22:44 pm by virtuali »


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Hola patinooo, tengo el mismo problema con GSX, y no he podido encontrar solucion, lo he desinstalado totalmente y vuelto a instalar y sigue igual los de FSDT me han dicho que ejecute el LIVE update installer pero no da resultado, esta noche voy a hacer otras pruebas actualizando con el universal installer a ver que pasa, Umberto de FSDT me dijo ayer que era por una carpeta faltante para uso de perfiles pero no me especifico cual


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Hola patinooo, tengo el mismo problema con GSX, y no he podido encontrar solucion, lo he desinstalado totalmente y vuelto a instalar y sigue igual los de FSDT me han dicho que ejecute el LIVE update installer pero no da resultado, esta noche voy a hacer otras pruebas actualizando con el universal installer a ver que pasa, Umberto de FSDT me dijo ayer que era por una carpeta faltante para uso de perfiles pero no me especifico cual

Lo he intentado todo, he instalado muchas veces de muchas maneras y nada, lo he hecho con el manual addon que dura 6 horas instalando y nada. he hecho muchas pruebas y nada. si logras algo me avisas. Igual yo te avisare.


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yo he estado leyendo los post de este foro y que tienen que ver con este problema y parece ser que tiene que ver con el FSDT LIVE UPDATE, no esta actualizando y creando los archivos necesarios para que funcione, yo cada vez que lo ejecuto me sale actualizando 1 de 37 y siempre veo que no pasa del paso 1 y se cierra, bueno saludos si logras arreglar me cuentas lo mismo hare si logro hacerlo andar


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
Hi, I have two problems, the button on toolbar doesnt work when i push it. I also re install a lot time but nevers works. at some airports the message says  This parking is too small for your aircraft . I attached the log when button doesnt work and when it says This parking is too small for your aircraft .

I edited your post, because you should always ZIP and Attach your log files.

However, a "parking too small" message is not a problem, since GSX will let you use the parking anyway, if you don't what that message, either park in a proper parking, or use the customize airport position option to adapt the parking size to your wingspan.


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Hi, I have two problems, the button on toolbar doesnt work when i push it. I also re install a lot time but nevers works. at some airports the message says  This parking is too small for your aircraft . I attached the log when button doesnt work and when it says This parking is too small for your aircraft .

I edited your post, because you should always ZIP and Attach your log files.

However, a "parking too small" message is not a problem, since GSX will let you use the parking anyway, if you don't what that message, either park in a proper parking, or use the customize airport position option to adapt the parking size to your wingspan.

I cannot customize the position because the menu in the toolbar doesn't work, I can't open the menu.

please watch the youtube videos and attached log.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2022, 03:48:53 pm by virtuali »


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Is your log coming from that exact session where you made that video ?


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Is your log coming from that exact session where you made that video ?

Hi, Yes,

thanks for your helping.


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Do you have something, like a keyboard or a joystick that is assigned to emulate a keyboard that is sending constantly the "DEL" key ?


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Do you have something, like a keyboard or a joystick that is assigned to emulate a keyboard that is sending constantly the "DEL" key ?

Ni, I also disconnected the keyboard and joystick but nothing changed.


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Ni, I also disconnected the keyboard and joystick but nothing changed

I'm asking this because, from your log, it looks like something pressed the "DEL" key as soon as you opened the menu, which resulted in closing it. We can fix it on our side, it's just seem strange that something was continuously sending those commands.

It might be something you don't' expect. I have a 3d mouse that does that and, due to this issue, I must always disconnect it before configuring another joystick, because MSFS thinks I'm configuring that one, because it keeps receiving data from it, even without touching it.


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I have normal mouse genius basic, I attached I new log with video thanks for your time to try to fix it.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2022, 10:10:22 pm by virtuali »


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Yes, it's the same, the DEL key is being sent continuously, which confuses the menu. It should be an easy fix, but the fact you have something constantly sending keys to the sim is a bit worrying.


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I have the same problem with menu bar not open


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I have the same problem with menu bar not open