Author Topic: Universal Installer vs. Live Update vs. Live Update 2 vs. Offline Installer (?)  (Read 1074 times)


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I'm a bit confused...

So there is an Universal Installer which can install GSX and also Update GSX (it also says "Live Update" on the left).

Then there's the Live Updater and also a Live Updater 2.

An on top of this, there's the offline installer.

So which one do I use when and in which order? Which one if I want to check for updates? I'd like to clean reinstall GSX but I'm not sure how to do it correctly...



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The icons for the Installer and the Updater are not two separate programs, the program is only one, just that with the installer you can do several extra things, like installing, activating/deactivating a product, get keys, read release notes and CHOOSE which product to check for Updates.

The Live update is exactly the same program, running with a reduced interface, which does exactly the same as the "Update ALL" button would do in the complete interface.