Author Topic: Wonky Fuel Tanker  (Read 2916 times)


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Wonky Fuel Tanker
« on: September 05, 2022, 07:20:36 pm »
Hello Umberto.

Today I ordered fuel for my PMDG 737-700 parked in my custom spot on the default MSFS NAS Boca Chica Airport (KNQX).

When the fuel truck arrived, the truck cabin turned into the main body of the tank and thus intersecting itself.  Additionally, the fuel meter doors failed to open although I saw them open on the opposite side of the tanker where there is no meter.  This peculiarity happened twice.  Is this due to the editor still being buggy as with some of my previous reporting of the stairs appearing under the aircraft?  I'm going to fly into a default airport and see if the fuel truck wonkiness' happens in a standard (non-custom parking spot)

I attached some pictures, sorry for the poor quality.

Last week you mentioned that a new animated fuel truck is being developed.  Can you give us an update on it?


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2022, 11:23:24 pm »
The problem is more the Fuel tanker being reversed over itself, which caused all sort of issues, and it's likely caused by the airport layout and/or parking position, since for some reason the tanker approached from the wrong side, maybe you change the parking position in GSX too much, so now is quite far from the underlying airport taxiway layout and nodes ?


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2022, 05:44:12 pm »
The problem is more the Fuel tanker being reversed over itself, which caused all sort of issues, and it's likely caused by the airport layout and/or parking position, since for some reason the tanker approached from the wrong side, maybe you change the parking position in GSX too much, so now is quite far from the underlying airport taxiway layout and nodes ?

I have repositioned the aircraft via the menu occasionally, but only to see if the positions of the vehicles stay where I designated for them to be in the editor.  Unfortunately, as I posted earlier, whenever I order any of the ground services, the vehicles, stairs, etc.  that I have not requested, all rush in within the proximity of the aircraft without me ordering their services.  I want them to stay in their designated station until I order the service, but they are disobeying the laws of the editor.  Isn't the purpose of the editor to allow us to customize the precise position of ground services vehicles?  If that's the case, why are they behaving this way?  What about the diameter of the parking space?  Should all the ground services vehicles be positioned within the diameter of the custom space, or should they be placed outside?  I placed them outside thinking that they would remain in their space until requested.

I have edited the position of my aircraft, (only once) in the same location of my custom parking space so it lined up with the tarmac yellow line texture and repositioned the VGDS to also correspond to the yellow line.  The stairs don't spawn under the aircraft as before but the problem of the ground services vehicles not staying where I positioned them with the editor continues.  I think when I relocated the aircraft to the new parking position in the editor, is when the fuel truck problem begun.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2022, 05:46:04 pm »
Please clarify this:

"whenever I order any of the ground services, the vehicles, stairs, etc.  that I have not requested, all rush in within the proximity of the aircraft without me ordering their services."

This is not supposed to happen, normally. Have you enabled the Auto servicing option  ? In any case, none of this would affect the path taken by the Fuel Tanker, which won't use any data about the parking itself, other than the airport taxi/nodes to get there.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2022, 06:04:33 pm »
Hi Umberto,

I'm not sure, I don't remember seeing "Auto servicing option" where do I find that?  All I did was to use arrow keys and F-keys to reposition vehicles.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2022, 06:06:44 pm »
The GSX Settings page.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2022, 06:32:45 pm »
Thanks I'll take a look.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2022, 11:39:50 pm »
Please clarify this:

"whenever I order any of the ground services, the vehicles, stairs, etc.  that I have not requested, all rush in within the proximity of the aircraft without me ordering their services."

This is not supposed to happen, normally. Have you enabled the Auto servicing option  ? In any case, none of this would affect the path taken by the Fuel Tanker, which won't use any data about the parking itself, other than the airport taxi/nodes to get there.

Hi Umberto,

I've attached some screenshots to better explain what I'm trying to describe.  So, when I call for the GPU service, not only does the GPU cart arrive but also the stairs, baggage handlers, Pushback cart, etc.  I purposely placed all the vehicles very far from the aircraft, outside of the parking diameter of the aircraft in hopes that they would stay there until I asked for them via the menu.  Instead, all of the vehicles, jump/rush in, from their designated areas where they have been placed by the editor when I ask only for the GPU.  They just seem they are relocating themselves and unrealistically too close to the aircraft. *pls note vehicles that are spawning under the fuselage and under the wing.

I have not checked the check box for the Auto Servicing Option.  I guess I'm a little confused why this is happening and I can't figure out how to change the behavior of the vehicles from spawning from the locations I have designated to being amassed too closely to the aircraft.

I know that I initially was inquiring about the behavior of the fuel truck but I did not receive a response about this from a previous thread I started.  You asked me to send you the parking ini file which I mailed to you but I did not get a reply either.

I know that you are very busy and I really appreciate what you are doing to fix things as they are being addressed.

Kind regards.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2022, 11:41:51 pm »
This picture shows where I initially assigned the ground service vehicles.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2022, 10:23:06 am »
I'm sorry but, I cannot replicate what you are reporting.

If I call just the GPU, vehicle starts from the assigned position ( which I also customized, to replicate your test ) and stay there. The only thing I see moving is the GPU, which arrives, attach to the plane, and goes away. Nothing else happens.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2022, 04:58:27 pm »
Would you recommend deleting the custom parking ini file that I created for KNQX airport and start a new custom parking?  Is it possible that the ini file that I created is corrupted?

How do I delete the file?  I don't want to delete anything that should stay.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2022, 05:00:08 pm »
Select the parking and press Reset in the editor ( the 2d dialog )


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2022, 05:44:28 pm »
Great.  Thank you.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2022, 08:37:46 pm »
Select the parking and press Reset in the editor ( the 2d dialog )

Hi Umberto,

There’s something very wrong with the editor as it’s clearly evident by the screenshots I’ve attached. Perhaps the reason you are not able to recreate the issue that I’m experiencing, is that you are using the developer’s version of the editor? If there’s a way to use the same “end user” editor version that we have received, perhaps you could reproduce the problem and find a way to fix it?

So, I reset the custom parking as per your directions which cleared my existing parking configuration.  As I moved the ground vehicles, the drivers remained in a seated position suspended in the air.

As you can see in screenshot 1, pls note where the new designation of the ground vehicles is in comparison where the vehicles were initially (Location of the sitting, floating drivers.)

Pls also note on screenshot 2 where all the ground vehicles immediately spawned on the left side of the aircraft instead of where I placed them in the editor.  This happened when I ordered fuel and again when I called for the GPU service.  The moment I order services, all the vehicles jumped for the right hand side of the aircraft to the left hand side of the aircraft.  I'm by no means an expert on the editor but I'm following all the instructions that appear above each element of the editor as I'm selecting the F4 key to proceed to the next element after it has been moved to the new location.  I can confirm that when hitting the "Enter" key my changes are being saved after closing the editor.

I can also see the positions of the vehicles where I designated them to be in the editor each time I land and arrive at the custom parking position.  If I'm requesting fuel or just the GPU, why is the pushback vehicle spawning into a new position when I've not requesting pushback?  I'm not saying that pushback services are being executed but the customized location is jumping/spawing like being teleported without the specific service being requested.

The wonkiness of the fuel truck intersecting itself seems to have been fixed and the stairs did not spawn under the fuselage as before.


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Re: Wonky Fuel Tanker
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2022, 08:38:34 pm »
Here's screenshot #2