Author Topic: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing  (Read 5504 times)


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Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« on: September 04, 2022, 11:42:53 pm »
Would it be possible to add an option to stop the GSX menu from automatically closing?

I feel like currently it automatically closes after selecting an option too much. For example, when I open the menu and click Operate Jetway, it then closes the menu. Then I have to open it again and click Start Boarding. It would be more convenient for the menu to stay open. Or if I want I can minimize it instead, so it can open again without loading.

Another example is opening the menu to initiate pushback, and then having to open it again to confirm good engine start. This feels a little excessive.

I hope it isn't too complex to add an option to keep the menu from closing automatically.


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2022, 01:13:42 am »
They said they will fix it, I am still waiting for it patiently the worst thing about this addon, everything else I can deal with

Whoever came up with the idea of auto closing the GSX menu window needs to get fired !

 I don't care what the reason .. open new window if needed for other options, just leave the darn thing open !

Please and Thank You

overall happy customer


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2022, 02:00:37 am »
Yes indeed, very annoying to have it closed all the time.


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2022, 09:46:37 am »
Whoever came up with the idea of auto closing the GSX menu window needs to get fired !

Lol chill. I'm pretty sure its just Umberto. If he fired himself GSX wouldn't exist.

No need to get rude please and thank you.


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2022, 10:32:43 am »
Fully agree, this is the most wanted feature for me. The menu opening and closing is a real pain in he a***.
As a second wish, they should show the texts (such as number of PAX loaded, warning messages, etc.) in VR, either directly in the main view, or even better as a line in the menu (same as SIMBRIEF status is now displayed).


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2022, 01:40:36 pm »
We confirmed multiple times, in multiple posts, the option to disable auto-closing the menu WILL come.

Of course, this will means you WILL have to make two clicks in many more situations than you have now, since the obvious reason for having auto-close to begin with, was to save you from ALWAYS have to click once to deactivate the toolbar icon and click again to reactivate it, which in many situation the auto-close feature is preventing it.

I'm fairly sure that, after adding the option to disable the auto-close option, most users will finally understand WHY it was there to begin with, since for a user with a single screen and no VR, is obviously much better to have it.

Dual screen with the menu pinned to another monitor or VR, are the only case in which I can see never close the menu automatically would be useful.


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2022, 02:38:13 pm »
Yes, thanks.

Your multiple screen users will be very happy when we can pin the menu and keep it open.

We wait patiently...or impatiently!


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2022, 02:59:31 pm »
Dual screen with the menu pinned to another monitor or VR, are the only case in which I can see never close the menu automatically would be useful.

I fall into both those categories.

Auto-minimize instead of auto-close would also be nice if the sim allows for it. That might be a good half-way option for some.


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2022, 04:04:32 pm »
Maybe I dont understand the problem, but why do you always have to close the toolbar?


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2022, 05:19:54 pm »
Maybe I dont understand the problem, but why do you always have to close the toolbar?

It would have been so much easier to understand, if you just read the explanation on Page 66-67, which explain why the GSX menu is not "always" closed automatically, but only in some cases, when the next LIKELY action would be you opening it again so, it's closed automatically so you won't have to click twice, once to close it and to open it again.

De Flight

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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2022, 05:45:34 am »
Furthermore, is the menu supposed to automatically reopen as well?

I think having a keybind for the menu is a MUST.  This way we can open and close it as we see fit.

Thank you!


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2022, 11:09:50 am »
Furthermore, is the menu supposed to automatically reopen as well?

I think having a keybind for the menu is a MUST.  This way we can open and close it as we see fit.

Reading the manual, Pages 66-67, would have help understanding the problem: there's no way from the SDK to programmatically open a custom toolbar menu from Simconnect, only Javascript can, but JS code is immediately killed the moment you click the toolbar icon to deactivate it so, once the toolbar icon closes, there's no way to bring it back programmatically, unless you reopen it yourself.

That's why the menu works that way, and sometimes (depending on context), it closes itself and sometimes it doesn't, depending what will be your next likely action, to save you from *always* click twice to open it ( if we left it always open ).

That's why there's no hotkey linked to it because, even if there was, it won't work unless the icon is active, so you'd still had to use the toolbar icon in many cases.

But even it it was possible to open a toolbar menu automatically, we can't have an hotkey assigned to it, because of ANOTHER problem in the SDK, which is the inability to prevent the simulator from getting an event reserved to an add-on, which was possible in FSX and P3D, is still fully documented as possible in the MSFS SDK, it just...doesn't work, the simulator will always execute the event no matter what, and if there's something assigned to the hotkey you chose, the simulator will do its thing together with GSX, so you would need to use an unused key but, if you later assign it to something, you must remember to fix the conflict with GSX, because there also no way to *know* a key used is...already used for something in the sim.


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2022, 12:25:35 pm »
Please don’t shoot me down, but Navigraph, as an example,  provides an in-sim toolbar integration which, once clicked on to open initially, can be hidden or brought back into focus by means of a hot-key. Perhaps this sort of functionality is what folk are suggesting in terms of GSX.


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2022, 12:58:38 pm »
Please don’t shoot me down, but Navigraph, as an example,  provides an in-sim toolbar integration which, once clicked on to open initially, can be hidden or brought back into focus by means of a hot-key. Perhaps this sort of functionality is what folk are suggesting in terms of GSX.

Nowhere I ever said you can't bring up a closed toolbar menu, I said this can be done only from JS so, if a toolbar add-on is written completely as a self-contained JS program, it can do that. However, this ability is not available to Simconnect applications that runs externally to the sim, like GSX.


I installed the Navigraph toolbar utility, and it works *exactly* like GSX: while you can open/close the menu with a key ( CTRL+N ), this works only as long the toolbar ICON is Active. The moment you close the icon, it deactivates, so the hotkey doesn't work anymore until you reactivate the toolbar icon again. While this might not be a problem for that app, it is for GSX, because there's no way to prevent users disabling the icon, and there are several situations ( Refuel, Deicing, etc. ) where GSX needs to pop-up a menu after a while, as part of a procedure that started earlier, which won't work if the icon is Disabled.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2022, 01:49:04 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Option to stop GSX menu from automatically closing
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2022, 05:53:22 pm »
Ok.  So I read pages 66-67 a few times trying to get a better handle of how the menu works.  I still seem to not understand one thing.  While the icon is active the menu is not there to show options even though it is beeping at me and asking me to select something (confirm engine start).  Since there is nothing to select it keeps asking me.  I then have to hit the icon again?  In doing so it de activates the icon and then I have to hit it again?  Am I missing something here or is GSX supposed to “re open” the menu when it needs to know a choice?  I still think having the option to open and close while toolbar is active would be a great thing if it can be implemented.