Author Topic: GSX for scenery purchased on the Marketplace inside MSFS  (Read 2382 times)

Leopardo Di Cardio

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GSX for scenery purchased on the Marketplace inside MSFS
« on: September 03, 2022, 11:30:58 pm »
I know that the manual says that so far GSX does not work for things from the Marketplace because it is not possible to assign a GSX profile to a certain bgl file, because the Marketplace will install the airport, but only a large .fsarchive file remains, which is useless for the path in the .ini file, but still  I ask.. Is it really disadvantaged  against nowadays who buys scenery of the airport somewhere from sellers and after installation has the possibility to have a path for example objects.bgl or xxx-AP.bgl etc. compared to someone who buys scenery on the Marketplace and defining  path to xxxx.ini is unlucky because it doesn't work?  If so, everyone who wants to use GSX and define a GSX profile should buy scenery elsewhere than on the Marketplace, where they would be at a disadvantage. Is that right?  Unfortunately, at the moment I can't define the LHBP, LEBL, LMML airports because I have them through the Marketplace :-(( I'm asking for advice and other experience, thanks...
« Last Edit: September 03, 2022, 11:36:36 pm by syphax »


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Re: GSX for scenery purchased on the Marketplace inside MSFS
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2022, 05:37:14 pm »
I have the same problem  :-[


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Re: GSX for scenery purchased on the Marketplace inside MSFS
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2022, 07:09:19 pm »
Advice and Experience?  Ok.  You asked.
I have been flight simming since 1979 and Bruce Artwick's Sublogic. 
The single most important key to flight simulator happiness is to have full control of your system.  You choose where things are installed, when they get updated, what controls and profiles you will use etc.  The Market Place is a great idea.  It simplifies life.  It can be a great choice for many.  However, with every choice comes consequences.  With regard to the Market Place there are two consequences that I cannot live with.
1. Updates take forever to get through their system.
2. Everything is encrypted (DRM) and that right there means you lose control

I love the idea of supporting Asobo/Microsoft as they develop the platform.  However, issue number 2 above is a deal breaker for me. Your issues with GSX are a prime example, however there are other issues.  KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) is a great philosophy to live life by.  When I fly, because I buy NOTHING from the market place I (not Asobo/MSFS) decide what loads when I start the sim.  What I load is the airport I am flying from, the airport I am flying to and the alternate.  Everything else is stock.  I only load the airplane and livery I will fly.  That's it.  What are the results?
1. I have had as of yesterday 9 CTDs since the day MSFS was released.  I log each one and the cause of the issue as well as the steps I take to rectify the problem.
2. I control my controllers and the profiles they use.  I don't care what the sim can do with the controllers.  My in sim control profiles are blank except for view manipulation.
3. I fly very happy with no issues that I did not cause myself.

These are the two MUST have programs to accomplish what I have done
1. Axis and Ohs for controllers (or SpadNext, I have heard great things about it too and really it seems that the only difference is the interface).
2. Addon Linker from

Any decision you take (life or simulator) will come with consequences.  You can only control the decision.  Once you make it you cannot complain about the consequences that come naturally. 

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: GSX for scenery purchased on the Marketplace inside MSFS
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2022, 08:45:20 am »
I totally agree on these things:
1. Updates take forever to get through their system.
2. Everything is encrypted (DRM) and that right there means you lose control
When I fly, because I buy NOTHING from the market place I (not Asobo/MSFS) decide what loads when I start the sim. What I load is the airport I am flying from, the airport I am flying to and the alternate. Everything else is stock. I only load the airplane and livery I will fly. That's it.
The simple way is really Addon Linker, which I also use for the flight from airport to airport, the important things are still around and otherwise everything is in stock as you write.
But since I'm on the GSX discussion, I'll mention the problem, which really lies in the fact that if I have to use it also at the airport, which I purchased unfortunately via the Marketplace / I will never make such a mistake again because of file encryption, purchased elsewhere without encryption / unfortunately, this is not an option adjust the airport using GSX ini and that's enough for me.
I understand that the creator of GSX didn't do much with it because this is Asobo's policy, to make things more complicated than they can be. And I'm not talking about CTD crashes just when GSX was released, it was unnecessarily smeared in the introduction of the release even though it was not to blame and it is an important part of the whole MSFS, which embeds the reality of the entire simulator.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 08:47:32 am by syphax »


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Re: GSX for scenery purchased on the Marketplace inside MSFS
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2022, 11:33:34 am »
Advice and Experience?  Ok.  You asked.
I have been flight simming since 1979 and Bruce Artwick's Sublogic. 
The single most important key to flight simulator happiness is to have full control of your system.  You choose where things are installed, when they get updated, what controls and profiles you will use etc.  The Market Place is a great idea.  It simplifies life.  It can be a great choice for many.  However, with every choice comes consequences.  With regard to the Market Place there are two consequences that I cannot live with.
1. Updates take forever to get through their system.
2. Everything is encrypted (DRM) and that right there means you lose control

I love the idea of supporting Asobo/Microsoft as they develop the platform.  However, issue number 2 above is a deal breaker for me. Your issues with GSX are a prime example, however there are other issues.  KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) is a great philosophy to live life by.  When I fly, because I buy NOTHING from the market place I (not Asobo/MSFS) decide what loads when I start the sim.  What I load is the airport I am flying from, the airport I am flying to and the alternate.  Everything else is stock.  I only load the airplane and livery I will fly.  That's it.  What are the results?
1. I have had as of yesterday 9 CTDs since the day MSFS was released.  I log each one and the cause of the issue as well as the steps I take to rectify the problem.
2. I control my controllers and the profiles they use.  I don't care what the sim can do with the controllers.  My in sim control profiles are blank except for view manipulation.
3. I fly very happy with no issues that I did not cause myself.

These are the two MUST have programs to accomplish what I have done
1. Axis and Ohs for controllers (or SpadNext, I have heard great things about it too and really it seems that the only difference is the interface).
2. Addon Linker from

Any decision you take (life or simulator) will come with consequences.  You can only control the decision.  Once you make it you cannot complain about the consequences that come naturally.

Very well said I could have written it myself :)

What I would add as a token of hope for those that choose to buy Market place stuff is that SU10 I believe is going to allow 3rd party apps to be able to access the BGL for the scenery which will solve the problem. I still won't buy any Market place products as I prefer to put the money in the hands of the developer rather than MS/ASOBO but that's my personal choice and as said it will no doubt have it's consequences  ;D

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: GSX for scenery purchased on the Marketplace inside MSFS
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2022, 11:50:56 am »
Advice and Experience?  Ok.  You asked.
I have been flight simming since 1979 and Bruce Artwick's Sublogic. 
The single most important key to flight simulator happiness is to have full control of your system.  You choose where things are installed, when they get updated, what controls and profiles you will use etc.  The Market Place is a great idea.  It simplifies life.  It can be a great choice for many.  However, with every choice comes consequences.  With regard to the Market Place there are two consequences that I cannot live with.
1. Updates take forever to get through their system.
2. Everything is encrypted (DRM) and that right there means you lose control

I love the idea of supporting Asobo/Microsoft as they develop the platform.  However, issue number 2 above is a deal breaker for me. Your issues with GSX are a prime example, however there are other issues.  KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) is a great philosophy to live life by.  When I fly, because I buy NOTHING from the market place I (not Asobo/MSFS) decide what loads when I start the sim.  What I load is the airport I am flying from, the airport I am flying to and the alternate.  Everything else is stock.  I only load the airplane and livery I will fly.  That's it.  What are the results?
1. I have had as of yesterday 9 CTDs since the day MSFS was released.  I log each one and the cause of the issue as well as the steps I take to rectify the problem.
2. I control my controllers and the profiles they use.  I don't care what the sim can do with the controllers.  My in sim control profiles are blank except for view manipulation.
3. I fly very happy with no issues that I did not cause myself.

These are the two MUST have programs to accomplish what I have done
1. Axis and Ohs for controllers (or SpadNext, I have heard great things about it too and really it seems that the only difference is the interface).
2. Addon Linker from

Any decision you take (life or simulator) will come with consequences.  You can only control the decision.  Once you make it you cannot complain about the consequences that come naturally.

Very well said I could have written it myself :)

What I would add as a token of hope for those that choose to buy Market place stuff is that SU10 I believe is going to allow 3rd party apps to be able to access the BGL for the scenery which will solve the problem. I still won't buy any Market place products as I prefer to put the money in the hands of the developer rather than MS/ASOBO but that's my personal choice and as said it will no doubt have it's consequences  ;D

It's simply not worth buying any airports from the Marketplace at the moment, because you get an fsarchive file and you can't do anything about it. Buy from another seller or the airport manufacturer itself and you have normal access to the option to set the airport on the GSX. Unfortunately, I have a couple of airports through the Marketplace, as he wrote in the introduction and profiles can be set in AFCAD of the MSFS itself, not based on the scenery. Hopefully MSFS will fix this nonsense, otherwise it's not worth buying the airport here.