Products Support > Charlotte KCLT Support FSX/P3D

Jetway A99 can't connect


Today with latest GSX updates could not connect at A99 in KCLT. I have seen another thread here with the same problem on a different gate.

Do you see GSX jetways at KCLT ? You are not supposed to, the updater should have disabled it from GSX replacement, so you should still see the original ones that came with KCLT. If not, disable KCLT in the GSX Config Panel.

That's the only thing that might have possibly affected KCLT during a GSX update.

I had two .ini files, one in the KCLT\scenery directory and one in the virtuali\gsx directory. When I removed both, I got the message no jetway here and realized, the seen jetway is for A9 and not A9A (A99).

Is the .ini file in the scenery directory still used or should it be removed? Does it contain better vehicle positions, stop points etc.?


--- Quote from: blaunarwal on September 04, 2022, 08:58:15 am ---Is the .ini file in the scenery directory still used or should it be removed? Does it contain better vehicle positions, stop points etc.?
--- End quote ---

You should use only the .INI in the scenery directory, the one you had in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali folder was your own customization but, since some parking spots have changed, we updated both the scenery and the .INI, which means your custom config is now likely invalid.


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