Author Topic: PAX ignoring my waypoints :(  (Read 2023 times)


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PAX ignoring my waypoints :(
« on: September 01, 2022, 04:54:32 pm »
Hey Umberto,

do you have an idea why my pax are ignoring my Waypoints?
I guess cause they are walking in the airport bgl Jetway and for my understanding would start afterwards going the setup waypoints right?

As you can see, I have an issue with the (again LOWW^^) scenery, where they are not moving in the jetway as they should.

My idea was to create manually waypoints through the jetway but it seems like thats not possible at the moment.



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Re: PAX ignoring my waypoints :(
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 05:58:00 pm »
My idea was to create manually waypoints through the jetway but it seems like thats not possible at the moment.

Not only is not possible, but it's not even planned. Jetways are by their own nature dynamic, because they dock in different places depending on the airplane door, position, height, so a pre-planned path wouldn't be useful, since it will work only with a certain airplane and only if it was parked exactly in a certain position.

You can use Passenger waypoints to create paths for fixed structures in the scenery which start *after* the jetway animated part ends, the manual has an example of that.

If your problem is having GSX passengers following a 3rd party jetway, the first thing to do is being sure the GSX replacement file for that airport is DISABLED in the GSX Config.

Then, be sure the correct airport has been loaded by GSX, in the scenery customization page.

Finally, 3d party jetways are missing their floor height, because it's a parameter that just don't exists in the simulator standard, the issues and a possible way we can  improve on this, has been already discussed here:,27160.msg178463.html#msg178463


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Re: PAX ignoring my waypoints :(
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2022, 06:55:30 pm »
I would be able to solve it, if I would be able to modify the GSX Jetways like in P3D cause If I do not disable the Airport in the tool, GSX nicely removes all the 3rd Party jetways.
Hm. So, no way that I am able to fix this at this point right?


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Re: PAX ignoring my waypoints :(
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2022, 07:02:32 pm »
I would be able to solve it, if I would be able to modify the GSX Jetways like in P3D

In P3D we ( and other developers who made sceneries ) had SODE, and SODE being a completely custom system, not only doesn't have any of the limitations/bugs of the default jetways, but it has lots of extra parameters which GSX could use to always draw the correct passenger path without any customization required.

There's nothing like that in MSFS, we need to work with what we have now but, of course, if SODE will eventually arrive on MSFS, we'll surely bring back all the editing features from P3D.

cause If I do not disable the Airport in the tool, GSX nicely removes all the 3rd Party jetways.

That's what is supposed to do, but it will work properly only if you don't have a 3rd party scenery to begin with, because our replacement jetway files are only supposed to be used as drop-in replacement for default airports.

Hm. So, no way that I am able to fix this at this point right?

See the linked thread, in which explain how this could be possibly fixed, by at least having the correct height for each 3rd party model. It would require to set the height for each different model of that scenery, but that's only one number per model, much easier than customizing all gates.


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Re: PAX ignoring my waypoints :(
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2022, 04:45:58 pm »
Then, be sure the correct airport has been loaded by GSX, in the scenery customization page.

For LOWW the loaded .bgl file is linked to the generic folder not to the community folder where the Gaya Airport is located. Same is valid for my EDDM airport from SW. So that explains the offset between passengers and the jetways as GSX is using the Jetway position from the out of the MSFS box scenery and not from Gaya or SW correct?

When following appdata\roaming\virtuali\GSX\MSFS the loww ini file therefore also contains: MSFS\Official\Steam\fs-base-genericairports\scenery\0601\APX52140.bgl

When deleting this, and editing the LOWW airport via ingame GSX again the AFCAD is using the generic airport. Does that mean that LOWW from Gaya does not have its own .bgl file? When searching for .bgl in the community folder, I can find 3 .bgl linked to LOWW, but none seem to be correct?

So I can also not force GSX to use a custom .bgl, because there is none and Gaya needs to come up with one when I want GSX to work properly?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2022, 04:47:39 pm by merkonta »


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Re: PAX ignoring my waypoints :(
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2022, 05:36:17 pm »
For LOWW the loaded .bgl file is linked to the generic folder not to the community folder where the Gaya Airport is located. Same is valid for my EDDM airport from SW. So that explains the offset between passengers and the jetways as GSX is using the Jetway position from the out of the MSFS box scenery and not from Gaya or SW correct?

Exactly, for GSX to work at all, the first requirement is it should load the correct airport. From the file names, I *think* the one named "Loww-scene static.BGL" looks like the correct one, and it's size if not too large that would cause GSX to reject it so, there's no reason why GSX wouldn't use it, unless is made in some kind of non-standard way.


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Re: PAX ignoring my waypoints :(
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2022, 06:38:51 pm »
I *think* the one named "Loww-scene static.BGL" looks like the correct one, and it's size if not too large that would cause GSX to reject it so, there's no reason why GSX wouldn't use it, unless is made in some kind of non-standard way.

So what I found in the Couatl.err file, as GSX continues to load the generic .BGL file instead of the gaya one even after I gave the exact path in the .ini file and made it read-only is following:

Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\ContentInfo processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\MarketplaceData processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\scenery processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\SimObjects processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\SimObjects\Landmarks processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\SimObjects\Landmarks\LOWW_Jetway processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\SimObjects\Landmarks\LOWW_Jetway\model.Corto processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\SimObjects\Landmarks\LOWW_Jetway\model.Largo processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\SimObjects\Landmarks\LOWW_Jetway\model.Largo_w processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\SimObjects\Landmarks\LOWW_Jetway\soundai processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\SimObjects\Landmarks\LOWW_Jetway\TEXTURE processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\scenery\Gaya processed in 0 seconds
File \\?\D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\scenery\Gaya\Vienna\modelLib.BGL skipped, likely too big to be an airport
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\scenery\Gaya\Vienna processed in 0.01 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\scenery\Gaya\Vienna\TEXTURE processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\MarketplaceData\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna processed in 0 seconds
Folder D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\ContentInfo\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna processed in 0 seconds

So - the Loww-scene - static.bgl was skipped?
Furthermore I found:

Warning: airport LOWW described in multiple BGL files without proper DeleteAirport record

Loading airport LOWW from \\?\D:\Games\MSFS2020\Official\Steam\fs-base-genericairports\scenery\0601\APX52140.bgl
Customization file C:\Users\jan_d\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali/GSX/MSFS\loww-af_cei.ini ignored: missing afcad_path entry

But I've entered in the .ini the following:
afcad_path = \\?\D:\Games\MSFS2020\Community\gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna\scenery\Gaya\Vienna\Loww-scene - static.bgl

and well.. there it is...

Thanks for your efforts in advance :)