Author Topic: Loading the Feniy A320  (Read 1166 times)


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Loading the Feniy A320
« on: September 01, 2022, 03:52:05 pm »
Hi, I don´t understand the loeding of the Fenix A320 with GSX and SimBrief. When I use a Simbrief flight for exaple from LSZH to EDDK, there will be 143 passengers and 6 t fuel. I understand, that I have to reduce first the fuel of 6 t in the EFB of the Fenix and when the GSX Fueltruck is coming Iput the slider to 6t and press theAircraft load button of the EFB and the fueling begins. That works. But when I reduce the passangers in EFB to only 1 and press the button in EFB to load the aircraft, the GSX beginn to borad and I see the 143 passngers, but in the EFB of the Fenix the ZFW doesn´t change. What´s my mistake?


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Re: Loading the Feniy A320
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 03:55:32 pm »
the GSX beginn to borad and I see the 143 passngers, but in the EFB of the Fenix the ZFW doesn´t change. What´s my mistake?

It's perfectly normal, GSX Passengers don't affect the airplane payload in any way. This might change in case of a future integration with the airplane.


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Re: Loading the Feniy A320
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2022, 04:13:37 pm »
Ok, so I have to load the passengers with the EFB and let the GSX to it´s work.