Author Topic: Minors bugs 737-800  (Read 1385 times)


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Minors bugs 737-800
« on: September 01, 2022, 10:48:17 am »
* Emergency doors (emergency exits PAGE 1 L3) open with cargo doors

* The boarding of passengers sometimes loops or is very long despite being put on "spare boarding"

* Consumes a lot of FPS.

* The aircraft bounced when the tractor unhooked from the aircraft at the end of the pushback.

Happy to find GSX on MSFS, thank you for the work.  :)
Etienne Zoude
Communications manager of Air Europe VA


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Re: Minors bugs 737-800
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 11:58:37 am »
* The boarding of passengers sometimes loops or is very long despite being put on "spare boarding"

If with "spare boarding" you means the Passenger density set to "Sparse", that's exactly what is supposed to happen, the number of passengers to be boarded it's always the same, but if you reduce the density, they will take longer to board.

* Consumes a lot of FPS.

Nobody ever reported this before. What's your system specs ?

* The aircraft bounced when the tractor unhooked from the aircraft at the end of the pushback.

This is quite difficult to be solved, since we don't have much control over the flight model ground handling, and it's the result of altitude difference on the apron being registered by the airplane when it was frozen by GSX which will applied at the end, we took all possible measure to reduce this, like zeroing the accelerations and g-forces, but we don't have access to all variables from the SDK, so there's a limit what we can do about.

It might be fixed if we offered an alternate way of doing the pushback using the default system but, it will probably be less precise, we'll look into that, and will be an option in any case.