Author Topic: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account  (Read 10646 times)


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GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« on: September 01, 2022, 12:45:02 am »
Hi all,

I've recently installed GSX on my PC and have not been able to make it work correctly yet...

Installation and activation in the FSDT downloader wprked fine, but once I opened up the GSX Menu in MSFS, Couatl crashed with the following error:

Code: [Select]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\common\", line 23, in _synchronized
  File ".\common\", line 123, in emulateMenu_MSFS
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\DATA\\MSFS LocalCache\\Packages/MSFS/fsdreamteam-gsx-pro/html_ui/InGamePanels/FSDT_GSX_Panel/menu'
{'Airport': 'EDDV', 'User Pos': (52.458402828850666, 9.693166702960157, 55.7967 m, 2.69455 m, 48.1779917659833, 0.005522820632904768, 0.003490658476948738, 0.0010991903172998323, 2.7096721046447754, 1.0)}
(I have changed the MSFS LocalCache folder to C:\DATA\MSFS LocalCache\ because of SSD vs HDD configuration in my system)

I first tried to add a symlink "MSFS" in the Packages Folder pointing back at the MSFS-folder in Addon Manager's install location. With this, I was able to get the Trial of GSX to start

Later, I found out that there appears to be an issue, when GSX is installed on a non-admin account:

During the installation of the FSDT installer, there are multiple registry keys and values written in the current user's registry, which seem to be used to determine the Couatl Path. Because the installer requires admin privileges, the admin account is the "current user" and as such, these are placed in the admin's registry. However, since the Couatl-Tool is run from the normal user's account, the value doesn't exist there, which leads to the error above.
Copying the corresponding keys and values from the admin's registry to the user's solves this, allowing the GSX menu to be opened (in trial mode).

Now the real, as of yet unsolved problem:
Because I'm limited to Trial Mode, I searched further and found, that the Serial Numbers are stored in the same way. Sadly, just copying the value over didn't help in this situation and I'm still stuck in trial mode.

I also tried running the Couatl shortcut as admin, but this only lead to a different error message:
Code: [Select]
onEnteredAirport EDDV
Error: no model for title FSDT_Fuel_Hydrant_Chevron
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\GSX\", line 525, in <lambda>
  File ".\common\", line 243, in showMenusWithSameTag
  File ".\common\", line 84, in showContainer
  File ".\GSX\", line 1012, in checkOnGroundState
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 4042, in aircraftEngaged
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 4136, in materializeTrafficCones
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 4105, in materializeFuelManHole
  File ".\common\", line 1186, in getModelWithTitle
common.modelCustomization.ModelNotAvailable: No model of title FSDT_Fuel_Hydrant_Chevron
{'Airport': 'EDDV', 'User Pos': (52.458402808499635, 9.693166660517516, 55.7637 m, 2.66156 m, 48.17765450953434, 0.004273111466318369, 0.003490658476948738, 0.0009660488553575233, 2.7096721046447754, 1.0)}

Can someone assist me in this, please?



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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 01:02:26 am »
Now the real, as of yet unsolved problem: Because I'm limited to Trial Mode, I searched further and found, that the Serial Numbers are stored in the same way. Sadly, just copying the value over didn't help in this situation and I'm still stuck in trial mode.

The FSDT installer should run with the standard user rights, so you should be able to activate it from there.

common.modelCustomization.ModelNotAvailable: No model of title FSDT_Fuel_Hydrant_Chevron

This seem to indicate an incomplete installation, see here:,26933.msg176314.html#msg176314


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2022, 12:10:26 pm »
For some reason, I'm unable to run the "FSDT Installer" shortcut without admin rights... the corresponding "Couatl_Updater.exe" file is however not marked as requiring admin privileges.
Do you need admin rights at all to use GSX, because I'm wondering, whether it should be possible to run the FSDT Universal Installer without admin rights (which doesn't work for me either...)?

I already reistalled GSX, so I don't think, a reinstallation would allow me to use GSX as admin


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2022, 12:58:10 pm »
We wouldn't normally need admin right to run the Installer/Updater, not in normal situations.

But the issue is, there's a lot of things the installer does automatically which are all done to fix problems, like wrong permissions on folders, missing libraries registrations, the windows hosts file intentionally edited to block certain sites which would prevent to connect to the activation server, wrong app compatibility registry keys that might have been automatically set by windows even a long time ago, if the program crashed for some reason, and most of the would require admin rights.

It is possible to log the installer startup this way:

You can log the installer in two ways:

- By opening a command prompt, going to the Addon Manager folder, and type:


Even if it closes/crashes, it should have created a LOG.TXT file there, ZIP it and Attach it to a post so I can have some idea where it's locking up.


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2022, 01:54:05 pm »
The live updater works it's way through GSX Pro and World without errors, only freezing, once it's trying to update P3D/FSX addons (which I don't own)

EDIT: Running through the Live Updater that way seems to have allowed me to run Couatl as admin.

I'd still like to bea able to not have to restart Couatl everytime, so if there is a chance to find a solution to the activation issue, I'd still prefer that. But thanks so far
« Last Edit: September 01, 2022, 02:57:39 pm by RagingLightning »


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2022, 03:29:27 pm »
Try starting the updater now, I've added some changes to the code that might been causing problems with non-admin accounts, in addition to the automatic recreation of the FSDT root key in the registry, to be set to the current Addon Manager folder in case it's missing ( because the installer ran as Admin ).

Also, it will skip all updates, even the checks, related to FSX/P3D, if you don't have any FSDT product installed there.

Let me know if it works now.


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2022, 04:43:21 pm »
Updating didn't help. Although the FSX/P3D check was skipped, the problem with couatl is not solved.

Instead, it actually got worse:
- Running couatl as a normal user, I'm still in trial mode
- Running couatl as admin, I now get the message "No valid AFCAD data found"...

all logs are attached


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2022, 04:50:38 pm »
- Running couatl as admin, I now get the message "No valid AFCAD data found"...

From the log, it seems you don't just just run Couatl with admin rights (with your current user), but you are running as another user entirely, the one called "Administrator", and that users doesn't even have MSFS installed in his profile, so nothing will work.

- Running couatl as a normal user, I'm still in trial mode

But now the installer works correctly with your normal user, you should be able to Activate it from your regulars user. From the FSDT Installer interface, no the Live Update.


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2022, 05:21:57 pm »
But now the installer works correctly with your normal user, you should be able to Activate it from your regulars user. From the FSDT Installer interface, no the Live Update.

I can't run the FSDT Installer as a normal user, because it switches from the non-admin Couatl_Updater.exe to the Couatl_Updater2.exe, which requires admin privileges.

However, for some reason, the AFCAD error is gone, when I run Couatl in Admin-Mode when in game.

Code: [Select] (black screen is when I enter admin password)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2022, 05:27:53 pm by RagingLightning »


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2022, 05:49:15 pm »
I can't run the FSDT Installer as a normal user, because it switches from the non-admin Couatl_Updater.exe to the Couatl_Updater2.exe, which requires admin privileges.

Try this, open a command prompt in the Addon Manager folder, and type this:

qlmlicenseWizard /settings "GSX Pro 3.0.lw.xml"


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2022, 07:05:16 pm »
That worked, thanks :D


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2022, 11:30:49 pm »
I am having the same issue. how do I fix?


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2022, 11:39:11 pm »
And how do I run the command promt in the folder on windows 11?


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2022, 09:36:37 pm »
Can anyone help?


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Re: GSX Pro in Trial when running on non-admin account
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2022, 11:16:54 pm »
I am having similar trouble, When I load up GSX pro it says "Warp to trial mode airport" even though I own it.