Author Topic: MSFS GSX Doors & ProSim  (Read 4013 times)


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MSFS GSX Doors & ProSim
« on: August 30, 2022, 10:37:04 pm »
Hey All,

Maybe someone knows the answer to the following, and sorry if this is the wrong forum for this.
A bunch of ProSim users and I are using MSFS and all Doors, except the front, left entry, are not opening/closing with the ground services.
Now the dev says he didn't define anything specific for any of these except for the interactive points in the aircraft.cfg, and he does not think there is anything else regarding that which he can do.
On the other hand, he does steer the doors via an external wasm module either manually, or via a self built logic and the front entry also only opens correctly when also the external application is running.
This means he did something differently in the case of the front left entry, that he is not doing with the other doors.
So theoretically, there has to be a trigger that he reads from the ground service that he then translates to "open that one door".
This is the case for vanilla MSFS ground services and GSX as well.
My question is if someone may know what this door trigger is, so I can give him a pointer on what to look at?

Best regards, Daniel


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Re: MSFS GSX Doors & ProSim
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2022, 10:44:25 pm »
My question is if someone may know what this door trigger is, so I can give him a pointer on what to look at?

Sure there is, page 62 of the manual, the "DEVELOPERS" section, chapter named "Checking the doors status", there are variables that can be read to know when GSX is waiting for a door status to change.


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Re: MSFS GSX Doors & ProSim
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2022, 10:55:56 pm »
Hey, thanks for your prompt reply.

Basically, what they said is:
 "If you wish GSX to open the doors the way you wish it, we would have to abandon the possibility the ProSim users to do it manually, and define all doors as default "interactive points." and they won't do that.
Alternatively, what I was looking for is the default way MSFS does it and if I understand it correctly, GSX also uses to open and close doors when these specified GSX LVARs aren't set up.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Cheers Daniel


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Re: MSFS GSX Doors & ProSim
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2022, 11:09:09 pm »
From that reply, I don't think it's very clear what these variables do and how GSX works.

From your info about ProSim using a WASM module to animate doors, it should be clear that, having GSX automatically open doors wouldn't work, unless the  ProSim program was made in a way that its module just animates the door but it would otherwise react to the standard door trigger commands.

I don't think this is the case, because if it was, it would have been enough to just tell GSX which numeric code the event use, and it would work like any default airplane. But the usage of a WASM module tells me it's not "just" animating the doors but, likely, simulating the systems behind them in a custom way, for example preventing the door to be opened in case of an electrical failure, not using default systems.

So, let's assume you can't use GSX own automatic door opening feature, due to the underlying simulation we can't affect with "just" a standard door trigger key press (it would have been overkill to have doors handled by a WASM module, if there wasn't some custom behavior added )

What these variables do, is just telling the airplane code "GSX WOULD LIKE to have this door open, could YOU please open it ?", so the airplane code can do whatever it needs to do to either open the door itself, so from your point of view it would be AS IF GSX opened it automatically, or possibly issue some kind of warning, so you would *know* the door can't be opened for some reason, which you'll then have to solve.


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Re: MSFS GSX Doors & ProSim
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2022, 11:36:30 pm »
You're exactly right, Umberto.
And the really weird thing is, that it works correctly with the front entry door whenever the external application is running.
So, they actually have to read something to set the door state correctly (Which I'm trying to figure out what that is).
See video linked, in this case tested with vanilla MSFS ground services:
But then they tell us that the other doors are not doable.
You can see I'm a bit desperate.
Thanks for your time to answer.
Cheers Daniel


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Re: MSFS GSX Doors & ProSim
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2022, 11:49:31 pm »
But then they tell us that the other doors are not doable.

Not sure I understand: are they saying they are not able to control their other doors ?

What they need to do is just check the GSX variables, if GSX is not in use, they won't be set, and everything will work as before. If they are set, it's up to them to do whatever they need to do to open their own door, if possible.


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Re: MSFS GSX Doors & ProSim
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2022, 11:58:19 pm »
What they are saying is, that they don't know why the front entry door opens and closes automatically according to Jetway/stairs connection.
And the other thing they are saying is because they don't do anything special for the front door, they also can't do anything to handle the rest of the doors in the same way.
Plus the GSX VARs are not something they want to use. So basically do it all manually via their integrated IOS or the MCDU.
Don't worry about it Umberto.