Developer's Backdoor > GSX Backdoor

Jetway customizing

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How do we get glass jetways. I haven't seen any options for that Sode. Is it not offered yet? I remember in P3D. I have 3rd party glass jetways. There aren't there anymore.

There are no jetway customization option in GSX for MSFS, due to the way jetway replacement is done here, with a set of pre-made 900+ .BGL that replace jetways at default airports.

Another jetway customization question: how do you change a jetway's ad texture? At KSFO, all the jetways appear with JetBlue, Alaska, Southwest, or United. Is there a way to make one specific jetway say one specific icon? I tried overriding the default jetway image with the "Jetway replacement code" thing but that didn't work (I used UA, maybe invalid). Any idea what's going on?


--- Quote from: Jetlover747 on February 13, 2023, 09:55:59 am ---Another jetway customization question
--- End quote ---

Assuming you are referring to GSX Pro, that is the MSFS version, my previous reply still applies: there are no jetway customization option in GSX for MSFS.

Umberto, the real question here is: will you guys intend to develop a way for future jetway customization option in GSX for MSFS maybe as a addon of the likes of Level 2


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