Author Topic: Is there a video tutorial for setting up and using GSX Pro with the PMDG 737?  (Read 1588 times)


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Anyone know if there's some video tutorial available for how to properly use GSX Pro with the PMDG 737?

I haven't had time yet to start looking into GSX Pro in detail but from the very quick tests I've done, a number of issues/questions have already popped up. Like:

- how to use the refueling service to have it perform this action realistically and based on the amount of block fuel from an already filed SimBrief OFP
- how to use external power using GSX Pro (tried to call for that service but the light in the cockpit indicating availability never came on)

I'm sure it's just a matter of myself not having had time to read through the documentation properly. Where I'll hopefully be able to find answers to most of my questions. However, if there is a video tutorial somewhere, that would have been great! I mostly find that way of learning new things both easier and quicker.
Richard Åsberg


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- how to use the refueling service to have it perform this action realistically and based on the amount of block fuel from an already filed SimBrief OFP

Not possible when the airplane is configured to refuels itself.   Note that, to enable SimBrief, you need to fix the icao type in the PMDG, as explained here:,26962.msg176557.html#msg176557

You can TRY re-enabling the "show default fuel/cargo" page in the GSX airplane configuration, but I can't guarantee it won't have any side effects on the PMDG simulation, that's why we flagged the airplane to not be refueled by GSX, but rather have the GSX animations synched to the airplane own refueling process.

- how to use external power using GSX Pro (tried to call for that service but the light in the cockpit indicating availability never came on)

That's because the PMDG has its own electrical system, which works only with its own GPU. Just use that for charging, and GSX for everything else.


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Thanks for the quick answer.

So for the refueling, if I want to use the method you recommend. Where I will put in the amount of fuel myself and then have GSX Pro animations try to sync to the refueling process, do I simply put in the amount of fuel required on the payload page in the PMDG FMC before asking for the GSX Pro refueling process to start?

Got it about the GPU, only use PMDG for that.

Modified to add, for SimBrief it looks like the PMDG 737-700 already has the correct entry in aircraft.cfg. So should be fine as far as I can tell.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2022, 04:20:55 pm by WebMaximus »
Richard Åsberg