Author Topic: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways  (Read 4223 times)


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I just thought I'd post this in case someone else is having problems with GSX not replacing the Asobo jetways at a custom airport. 

The airport uses the proper naming convention, so I assumed that the "Exclude 3rd party airports" routine was preventing GSX from replacing it's default jetways. After several failed attempt at fixing it, I completely uninstalled GSX Pro and reinstalled it. The problem remained. I remembered the release notes for SU10 saying that it had a package reorder tool. Out of frustration, I took a look at it. Sure enough, the problem airport was below the GSX World of Jetways in the list. I moved it above the GSX WoJ entry, and it corrected my issue. That was last Sunday.

Somewhere along the line this week, the package order changed and the problem reoccurred. I had to use the tool to move the airport above world of jetways in the list. Problem corrected again. 

« Last Edit: August 27, 2022, 03:58:36 am by Pirateinparadise »
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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2022, 12:06:22 pm »
I just thought I'd post this in case someone else is having problems with GSX not replacing the Asobo jetways at a custom airport. 

If you mean the problem of GSX not replacing jetways is that you expected/wanted it should, that's not a problem, it's how GSX for MSFS is made, is not supposed to replace Jetways at custom airports, that's why we have an "Exclude 3rd party" button there.

If you don't exclude a 3rd party airport from jetway replacement, you'll have lots of issues, because the jetway replacement files we supply GSX with, are meant to be used only on default airports, parking positions and names and jetways are linked together so, if you force a way to use our jetway replacement file over a 3rd party airport, which can be done by NOT excluding it and placing the gsx-world-of-jetways package on a higher priority, you'll likely have issues like double gates, misplaced jetways and AI confusion at the double gates.

This because our replacement files DO NOT exclude anything from the airport other than jetways, but they need to include parking spots (which are the same name/position as default), because jetways must always match the parking spot they are associated with, so you'll have double parking spots and a big mess.

In short, don't do it. Use GSX only to replace jetways at default airports, which is what it was designed to do.


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2022, 01:33:01 pm »

I never said that it was a GSX problem. I said that I had a problem getting GSX to do something that it was designed to do, and that I wanted it to do. GSX works perfectly.

The "custom" airport was simply a default airport that I modified using the SDK to add some things like light poles, fences, etc.. It was not a commercial airport. It is nearly the same as the default airport, and it still uses the Asobo jetways. I simply modified it on my own to suit my own taste and knowledge of the airport. I do not consider it to be a "3rd party airport", since it was included in MSFS and modified using tools that are part of MSFS. I consider it to be an "enhanced default" or "1st party" airport. I guess I should have mentioned that but where I live, the word "custom" means that a standard product has been "modified", not that a new replacement product has been purchased.

I am probably not be the only MSFS / GSX user in the world that modifies default airports with the SDK and therefore, others are likely to find themselves in the exact same situation as I was in. I thought that it would be helpful for others that also modify default airports to understand how to get GSX to behave in the same manner after an airport has been modified as it did before it was modified. 

"If you don't exclude a 3rd party airport from jetway replacement, you'll have lots of issues, because the jetway replacement files we supply GSX with, are meant to be used only on default airports". This is true for a real 3rd party airport based on files different from what GSX provides, but for default airports customized with the SDK where the terminal and jetway positions have remained in their default locations, the GSX provided files are still perfectly valid.   
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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2022, 01:45:57 pm »
Then you should have put all that missing information to give some context, since you opened with " in case someone else is having problems with GSX not replacing the Asobo jetways at a custom airport", suggesting that might be a common issue.

Yes, of course, it goes without saying if YOU make a scenery yourself, and are careful to maintain the same exact naming and original positions of the default one, you could probably use the GSX replacement files.

But why going through all that trouble and having to deal with scenery priority in the first place ? If you are making a scenery yourself, adding details with Dev Mode, it would be WAY easier to just select any jetway from the list of available Simobjects and Scenery Objects (for links) and place them in your scenery! This way, you don't even need the GSX replacement file, which can stay disabled, the jetways will be called from *your* .BGL and you can choose  every model, every color, every operator and place them as you like, and you would be even free to change the parking arrangement.


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2022, 02:12:46 pm »
Again, I just thought that people understood that a "custom" airport was a modified default airport. I suspect we had a misunderstanding simply based on language, or regional dialect. Sorry about that.

Then you should have put all that missing information to give some context, since you opened with " in case someone else is having problems with GSX not replacing the Asobo jetways at a custom airport", suggesting that might be a common issue.

Yes, of course, it goes without saying if YOU make a scenery yourself, and are careful to maintain the same exact naming and original positions of the default one, you could probably use the GSX replacement files.

But why going through all that trouble and having to deal with scenery priority in the first place ? If you are making a scenery yourself, adding details with Dev Mode, it would be WAY easier to just select any jetway from the list of available Simobjects and Scenery Objects (for links) and place them in your scenery! This way, you don't even need the GSX replacement file, which can stay disabled, the jetways will be called from *your* .BGL and you can choose  every model, every color, every operator and place them as you like, and you would be even free to change the parking arrangement.

Well then, that takes this to a whole new level. I modded that airport months ago and haven't looked at it since. So you are telling me that I can just re-edit the airport and select one of your jetways at each gate? Yes, that is a better solution, and one that I had not realized was available to me until now.

I have 1 other airport that someone else modified (still using default jetways in their original locations) that I still need to "fix" with the the package tool because I do not have the source files I need to modify it. The changes to that one were all lighting and scenery object additions, so I think it is safe to use the file you provided with that one as well.     

Thanks for all of your hard work. GSX really was the "missing link" for me in the transition from FSX / P3D to MSFS. After you fixed the 800 profile, I did my first full 737-800 flight with GSX services at both ends, and it finally felt like MSFS was a full flight simulator (in regard to airline operations).

Is there anyone at Asobo that you can convince to let us pick our arrival gate during the flight planning phase? Remind them that all airline flights are really based on 4 things, where you leave from (airport & gate), when you leave, when you get where are going, and where you are going (airport & gate). How in the heck could they forget that last piece of data? lol...
« Last Edit: August 27, 2022, 02:23:26 pm by Pirateinparadise »
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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2022, 02:36:55 pm »
Is there anyone at Asobo that you can convince to let us pick our arrival gate during the flight planning phase?

We surely have contacts at Asobo, and frequent exchange of messages but, before asking for something like that, we have so many crucial features that would make GSX working so much better, like:

- Ability to open and close a menu on the fly, from Simconnect

- More information about jetways, like which door they docked to, which would prevent having passengers walking in the air, which people think it's a "GSX bug", when in fact it might just be the jetway docked at the wrong door, sometime they dock jetways even on the catering door, with the head twisted.

- Fix the jetway LODs bugs, which makes the jetways retract when LODs are switched, which is another bug people thing it's a "GSX bug", when in fact happens with Asobo jetways too and has been reported a year ago, which also results in passengers walking in the air, just that passengers are the only thing working in that case, it was just a jetway with a buggy LOD switch.

- Include information about jetways and jetway links in the upcoming new data API we will use to support Marketplace encrypted airports, but since it's missing this data, detection of the jetway position will be even more complex without that data since, not only we'll have to guess where a jetway *might* have docked, but also IF a certain object IS a jetway to begin with, since there isn't a special category for jetways, like ground vehicles or boats, or humans, etc.

I find another comment I read about "GSX really shines on Aprons". Of course it does, it's the only place where it's completely flying "solo", because it has removed all default ground services, and it doesn't have to interact with the still extremely buggy and limited default Jetway systems.


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2022, 03:05:56 pm »
Hey Umberto, unfortunately my problem lies on what was confused on tis thread. I cannot get the default jetways to be replaced by the GSX Pro ones :(
I have tried countless times to delete and reinstall to no avail.
Is there any way in which I can correct the issue?
I would love to have the GSX Pro jetways at all the airports.
Please Help! :(  :-[


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2022, 03:08:20 pm »
Hey Umberto, unfortunately my problem lies on what was confused on tis thread. I cannot get the default jetways to be replaced by the GSX Pro ones

Maybe you just got an incomplete install. Have you checked if the gsx-world-of-jetway package has being linked to the Community folder ? Check this thread how to trigger a full redownload and reinstall:,26933.0.html


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2022, 03:18:15 pm »
Hey Umberto. Thanks for the quick response.
Yes, the shortcut to the "fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways" is linked on the community folder and is complete when I open it.
I can try one again to do a complete reinstall once again if needed as you mentioned.
Its pretty weird tho, because I can see all the airports that are enabled on the app but when I launch any of the airports, none has the jetway liveries :(


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2022, 03:28:01 pm »
Its pretty weird tho, because I can see all the airports that are enabled on the app but when I launch any of the airports, none has the jetway liveries

Do you use SU9 or the SU10 Beta ?

If you use SU9, try to remove the content.XML file, there's a known bug in SU9 that causes this.


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2022, 03:33:57 pm »
How can I tell which one I am using?
I am currently in the process of reinstalling.
I did find the old "%APPDATA%\VIRTUALI\PackagesCache" file and deleted prior to reinstalling.
So I am hoping that was the issue.

But just curious to know how or where can I choose to use the SU 10 Beta as opposed to the SU9?

Kindly advise.


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2022, 03:40:36 pm »
But just curious to know how or where can I choose to use the SU 10 Beta as opposed to the SU9

The version number where MSFS starts. You can't get the Beta accidentally though, you must explicitly Join it, either from the Xbox insider Hub on the MS Store, or from the Beta section in Steam.


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2022, 03:47:32 pm »
The real issue with not being able to tell MSFS what your arrival gate is that, if you chose to use the actual arrival gate for the flight as shown in Flightaware instead of the random one that MSFS assigns is that MSFS never acknowledges that you have completed the flight. This is particularly noticeable in the Fenix as the "My Flight" page never shows arrival. It's just annoying. 

Like you said, there's a bucket full of small items in the "what the heck were they thinking?" bin that are just astonishing.
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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2022, 03:58:58 pm »
Hey Umberto
I did the fresh reinstall and still the GSX Pro jetways are still not working.
I just loaded up in KMIA and it has the default jetways :(
So based on your suggestions, my next move is to remove the content.XML file

However, where can I find this file?

Kindly advise.


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Re: SU10 Beta - The package order can prevent GSX from replacing jetways
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2022, 04:02:46 pm »
So based on your suggestions, my next move is to remove the content.XML file

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