Author Topic: GSX airport and aircraft profile developer responsibilities  (Read 1026 times)

Richard McDonald Woods

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GSX airport and aircraft profile developer responsibilities
« on: August 26, 2022, 03:08:30 pm »
I fear that in giving all simmers the abilities to create their own profiles and make them available to others will cause a good deal of confusion and duplication.  :'(

Many of the popular airport profiles will be duplicated, with many of the lesser used stands and parking points having no profiles, and the less frequently visited airports having no profiles at all. It will become increasingly more inconvenient for a pilot to determine the completeness of profiles available for both their departure and arrival points.

Many simmers will be attempting to create their own aircraft profiles and then uploading them to Again this will produce many duplicates that pilots will have to choose from and many incomplete profiles.

To avoid this unnecessary mess I suggest that airport scenery developers be strongly encouraged to create their own comprehensive GSX profiles for all stands; that aircraft developers be strongly encouraged to develop their own aircraft profiles, and pilots to be encouraged to wait for airport/aircraft profiles to become available from their respective developers.