Author Topic: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?  (Read 4536 times)


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how can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?

There is no uninstall exe, when I try to deinstall via apps it do nothing but send me to programs and features but there is nothing in the list.

In the Folder Addon Manager is also no deinstall exe, so I deleted the Addon Manager folder but its still there.

what do I missing?

Please Help and thanks in advance.


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2022, 04:46:12 pm »
Like every Windows program, you uninstall the FSDT Universal Installer from the Windows Control Panel.

This won't remove the products you have installed inside of it, so it's best if you uninstall them first, then the FSDT Installer and then, if needed, remove the Addon Manager folder.


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2022, 05:19:50 pm »
I tried this, but in the windows contro panel under "programs and features" are no entry, also when i tried it with a right click on the FSDT Installer icon to uninstall, it only open the "programs and features" but no singel entry for FSDT Installer or FSDT Universal Installer...

Now I deleted all manually and its gone, hope there is no hiden entry somewhere else...


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2022, 05:26:08 pm »
I tried this, but in the windows contro panel under "programs and features" are no entry

Sure there is "Fsdreateam Universal Uninstaller version 1.xx"

Now I deleted all manually and its gone, hope there is no hiden entry somewhere else...

Manually deleting things is exactly how you risk creating orphaned entries or missing entries in the Windows Control Panel, I'm sure the uninstaller will reappear there if you reinstall it another time.


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2022, 05:32:16 pm »
okay thanks,

maybe I make the mistake...

I try to install it now again and hope it would be working...


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2022, 11:53:55 am »
Hello, so I reinstall GSX Pro and it work for me, but the only entry in my Windows control panel is the FSDreamTeam Universal Installer version 1.0.66 but no Fsdreateam Universal this right so..?

I found a unins000.exe in the Addon Manager this what you mean..?

Thanks for your help and patience...


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2022, 12:13:12 pm »
the only entry in my Windows control panel is the FSDreamTeam Universal Installer version 1.0.66 but no Fsdreateam Universal this right so..?

Of course, there's only one entry, the title includes the version.


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2022, 06:48:17 pm »
Perfect, thank you very much...


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2022, 11:50:17 pm »
Not even that works for me ..


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2022, 11:28:53 am »
Not even that works for me ..

You must try to be a bit more precise about this, because it's very difficult to even guess what's going on with such sparse report.


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Re: How can I uninstall FSDT installer and all what to do with it?
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2022, 01:01:10 pm »
It wasn't meant as a report. It was just a moment of frustration, sorry. I am replying to your comments on Avsim here.

>>  post on the FSDT forum exactly what's happen during the uninstall
- I first looked for instructions here
- Then I deactivated GSX using the Addon Manager. The "uninstall" option was not available there for GSX.
- Then I uninstalled the Addon Manager or the Life Updater in Windows. There was only a single entry for FSDreamteam or Virtuali, I cannot remember which of the two it was.
- After that, no FSDT app was visible in Windows anymore, but the folder was still there with all GSX files. I then removed it manually.
- I then tried a vanilla reinstall of the Addon Manager and GSX. The result was two directories for FSDT. Both had different names than what I used before. I wanted it to install into C:\\Programs\FSDreamteam\AddonManager\, which it did. But it also created a second folder C:\\Programs\FSDreamteamAddonManager\ (with no backslash), which was mostly empty, but the desktop shortcut to Couatl referred to that folder.

This is just reporting what happened, not a request for support. I hope it helps to improve the addon manager, just in case someone else runs into these issues as well. I will take a break from GSX for a few weeks or months and then try again.

>> I checked all your post in our forum, and other than a couple of questions, nothing you wrote ever suggested you ever had a problem with the updater or the installer, but you stopped posting after Sept. 4th, and just came back here to report an issue we couldn't possibly be aware of.

My post on Avsim wasn't meant as reporting a problem, just as a contribution to that opinion thread. Generally, I ran into multiple issues with the installer and with the GSX editor for airports and airplanes. However, others reported similar problems and your communication about it was excellent. In particular, you clearly communicated which issues you were planning to fix in the future. I therefore didn't see the need to ask for further help. Instead, I waited patiently (until yesterday, that is) and occasionally installed the latest version to check if my issues were resolved.