Author Topic: Premium deluxe airports  (Read 1430 times)


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Premium deluxe airports
« on: August 25, 2022, 10:40:46 am »
What I still not entirely get: for the GSX Pro config, I excluded all my addon airports to avoid GSX Pro adding the jetways on those. But what's about all those "premium deluxe" airports of MSFS itself? Do they have to be excluded or not to avoid any issues? And if, how the heck do I know which airports are included in the "premium deluxe" variant or are those detected automatically? Please don't tell me that this is explained in the manual, that would be kinda embarassing ;-)



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Re: Premium deluxe airports
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2022, 10:48:17 am »
Please don't tell me that this is explained in the manual, that would be kinda embarassing

Well, of course it is, Page 7:

Jetway replacements and Encrypted Airports
Airports belonging to the Premium packages are Encrypted, which means GSX can’t read those, and since the Jetway replacement .BGL supplied with GSX is based on the Jetway positions from the default airport (the standard non-encrypted version), it’s possible, depending on the airport, that positioning of GSX replacement jetways might not look as good as it could be, if we could read the Premium encrypted version of the airport.
This might be another reason why you might want to exclude an airport from Jetway replacement, even if it’s not 3rd party.

The reason why Asobo/Microsoft airports has been excluded from the automatic jetway replacement decision made with the "Exclude 3rd party" option, it's because they are not all made in the same way. Some use data (parking/jetways) from the default airport and only enhance buildings, some change parking positions but not jetways, some use custom jetways. In this case, we left the choice to users what to exclude.


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Re: Premium deluxe airports
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2022, 11:29:38 am »
Ok, embarrasing but thanks anyway for the heads up. Regarding the list of airports to exclude then: GSX does not automatically recognize those airports, correct? So I have to get a list of all premium deluxe airports from somewhere and exclude them manually, correct? Well, happily those lists exist :-)


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Re: Premium deluxe airports
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2022, 11:39:09 am »
Regarding the list of airports to exclude then: GSX does not automatically recognize those airports, correct?

Exactly, this is also in the manual, the paragraph just before the one I quoted. If the airport is made by Asobo or Microsoft is not automatically excluded for jetways replacement, because in several cases it might just be ok with GSX jetways, the end result it's a case-by-case, so we left the choice to users.