I was wondering if there was a list or documentation somewhere of the currently implemented ground and catering operator companies? From what I observed so far, the two letter codes are typically airlines but have not tried them all - as it takes a while to reload each one.
I was interested in a couple specific non-airline ground operators that I am not sure are already included or not. I replied to an older existing thread about a question regarding creating custom operators - but I'm not sure if it was noticed since it was older. I know it was mentioned that it might be easier for FSDreamTeam to include an operator versus having a user customize on their own due to the complexities.
These were the two operators I mentioned:
1. Signature Flight Support - they operate across a large number of major airports in North America (with a presence at most major airports in the USA), South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
https://signatureflight.com/locations2. Atlantic Aviation - operate across many airports across the USA.