Author Topic: Gate confusion result in not jetway here  (Read 11538 times)


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Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« on: August 23, 2022, 02:42:33 pm »

I have started to edit an airport and facing a first issue.

At LFBZ (custom)  the gate C3 is working correctely  , in the map as well as with Asobo services .

So i can request the jetway connexion with Asobo menu but in GSX editor , it says not jetway here .

GSX think that is the gate C34 just at the right of C3 .
I did the editing for the Push back at C3  , in the .INI file , C3 is added , then when call for push with GSX , it connects the Jetway and  lanch the push back procedure as i edited it.

No problem on gate C4 , the jetway is detected by GSX.
I must add that gate C34 is also edited and working well.

Can you help with this please.

Please note that i have installed the manual addon manager you posted today but still have to lanch couatl manually.

For an unknow reason , i can't add anymore attachements and screens .. result in a failed post with no pop up.
This is the screen of the issue

« Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 02:47:34 pm by Aumkem »


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2022, 03:08:02 pm »
The only thing you can achieve in the GSX editor regarding jetways, is to HELP GSX detect if there IS one.

Sometimes two gates are close and the jetway for the parking nearby might be closer to your position than the correct one so, by editing the parking position in GSX, you are just HELPING GSX to *know* if there's a jetway or not, but nothing you do there will ever affect how the jetway *WORKS*.

Jetways are not handled by GSX, and are not called by GSX. Even if you have a jetway option there, it just sends the standard key command to the sim to ask for a jetway, exactly as if you were using the default ground services, because GSX jetways in MSFS *ARE* default jetways, just with different models, which have the same exact measurement as the original ones, and are placed exactly in the same position as the default ones.

This means, if a jetway of a particular gate worked with a particular plane parked in a particular position in the default scenery, it will work exactly the same in GSX and, the opposite is true, if it didn't work in the default scenery, using GSX and customize anything in the parking spot, won't change anything, the jetway still wouldn't work, because the default jetway animation system which even GSX jetway use, doesn't know anything of the changes you made with the parking editor.

Of course if you edit the GSX STOP position and, because of that, the jetway worked better because you now parked the airplane in a new position according to that, it's to be expected, and it would have happened just the same, even if we didn't replaced its model.


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2022, 05:12:39 pm »
Hi Umberto,

Not sure i was clear.
The fact is that the jetway is detected by default Asobo system but not by GSX like it should be (like on the provided screen) .
As well  when parked a gate C3 and entering the editor , it select the Gate C34 at the right of C3 in the editor.
It is like GSX think i am parked at C34 but i am at C3 .

Like i said , it is working great and jetway is detected by Asobo system , not by GSX .

I tried to edit the parking position but nothing change .. it don't detect the default jetway and think i ma parket at the right gate .
What do you suggest to help please ?

« Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 05:25:25 pm by Aumkem »


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2022, 05:30:03 pm »
Like you see on this screen , GSX don't detect the jetway .
On the first post i have added a screen show you that Asobo did .
This is gate C3

Now like you see here as well  i am parked at C3 , GSX think i am parket a C34 but  gate just at the right so the neaby parking is C3 , those with a jetway.
Once again no confusion with Asobo system.

To be more clear :
When i am parked at Gate 3 , GSX think i am aprket at GATE34
I can force the choose in the editor to edit Gate 3 , the editor detect the Gate 3 / Jetway , ia can edit the push etc but i can't edit a passengers path and disable staircases..
I added my .INI so you can see yoursefl

Thanks for the help

« Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 07:00:49 pm by Aumkem »


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2022, 07:35:09 pm »
I've deleted my duplicate thread to join this one.
I can confirm that GSX is sometimes detecting the wrong gate when they're close to each other.

In this image you can see I spawned at 207A to edit it (this is a heavy gate), but GSX says "Gate to small" as soon as I start it. When I want to edit that gate the editor selects Gate 206 (which you can see right next to my gate on the right). While this gate is selectable with an A320 (I don't know if MSFS checks if the plane could fit a gate), it is a small gate according to the scenery info.


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2022, 10:25:34 pm »
It's impossible to help you with screenshots. The only information that would help is:

- Which airport is this.

- Has GSX loaded the correct airport ( check the scenery page with the .BGL name ) ?

- If not, is this airport coming from the Marketplace ?


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2022, 01:01:20 am »
Right, I should've mentioned this is Munich airport (EDDM).

I used the "community" version (Sim-Wings, published by Aerosoft) to ensure compatibility with GSX Pro.
I thought maybe the Screenshot helps to understand how close those parkings really are.

Are there any logs I could provide?
For the path I've checked the AFCAD path shown in the editor which points to the correct bgl file in the community folder


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2022, 01:54:04 am »
I thought maybe the Screenshot helps to understand how close those parkings really are.

Maybe you might be able to fix this by doing as follows:

- Edit all parking spots in the GSX editor and change their size to be small enough they don't overlap each other

- Set all vehicles positions manually in their right spots

- Use the "Max Wingspan" setting to prevent GSX complaining about the parking too small

You should do it for all parking spot that are very close.


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2022, 11:04:35 am »

Maybe you might be able to fix this by doing as follows:

- Edit all parking spots in the GSX editor and change their size to be small enough they don't overlap each other

You should do it for all parking spot that are very close.

From my side the airport is LFBZ (PESIM)
In a lot of French airports , many gates are very close and there is no other choices that they overlap .
As an old GSX user , in FSX and P3D there is no issue of this type on all my designed airports.

- Can you please explain why when i am parked at Gate C3 , GSX think i am parked at Gate C34  (When i am parked at C34 , no issue).
I did what you said , reduce to small both gates but it is the same issue....
No jetway here , and GSX think i am parket at gate C34 when  i am parked at C3 on the left side.

This issue don't happend in Asobo who know i am on C3 and see the jetway.
I am must add that in GSX editor , we can see that C3/J is recognized

« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 11:17:50 am by Aumkem »


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2022, 02:13:55 pm »
Unfortunately I too can confirm the possible fix is not working for munich with Gate 207A (where I'm parked) and 206 (which is on the right side next to it).

I reduced the gate so small, reduced the parking radius on the right side (where Gate 206 is). I did not reduce the wingspan as 207A is a heavy gate and reducing the max wingspan would result in another "too small" warning when approaching this gate.

For the layout in munich some gates cannot be used if the next gate as an aircraft on it, which is by design (too smaller aircraft could park side by side or only one heavy aircraft).

As Aumkem mentioned the simulator knows I am parked at 207A whereas GSX thinks I am parked at 206. When I reposition my plane at the current position I'm being warped over to 206.


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2022, 02:15:27 pm »
If you reduce the parking size, you shouldn't reduce the Wingspan. In fact, you might need to increase it. Basically, the radius can be small, but Wingspan must be the correct on for the airplane types.


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2022, 02:37:26 pm »
Yeah I did not reduce the wingspan. The wingspan still is correct (about 56 Meters should fit an A320).
I only have reduced the gate from heavy to small and the parking radius to about 5 meters or so.

No matter what I'm doing GSX keeps thinking I'm on a parking position I am actually not on.
So in the sim I'm at stand 207A and GSX "sees" me or puts me on gate 206 (EDDM)


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2022, 02:47:54 pm »
Try moving the GSX parking center forward/backward too, not too much, just enough it would be more obvious they are separate parking spots. The important thing is the Stop position so, when moving a parking position, the Stop position should always be set.


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2022, 08:36:02 pm »
Try moving the GSX parking center forward/backward too, not too much, just enough it would be more obvious they are separate parking spots. The important thing is the Stop position so, when moving a parking position, the Stop position should always be set.

Unfortunately this didn't work either Umberto. I think that the stop positions should have enough seperation, but that's only a guess.

In the screenshot you can see where the respective parking positions are. Where the plane is it's gate 207A in munich and the upper bar shows the stop position for 206 (where GSX thinks I am).


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Re: Gate confusion result in not jetway here
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2022, 11:29:13 am »
Sorry but whatever i try , GSX is confusing the 2 gates and think i am at  Gate C34 when i am at gate C3.
This result in a non functional jetway a C3 as well as no possible passenger path edit and disable staircase at gate C3.

Assuming without GSX pro , the C3 jetway is recognized and in GSX editor we can see that C3/J is here , i think this is a GSX bug dear Umberto.

Thanks to investigate and fix it please.

Best regards
« Last Edit: August 25, 2022, 03:02:21 pm by Aumkem »