You must have skipped something in my instructions, I'll copy them again, with the aforementioned correction. I also add that, you don't have to find out older versions, as I've said, the latest full installer for GSX IS still available on our site, and it's 2.9.5, a version from February.
- Uninstall GSX for P3D and reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager ?". THIS IS IMPORTANT
- After uninstall is complete, REMOVE the Addon Manager folder.
- Download and install the full GSX installer from our site. It's only a small file which just download the rest of the installer, you should not disconnect the network yet.
- After the small installer has completed, it will start the "real" installation of the downloaded files. NOW it's time to disconnect the network.
- Continue the installation and don't run the updater, and see if it works.