Hi, eager to get the MSFS GSX version, I just installed it yesterday, and after several attempets, I found these bugs:
1-I could get access to GSX only 3 out of 7 times; when Couati engine did not start, I tried to manually give the exe command, but to no avail, and even changing a .dat file as read in some other post.
2-Two flights and two CTDs; I realize that fortunately I'm not the only one with this kind of issue.
3-When trying to pushback with the quick edit, the view is sutck on the tail. In this case possibly I have to manage some other kind of you (the Slew, the Drone?).
In the end I uninstalled GSX hoping that in some next future there will be some important update. GSX is a wonderful add-on, remembering P£D times, and I really hope in some improvement.