Author Topic: Why are loading carts without luggage  (Read 5717 times)


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Why are loading carts without luggage
« on: August 22, 2022, 09:03:16 pm »
Is it me  or that is how everyone is experiencing the loading carts showing no luggage when they arrive for loading. I feel this is not simulated well. You see the loading guy picking bags from and empty cart. :)


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2022, 09:24:35 pm »
It's LOD optimization. Displaying up to 66 bags ( 11 per cart, 3 carts per train, 2 wagons visible at the same time ) attached in motion without affecting fps is not trivial, so they only show when you get a bit closer.

You can change this with the Objects LOD Slider.


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2022, 12:50:09 am »
I've asked the same thing before. Where you also told me it's a LOD thing.

In my case, I'm doing all my flying in VR. When you go into external view in VR, you end up at a predetermined zoom level. From this distance from your aircraft, the loading carts are always empty. Which takes away most of the fun with the loading carts as I'm sure you can imagine.

You mention how you took this decision to avoid affecting the FPS but how big of an FPS hit would it actually be to allow users to see the bags a bit further out? I really like to think the FPS hit can't be that big compared to many other things in the simulator both when it comes to aircraft and scenery.

If you're not willing to increase the default distance bags can be seen, is there any way you could at least add a slider where users can choose themselves from what distance the bags can be seen? That way, the users can pick between seeing bags and possibly a few FPS less or the other way around.

The way it is right now where I will never be able to see the bags on the carts in VR, that makes the whole baggage loading procedure quite useless IMO. I'd rather not see the carts at all vs seeing guys loading bags from empty carts which looks nothing but crazy.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2022, 09:50:31 am »
In my case, I'm doing all my flying in VR. When you go into external view in VR, you end up at a predetermined zoom level. From this distance from your aircraft, the loading carts are always empty. Which takes away most of the fun with the loading carts as I'm sure you can imagine.

LOD in VR change quite a bit, we don't know if it's a bug or it's intentional but, an object properly optimized for normal usage (according to the sim own LOD diagnostic tool) will result in in shorter LODs in VR so, ideally, we would require two completely different set of objects but, even that won't help that much, because you can exit in/out of VR at any time, and LODs can't change dynamically.


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2022, 10:08:34 am »
Ah, I see and I'm sorry to hear that. Since that means we won't be able to see a solution for this any time soon.

Have you already reached out to Asobo about this? Asking them if it's a bug or if it's supposed to be like what you describe.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2022, 09:16:58 pm »
You can change the VR object lod setting in the user.cfg file. I have it set to 600.. in the sim its max 200. No noticable fps loss.


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2022, 11:56:21 pm »
You can change the VR object lod setting in the user.cfg file. I have it set to 600.. in the sim its max 200. No noticable fps loss.

Wow, that's very useful! Will definitely give it a try. Not fully sure though what parameter it is I want to modify, is it this one marked below?

Richard Åsberg


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2022, 06:37:26 pm »
Yes put in value of 6.000000 or 7.000000


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2022, 07:11:31 pm »
Just tried this and was happy to see using 3 was good enough too see all the bags in VR.

Absolutely brilliant, many thanks again for this great tip!!
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2022, 10:11:06 pm »
You can change the VR object lod setting in the user.cfg file. I have it set to 600.. in the sim its max 200. No noticable fps loss.

Very good suggestion.


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2022, 10:16:55 pm »
You can change the VR object lod setting in the user.cfg file. I have it set to 600.. in the sim its max 200. No noticable fps loss.

Very good suggestion.


Maybe something worth adding to the documentation. Especially for VR players such as myself.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2022, 07:46:08 pm »
A follow-up question on this one Umberto, what is the reason you can for instance see passengers at a very long distance without them disappearing? While the bags on the carts seem to disappear very easily depending on the distance and viewing angle?

Is it because you're using different LOD for passengers vs bags?
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2022, 10:27:34 am »
It's LOD optimization. Displaying up to 66 bags ( 11 per cart, 3 carts per train, 2 wagons visible at the same time ) attached in motion without affecting fps is not trivial, so they only show when you get a bit closer.

You can change this with the Objects LOD Slider.
Another more elegant solution to my view, would be to exclude the "open" version of these little carts and only include the cart version which is fully closed, so you cannot see these carts are empty, when they come.

Personally, I vote for an option which let me chose "closed cart only".

Umberto, maybe you have a ".INI" tweak to give to us, similar to the one you gave to us, to solve the Fenix break too hot problem on pushback ? This would be really nice ! Thanks in forward if you can give this to us !


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2022, 03:47:59 pm »
Umberto, maybe you have a ".INI" tweak to give to us, similar to the one you gave to us, to solve the Fenix break too hot problem on pushback ? This would be really nice ! Thanks in forward if you can give this to us !

Not sure what you mean with that. No .INI or GSX code or settings could possibly prevent that.

Only Fenix could possibly prevent their own Hot brakes simulation to kick in, by checking if GSX is pushing and stop detecting for the condition to create an Hot brakes situation to happen. Which I understand is exactly what they have in the current version of the airplane.

As far as I know, it sometimes still happens, but only if FSRealistic is used and the "Ambient wind" function is enabled.


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Re: Why are loading carts without luggage
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2022, 11:02:01 am »
Did-you forget this ?,27994.msg183337.html#msg183337

Here you gave the trick to avoid the hot brake problem with the Fenix I still use today, because ONLY the tug with the yellow bar cause the problem.

But in fact, this wasn't my main question. It was just a reminder of this nice trick you gave to us and I was wonder if they would be a similar kind of trick, to force, as I said, "Closed cart type only", so you don't even need to add an optional setup for that, as I proposed too !

Hope all is clear now !