I used this method from RDPreset LIRN, who had double stands. Nevertheless, when I open the airport config, it still points to the defualt airport in the "Official" folder 
These are two entirely different issues that don't have anything to do with each other.
If you disable the airport replacement in GSX config, you will NOT have double stands, that's for sure. Fact you see the default airport in the GSX editor doesn't have anything to do with which sceneries (or jetways) are displayed in the sim, only which data GSX will use for its services. It's a separate problem that is supposed to be fixed by the offline installer, at least the most common issues discussed there. If that doesn't fix it, please open a new thread with a specific title, because it's not related to this one, which is the "duplicate stands" issue caused by not having excluded an airport from jetway replacement in the Config panel.
Jetways are not created by GSX in any case, they are created by the simulator itself, depending which scenery packages are active and which ones adds jetways and parking stands, nothing in the GSX program itself can affect this, the .BGL it's either active in the sim or its not.
The only thing the Config utility does, is to move back and forth the relevant .BGL for a specific airport from its main "Enabled" folder here:
Addon Manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways\scenery\FSDT_WorldOfJetways
To the "Disabled" folder here:
Addon Manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways_BACKUP\scenery\FSDT_WorldOfJetways
- If a jetway replacement for an airport is in the "Enabled" folder, it WILL be seen by the sim and, if you have a 3rd party add-on for that airport, it's very likely you'll have double stands, that's why you are supposed to disable it.
- If a jetway replacement for an airport is in the "Disabled" folder, it WILL NOT be seen by the sim, no question about it.
You could even do it yourself if you want, the only extra value of the "Exclude 3rd party" button is that will automatically search your installed files for airports that might need to be Disabled but, other than that, it doesn't do anything special other than moving .BGLs from the Disabled to the Enabled folder and vice-versa.
It should go without saying, since any changes to the active scenery library requires an MSFS restart, any changes you do to these folder requires restarting the sim, nothing will change visually until the next restart.