Good morning

As it was described in an other topic I have the problem with the Maddog 80. Releasing Parking Brake is working but it is allways said: Release Parking Brake!
Another strange problem: I was in Prague LKPR (3rd party but no Marketplace) with the Maddog and at the whole airport there are only 2 suitable parking slots available and they have Jetways. Ok, so moved to one of that position, operated the Jetways and wanted to start boarding after connecting the Jetway to the plane: the Jetway was disconnecting, nobody entered the plane.
I started at the parking slot 51 which is large enough but where no service is possible (as the slot is not big enough) so I tried to edit this place but I can't. 51 is not listed. So I tried editing 50 or 52 because this is listed but after confirming that I was moved to a completely other point at the airport and not the side next to me.
Are some places not recognized in the database of GSX? Because the MD80 is not that big that there are only 2 suitable parking slots existing and when editing the other ones I can't even find them in the chosing section... In my community folder there are only the linked 3rd party products as I'm using the Addon-Linker (I have to because of the size of my SSD where the community folder is existing). Is that a problem for GSX reading the information it needs?
Thank you very much in advance